PhpStorm HTTP Client how can I get the actual request body after substituting dynamic variables? - intellij-idea

When I use PhpStorm HTTP Client to send requests, I can see the full response body auto-saved to a file, and I can display or copy it.
My question is, how do I get the actual request body (like the response) after substituting dynamic variables?
I'm using PhpStorm v2022.2.4 , with HTTP Client plugin v. v222.4459.28

I'm using PhpStorm v2022.2.4 , with HTTP Client plugin v. v222.4459.28
The functionality you are after was implemented just recently (see the tickets below) and should be available in just released 2022.3 version. Please upgrade your PhpStorm to the latest 2022.3 version and check it there.
Recently implemented tickets with related functionality:


log4shell POC : no HTTP redirect

I am trying to understand/reproduce Log4shell vulnerability, using this poc and also information from Marshalsec.
To do that, I've downloaded Ghidra v10.0.4, which is said (on Ghidra download page) to be vulnerable to log4shell. Installed it on an ubuntu VM, along with java 1.8 (as stated in POC), and loaded the Poc + marshalsec snapshot.
Tried to start Ghidra, it said java 11 was needed, so although I've installed java 1.8 I still downloaded java 11 and, when you start ghidra, it says the installed version is not good enough and ask for the path to a java11 version; so I just gave him path to the jdk11 directory and it seems happy with it. Ghidra starts alright.
Then set up my listener and launched the poc, got the payload string to copy/paste in ghidra, and got a response in the ldap listener saying it'll send it to HTTP. But nothing more. The end.
Since the HTTP server is set up by the same POC, I thought maybe I just couldn't see the redirection, so I started the http server myself, started the ldap server myself with marshalsec, and retried (see pics below for exact commands/outputs).
Setting http server:
Set listener:
Setting LDAP server:
Send payload string in Ghidra (in the help/search part, as shown in kozmer POC); immediately got an answer:
I still receive a response on the LDAP listener (two, in fact, which seems weird), but nothing on the HTTP. The the Exploit class is never loaded in ghidra (it directly sends me a pop-up saying search not found, I think it is supposed to wait for the server answer to do that?), and I get nothing back in my listener.
Note that I don't really understand this Marshalsec/LDAP thing so I'm not sure what's happening here. If anyone have time to explain it will be nice. I've read lot of stuff about the vuln but it rarely goes deeply into details (most is like: the payload string send a request to LDAP server, which redirect to HTTP server, which will upload the Exploit class on the vulnerable app and gives you a shell).
Note: I've checked, the http server is up and accessible, the Exploit.class file is here and can be downloaded.
Solved it.
Turned out for log4shell to work you need a vulnerable app and a vulnerable version of Java; which I thought I had, but nope. I had Java 11.0.15, and needed Java 11 (Ghidra need Java 11 minimum, only vulnerable version of Java 11 is the first one).
Downloaded and installed Java 11, POC working perfectly.

Getting some wrong string in arabic language only when using in android

I want to show لديك طلب جديد لخدمة إطار ${requestId} string but getting "J*E H69 916 ,/J/ EF B(D 'DH14) D7D(C B547730" string from
using version 0.8.3.
It's an issue with the client.
Upgrade both your client and server to the latest versions.
You see the problem is not from the server but rather the old client of yours (i believe the old engine has issues with Arabic) , proof of this is that if you listened in the middle through a web client Arabic text will be received correctly, but on the android client it will be deformed.
But you see upgrading the client to the latest version will require you to update your server as well, check the compatibility section on the link below.

Microsoft Bot Composer Send an HTTP request does not accept variable as Url input

Bot Composer version: 4.7.0-preview-191208-1
fresh project
yarn command triggered as in docs
Latest Chrome and Edge (chromium) stable version on Windows 10 Pro
The 'Send an HTTP request' Url field no longer seems to accept a variable as input for me. For example:
The validation seems OK:
Where the getmyurl looks something like (it's not an escaping issue, I tried multiple values here with and without quotes etc...):
# getmyurl()
- just-a-test-string-to-see-if-this-throws-an-invalid-url-exception
The response in the 'Bot Framework Emulator' always gives the message:
BuildQnaAnwserUrl does not have an evaluator, it's not a built-in function or a custom function.
This used to work for me with an older version of the Composer (where the prefix was still an #). Is anyone else having this, is my syntax incorrect somehow?
You can save the Url in a variable at start of conversation. eg. Set a property -> user.Url : urlString. In http method Url field -> Pass it as ${user.Url}. The scope of variable can be defined as per requirement (user/conversation/dialog/turn)
Send an HTTP request

