Disable the edge sidebar using Capabilities and EdgeOptions - testing

All I want to know how I can disable edge sidebar using Edge capability.
so i can use it in automation.
I am aware about two different ways to it mentioned below.
Using .send_keys Shift + Ctrl + /
From registry Editor
Open Registry Editor by typing regedit in the Run prompt and pressing the Enter key.
Navigate to the following path:
Right-click on the right section, and choose to create a DWORD with the name as HubsSidebarEnabled
Set the value as 0x00000000 to disable it.
But i want to do it using Capabilities and EdgeOptions..
Attaching image of sidebar in edge
Please mention if any solution on this...
Edge version - Version 107.0.1418.62 (Official build) (64-bit)
OS - win10

EdgeOptions, Capabilities
Solution on C#
var options = new EdgeOptions();
Solution on Ruby
edge: {
browser_opts: {args: %w( --disable-features=msHubApps),}
Resource - https://github.com/MicrosoftEdge/EdgeWebDriver/issues/61

I searched a lot including some official documents: Capabilities and EdgeOptions, Browser Options, Capabilities, but didn't find such Capabilities/EdgeOptions.
I think we can't disable Edge sidebar using Edge capability for now. I suggest that you can provide feedback to Edge WebDriver team to help improve the product. Thanks for your understading.

I'll also add that another possibility would be to disable it with prefs.
Java :
Map<String, Object> lPrefs = new HashMap<>();
// Disable Hub Apps Tower
lPrefs.put("browser.show_hub_apps_tower", false);
edgeOptions.setExperimentalOption("prefs", lPrefs);
I find it pretty easy to do like that as I also edit a bunch of other features putting them in my HashMap.
You can find all available preferences using edge://prefs-internals/. Tinkering with this can be very powerful as you can basically find anything that you would need.


How Can I set chrome browser to automatically download a pdf using QAF and WebDriverManager

Using a datasheet, I usually pass a browser name into a class I created to select which browser I want to run my tests from. Recently, I've been working on an app in which I need to download a PDF and then verify its contents. I have everything working successfully other than downloading the PDF. With WebDriverManager, it creates a browser profile every time a test runs, and so, I need to update chromeOptions to download PDFs automatically before at the start of the script.
Here is the code that I already have. I just need help with what to put in the prefs for this to work. -
public static void selectBrowser(String strBrowser) {
switch (strBrowser) {
case "Chrome":
String chromePrefs = "{'goog:chromeOptions':{'prefs':{'profile.default_content_settings.popups':0}}}";
ConfigurationManager.getBundle().setProperty("chrome.additional.capabilities", chromePrefs);
Reporter.log("Chrome Browser was set", MessageTypes.Info);
After researching for hours, finally found that I needed to use the plugins.always_open_pdf_externally preference. Here is the code for anyone who might need it.
Note, the "goog:" before chromeOptions is necessary since I have WebDriverManager enabled. With 3rd party driver managers, we need to put "goog:" before chromeOptions for it to work.
You can simply put it in the application.properties like this -
or you can put it in the code I have up top like this
String chromePrefs = "{'goog:chromeOptions':{'args':[],'prefs':{\"plugins.always_open_pdf_externally\":true}}}";

What is the difference between Selenium core extensions and Selenium IDE extensions?

I know that for using my js file I must use Selenium Core extension but I cannot understand what Selenium IDE Extension field is for?
Thanks in advance.
Selenium extensions provide a way to add more functionality/feature to Selenium as per your requirements. This is also known as Selenium User-Extensions and Selenium Custom-Extensions.
The concept is pretty simple, extend Selenium by adding your own actions, assertions and locator-strategies. Add JavaScript methods to the Selenium object prototype and the PageBot object prototype. On startup, Selenium will automatically look through methods on these prototypes, using name patterns to recognize which ones are actions, assertions and locators.
User-Extensions can be used with Selenium IDE (see this) and Selenium RC (see this).
Do not get confused with different names. Same concept is getting used at different places, differently.
"Selenium IDE Extensions" is mainly used to extend the recording behavior of Selenium IDE.
To use the extensions
Copy the extension code into a new .js file. You can place it
anywhere on your disk.
Open Options - Options... in the menu bar.
Choose the saved file in "Selenium IDE extensions" field and click OK.
Restart Selenium IDE by closing the window and opening it again.
By default, Selenium IDE only records click events on certain types of elements (e.g. , , ...).
You can record any click events occured in a page by putting the following code as Selenium IDE extension.
Recorder.addEventHandler('clickLocator', 'click', function(event) {
if (event.button == 0) {
this.clickLocator = this.findLocator(event.target);
}, { capture: true });

Selenium: Can't SendKeys() to an item that was below the visible window but was made visible by Click()

