After a GLPI upgrade from version 9.2 to 10.0, the REST API does not seem to return the domain associated to the computers anymore.
Extract of an API call with GLPI REST API 9.2 :
> curl https://<url>/apirest.php/Computer/
"id": 9675,
"name": "MY-COMPUTER",
"domains_id": 8,
"links": [
"rel": "Domain",
"href": ""
Extract of an API call with GLPI REST API 10.0 :
> curl https://<url>/apirest.php/Computer/
"id": 9675,
"name": "MY-COMPUTER",
"links": [
(...) <<<< no 'rel': 'Domain' entry
I am aware that the "domain" field that was shown in the computer tab is now available under the domain tab, due to a change in database structure (there was a N-1 relationship between computers and domains, and it's now a N-N relationship).
I've checked that the domains are still associated with computers after the migration.
Is there a way to get the domains associated to a computer with GLPI REST API ?
Answer to my own question : The solution is to fetch the Domain_Item endpoint :
> curl https://<url>/apirest.php/Domain_Item/
{'id': 1,
'domains_id': 8,
'items_id': 8316,
'itemtype': 'Computer',
'domainrelations_id': 0,
'links': [
{'rel': 'Domain', 'href': 'https://url/apirest.php/Domain/8'},
{'rel': 'Computer', 'href':'https://url/apirest.php/Computer/8316'}
(it may be a good idea to filter on 'itemtype':'Computer' too)
I'm using the Xero API to do some integration and I'm using the accounts get feature to return a list of accounts. I'd like to join this to some of the reports, for example the profit and loss report which would allow me to then group the accounts returned by type. All looks good, other than some accounts have an extra "groupID" attribute. When an account has this extra attribute, the "account" attribute that usually contains a GUID which I can link to reports now contains what could be a GUID, only without the dashes, and doesn't link to any other report.
For example, this is an account that all works correctly...
"RowType": "Row",
"Cells": [
"Value": "General Expenses",
"Attributes": [
"Value": "8d631f87-7304-401f-a7cd-d1d42c1b458a",
"Id": "account"
"Value": "179.07",
"Attributes": [
"Value": "8d631f87-7304-401f-a7cd-d1d42c1b458a",
"Id": "account"
This one doesn't, and the GUID isn't formatted as a GUID anymore...
"RowType": "Row",
"Cells": [
"Value": "Directors' Remuneration",
"Attributes": [
"Value": "a02584cbb64e4c109b4355b292da0de5",
"Id": "account"
"Value": "a02584cbb64e4c109b4355b292da0de5",
"Id": "groupID"
"Value": "55737.84",
"Attributes": [
"Value": "a02584cbb64e4c109b4355b292da0de5",
"Id": "account"
"Value": "a02584cbb64e4c109b4355b292da0de5",
"Id": "groupID"
Any idea what would cause that? Is there a way I can list "grouped" accounts?
Thanks in advance.
At the moment, there is no current way to get the accountIDs in the Reports endpoints for accounts that have been grouped together.
But, there are 2 ways you can get that in the response. In the API request, if you send 'standardLayout=true', then that'll give you back the accountIDs.
Or on the Web app, in P&L edit layout mode, if you uncheck the 'Show Summary Only' box for the group of those accounts, that'll also work the same way and you should be able to see the accountIDs in the API response.
I believe that is due to the org having multi-currency for that account.
However I don't see much other documentation related to how to lookup the account from that. I will update this answer If I can find anything else out internally.
Multi-Currency System Accounts - FXGROUPID
For organisations in most regions, the standard layout of the profit and loss report will group multi currency system accounts into a single line with a Value of FXGROUPID (instead of an AccountID).
This is not the case for US organisations and Australian demo companies. Multi-currency system accounts will be displayed seperately with their respective AccountIDs.
Multi currency support could be seen here:
I think you can also just query the currencies endpoint to find out if an org may support mutiple.
I have a ML table with the following attributes
I tried using BigQuery ML Inspection API
ML.TRAINING_INFO(MODEL `partitionTables.sample_model`)
but none provide in a clear way the desired Model type and Training options information, for example: Model Type or Loss Type
Any ideas on how I can resolve this
All Model's Info that you see in UI used to be available in Tables.get API till end 2018. It is not a case since early 2019 and from what I know BigQuery Team is working on BigQuery Models API which will allow to get this type of info. I hope someone from BigQuery Team can provide link for alpha of this project (or beta if it is in beta already) - if not you can contact support to get into
Looks like this API is already available - you can check it at
If you run below API
you will get response with expected details
- Show headers -
"etag": "DJnL9iOElEx0e+GH/lX4uA==",
"modelReference": {
"projectId": "cloud-training-demos",
"datasetId": "flights",
"modelId": "ontime"
"creationTime": "1528900048363",
"lastModifiedTime": "1528901292504",
"trainingRuns": [
"trainingOptions": {
"maxIterations": "20",
"lossType": "MEAN_LOG_LOSS",
"learnRate": 0.1,
"l1Regularization": 0,
"l2Regularization": 0,
"minRelativeProgress": 0.01,
"warmStart": false,
"earlyStop": true,
"learnRateStrategy": "LINE_SEARCH"
"results": [
"evaluationMetrics": {
"startTime": "2018-06-13T14:24:22.620Z"
"featureColumns": [
"labelColumns": [
I recently went through the tutorial for load balancing apps in DCOS using marathon-lb (in the example they balance some nginx containers: I am trying to use this approach to internally load balance my own custom application. The custom app I am using is a play scala app. I have the internal marathon-lb set up and can successfully use it for the nginx container but when I try to use my own docker image I cannot get this to work. I start up my service with my custom image and I can access the service fine by using the IP and port that gets assigned to it (i.e. if the service gets deployed on and is available on port 1234 then curl works as expected and I can also make my api calls as defined in my application routes). However, when I try to access the app through the load balancer (curl -i http://marathon-lb-internal.marathon.mesos:10002, where 10002 is the service port) then I get this message:
HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html
<html><body><h1>503 Service Unavailable</h1>
No server is available to handle this request.