How to write commit message to svn repository

I am using Apache Jackrabbit Webdav library for svn checkin operation.
I am using MAKActivity method to start the transaction.
But I dont know how to add commit message. Following is the code
RandomStringGenerator rsg = new RandomStringGenerator(32);
String random = rsg.nextString();
String url = getRepoAddress() + "!svn/act/" + random;
MkActivityMethod activityMethod = null;
activityMethod = new MkActivityMethod(url);
catch(Exception e)
This code executes successfully but I dont unserstand how to write log message in this.
Any help will be appreciable.
First of all I'd suggest that you not reinvent the wheel that's already been done twice now and instead using a library that knows Subversion's DAV based protocol. Note that while Subversion is mostly WebDAV and DeltaV compatible, it does have non-standard extensions.
To that end I'd point you to JavaHL or SVNKit. JavaHL comes with Subversion and uses JNI to access the Subversion libraries. SVNKit is an independent Java only implementation and includes a couple different interfaces, including one that is JavaHL compatible. If the use of the native libraries by JavaHL doesn't present a problem for you I'd recommend this since you'll have the benefit of using the same libraries as nearly every Subversion client.
If however your goal is to understand how Subversion implements the protocol on top of WebDAV and DeltaV then perhaps you want to just use a generic WebDAV and DeltaV client library to help. I'd recommend that you refer to these documents that describe how WebDAV and DeltaV are implemented within Subversion.
One thing you might want to understand is that as of Subversion 1.7 we support what we refer to as HTTPv2. HTTPv2 varies somewhat from the DeltaV standard in particular. Instead of using MKACTIVITY to start a transaction on the server we use a POST. Which has a body with a syntax something like this:
( create-txn-with-props (PROPNAME PROPVAL [PROPNAME PROPVAL ...])
The older style which you must use with MKACTIVITY (and can use with the POST if you use create-txn instead of create-txn-with-props) is to use a PROPPATCH on the transaction or the working baseline URL.
The working baseline URL is used with MKACTIVITY and the transaction URL is used with the POST.
When using MKACTIVITY you have to use a PROPFIND on the root URL to get the version-controlled-configuration. Then do a CHECKOUT against the URL you received in response to that PROPFIND providing the activity-set href as the URL you used with MKACTIVITY. You'll get the working baseline URL back as the Location header from the CHECKOUT request. Which you can then use to issue a PROPPATCH to apply the revision properties.
When using POST, you get the transaction stub from the headers in the OPTIONS request response, the transaction name from the SVN-Txn-Name header in the response to the POST, and execute a PROPPATCH against the $transaction_stub/$transaction_name URL.
Probably the best ways to figure all this out is to setup a Subversion server and do some commits while running Subversion through a debugging proxy server such as Charles. You can force the traffic through the proxy on the svn command line with these options --config-option servers:global:http-proxy-port=8888 --config-option servers:global:http-proxy-host= If you want to see the old protocol you can include SVNAdvertiseV2Protocol off in your http configuration.
In order to support the broadest range of Subversion servers you need to implement the HTTPv1 protocol, which has more round trips and is more difficult to implement. If you want to only implement HTTPv2 you'll be limited to supporting Subversion servers newer than 1.7. In order to use HTTPv2 with maximum compatibility you'll have to detect the presence from the OPTIONS response.
As you can see it gets rather complicated so it's really not worth trying to write your own client if all you want to do is implement some basic functionality.
So you are trying to do a SVN commit using WebDAV via the SVNAutoversioning on directive?
AFAIK, the spec does not allow you to provide a commit message and the server will always create one for you. Perhaps you want to look at the SVNKit library if you are trying to create SVN transactions via Java.

$_POST undefined from remote server POST

I am writing a Drupal 7 module which is listening for HTTP POST messages to be sent by a 3rd party remote application. For testing I am sending messages using the Firefox Poster extension.
If I POST the message, the following code fails to place any value in my local vars (I get 'undefined index'):
$transId = urldecode($_POST['c2s_transaction_id']);
However, if I send the message using GET, the vars get populated fine with the following code:
$transId = urldecode($_REQUEST['c2s_transaction_id']);
This is true on both my local WAMP setup and on a shared hosting package.
I have never worked with HTTP POST messages before and have no idea where the problem might be. Could it be Drupal, the web server, or my code? Can anyone suggest how I might resolve this?
Many thanks,
Drupal removes the $_POST/$_GET in the system, just use $_REQUEST instead.