I have this problem with a text field that is visible at the time of the SendKeys. I'm using IEDriverServer.exe and C#.
Here's how I can reproduce the problem:
The text field in question is visible in the window but you have to scroll down to see it. To scroll down I click on the element using code like this:
var element = driver.FindElement(By.Xpath("…"));
This scrolls the window down and makes the text field visible.
But when I try to send text to now-visible window:
I get the exception:
When_applicant_enters_application.Should_be_instantly_approved_on_external threw exception: OpenQA.Selenium.ElementNotVisibleException: Element is not displayed
How can I fix or workaround this problem?
Selenium version: 2.32.1
OS: Windows 7
Browser: IE
Browser version: 9.0.15
I've written code demonstrating the problem and submitted it to the Selenium tech support volunteers.
The full discussion is at http://code.google.com/p/selenium/issues/detail?id=5620
but the take-home is:
// Doesn't work
// driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();
// driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(#"D:\CGY\selenium\Bug5620\Bug5620\Bug5620.htm");
// Works
// driver = new FirefoxDriver();
// driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(#"D:\CGY\selenium\Bug5620\Bug5620\Bug5620.htm");
// Works
driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();
driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(#"http://localhost:8080/Bug5620/"); // Hosted on Tomcat
so there may be a problem that possibly involves IE, IE security settings, Visual Studio local servers and/or the IE Driver. This may not even be a code problem, but something that needs to be documented, since other people are apparently running into the problem.
I don't know where the problem is exactly but I do have a work-around at this point, which is to use the Firefox Driver.
Thanks for your help, Jim. If you find out a better way of dealing with the problem, please add an answer here for the other folks.

Selenium Webdriver hover not working

Selenium Webdriver 2.31.0
with Scala 2.9
Anyone know how to do a mouse hover in Firefox? I'm basically trying to hover over an element to display a tooltip.
This code fails to move the mouse over the element specified.
val webElement = webDriver.findElement(By.cssSelector(myElement.queryString))
val builder = new Actions(webDriver)
val hover = builder.moveToElement(webElement).build()
I have also tried mouse events without success (as described here WebDriver mouseOver is not working properly with selenium grid)
This is somewhat anecdotal since I don't have an exact technical explanation, but I've experienced this in the past and have remedied by upgrading Selenium.
The first thing I check is to make sure my selenium is up to date. This includes dependencies, standalone-server and browser drivers (though, in this case, not applicable as Firefox is included with Selenium).
Another possible (and more probable) cause, more directly related to Firefox, is Firefox itself. It's been my experience that a Firefox update can, from time to time, break some selenium functions, particularly hovers. I've found that either upgrading selenium, or if no update has been released, downgrading Firefox will solve the problem.
I wish I had more detailed information to give you, but I'm still learning the finer details of this situation myself. If nothing else, I hope this points you in the right direction.
Since you havn't said you got any errors,
After build().perform(), provide a wait method say, Thread.sleep() for certain amount of time, since there are posibilities where mousehover performed in fraction of seconds and it may not be possible to see the tooltip.
Makesure the locator is correct (because you may point to someother locator which doesn't show up any tooltip)
Makesure you firefox supports the mousehover functionality
The code might resemble as same as your's, but give it a try(JAVA),
Actions builder = new Actions(driver);
WebElement we = driver.findElement(locator);
Actions perf= builder.moveToElement(we).build();
You can look out the link for your ref : #firefox issue
As your issue is in Firefox, you may need to enable Native Events with webdriver, specifically
FirefoxProfile profile = new FirefoxProfile();
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(profile);
I've had to do this to get drag and drop working in Firefox on Unix, although it worked with the same code on a Windows box.

How do I interact with a popup window with Mink, Selenium 2, and Behat?

I am running through an internal site with Behat and for the most part it is going really well. But the problem is that on certain parts of the site we have popup windows that come up to complete an action. In this case we hit a "Withdraw" button and a popup comes up to have you select a reason and save it.
In an ideal world, and if I had actually designed this app, the site wouldn't be using any popup windows. But I am the new guy who is supposed to implement automated functional tests (and I am learning how to do that from the ground up). So I don't really have any say over the site design at this point (though I will push for a lot of changes as time goes by).
I am running Behat with Mink and the Selenium 2 driver on an Ubuntu 12.10 system (will eventually have to run some tests on a Windows environment for testing in IE). I am also using PhantomJS for some of the tests I have setup.
Anyway, does Behat/Mink support working with popup windows somehow through the Selenium 2 driver (or through PhantomJS)? I am early in all of this automation setup and really I am just experimenting with tools. If there is a better tool that can handle this then please let me know.
My primary question is how do I get Behat/Mink to work with the popup window, check a box, fill in a field, and click the save button? I know how to do everything except get it to interact directly with the newly popped up window. Any ideas/suggestions would be welcome.
So it turns out that Mink includes some window switching features, but no way to identify said windows. So I wrote two functions getWindowName() and getWindowNames() that identify the current window and all open windows respectively. I committed these changes to the project in GitHub it seems that my fixes will get implemented soon into the code base.
But with these changes I am able to switch windows no problem.
Link: https://github.com/Behat/Mink/pull/341
By setting the focus of the window we can also name these windows so we can access them again in the future.
Using this method we can easily switch between popup windows and continue testing...
* #Then I switch to popup :name
* #param $name
public function iSwitchToPopup($name)
* #Then I set main window name
public function iSetMainWindowName()
$window_name = 'main_window';
$script = 'window.name = "' . $window_name . '"';
* #Then I switch back to main window
public function iSwitchBackToMainWindow()