For reference, here is my json file I'm using to start my custom service:
"id": "my-app",
"container": {
"type": "DOCKER",
"docker": {
"image": "my_repo/my_image:1.0.0",
"network": "BRIDGE",
"portMappings": [
{ "hostPort": 0, "containerPort": 9000, "servicePort": 10002, "protocol": "tcp" }
"parameters": [
{ "key": "env", "value": "USER_NAME=user" },
{ "key": "env", "value": "USER_PASSWORD=password" }
"forcePullImage": true
"instances": 1,
"cpus": 1,
"mem": 1000,
"healthChecks": [{
"protocol": "HTTP",
"path": "/v1/health",
"portIndex": 0,
"timeoutSeconds": 10,
"gracePeriodSeconds": 10,
"intervalSeconds": 2,
"maxConsecutiveFailures": 10
"uris": [ "" ]
I had the same problem and found the solution here
marathon-lb health check failing on all containers
Need to add
"HAPROXY_0_BACKEND_HTTP_HEALTHCHECK_OPTIONS": " http-send-name-header Host\n timeout check {healthCheckTimeoutSeconds}s\n"
To your config so that the REST layer doesn't bark on the health check from marathon
I am using JIRA REST API for querying issues with below jql
jql=project =SLUB and "Agile Team" in ("Iris (B2C)")&fieldsByKeys=true&fields=status&maxResults=1
I am getting api response as
"expand": "names,schema",
"startAt": 0,
"maxResults": 1,
"total": 1172,
"issues": [
"expand": "operations,versionedRepresentations,editmeta,changelog,renderedFields",
"id": "35988",
"self": "",
"key": "SLUB-7071",
"fields": {
"status": {
"self": "",
"description": "",
"iconUrl": "",
"name": "To Do",
"id": "10200",
"statusCategory": {
"self": "",
"id": 2,
"key": "new",
"colorName": "blue-gray",
"name": "To Do"
How can I only fetch status name instead of complete status resource. Please suggest.
Check This .
The fields param (which can be specified multiple times) gives a comma-separated list of fields to include in the response. This can be used to retrieve a subset of fields. A particular field can be excluded by prefixing it with a minus.
By default, only navigable (*navigable) fields are returned in this search resource. Note: the default is different in the get-issue resource -- the default there all fields (*all).
*all - include all fields
*navigable - include just navigable fields summary,comment - include just the summary and comments
-description - include navigable fields except the description (the default is *navigable for search)
*all,-comment - include everything except comments
Copied From Here.
I am working with XBMC. I have installed XBMC in my system(Windows 7, 32 bit). Xbmc is working fine in my system. I have developed an application in order to control the Xbmc remotely from Ipad. In order to retrieve the music files or video files from Xbmc, I am unable to. By searching the forums of xbmc, I found that we can write an sql query to get them out. But, the thing is I am unable to make out where the database is located in my system. Someone help me out where I can find it.
The database itself
By default the location of the database is that described on the wiki page XBMC databases
but the actual location can be changed by the user, or a different database technology can be used entirely.
The settings that would affect this are located in advancedsettings.xml.
But in general it is advised by the XBMC developers to never access the database directly.
In order to help with interacting with the database XBMC has supported the JSONRPC queries, the one downside of these is that XBMC needs to be running at the time to respond to these queries. The major advantage is that it XBMC will find the database for you and expose access to it with a common interface.
JSONRPC support was first added to XBMC in "Darhma" (v10), became really useful in "Eden" (v11) and will support almost everything possible in "Frodo" (v12). Information about the use of JSONRPC can be found in the wiki.
An example
In this example I'm assuming that you are targeting "Eden", the current stable release of XBMC. Also I have formatted the following with new lines, these are not required and are not present in the response from XBMC.
If you were to use JSONRPC the request you would need to send would look something like:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "VideoLibrary.GetMovies",
"params": {
"properties": [
"limits": {
"start": 0,
"end": 2
"id": 1
Note: If you wanted different information about each movie you could use other properties listed here.
*Note: You probably want to omit the "limits" part to get all movies.*
The response to this would be something like:
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"limits": {
"end": 2,
"start": 0,
"total": 47
"movies": [
"label": "Label for movie",
"movieid": 1,
"title": "Title of movie",
"year": 2012
"label": "Label for another movie",
"movieid": 2,
"title": "Title of another movie",
"year": 2010
"label": "Label for a third movie",
"movieid": 3,
"title": "Title of a third movie",
"year": 2012
What to do now?
You have a choice at this point, you can either:
Add "file" to the list of properties, this will return the "file" property, the location of the video file.
Use JSONRPC to tell xbmc to play a movie.
Using this method is best when you don't want to play the file locally (on the iPad) but instead on XBMC.
Playing a movie on XBMC via JSONRPC
This is quite simple, use the "movieid" you received earlier in the following request:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "Player.Open",
"params": {
"item": {
"movieid": 2
"id": 1
Lastly I would note that there are equivalent commands for TV episodes as shown for movies.