OLAP Data Warehouse - composite primary key as multiple or single fields - sql

I'm building a data warehouse, and the data is of a quality where 8 fields may be required to uniquely identify a record, and this applies to three tables, each of which will have a few million rows of data per year. It's all 0NF.
Obviously every situation is unique, but considering that the purpose of the data warehouse is for OLAP, am I right in thinking that I would be better to create a single column to use as the primary key rather than a composite primary key of 8 separate fields? It's straightforward to concatenate the fields into an extra column as part of the ETL pipeline.
I appreciate the redundancy increases the storage requirement, and we are talking millions of rows a year, but I'm guessing it'll significantly improve query performance? And reduce memory requirements if the data is modelled in a BI tool?
Can anybody give me any general thoughts or advice on this please?
Below is some entirely made-up simulated data. I need to like the order table to the shipment table to get where the order was shipped from, for example, or maybe the order table to the shipment table to sum the quantity shipped.
I don't think normalising the tables is the way to go, as all four of the columns I'm using here would be subject to change, and only combined they form a reliable key for a unique shipment.
Because of this the data is bulk deleted/inserted based on shift date.

Those look like fact tables. In a dimensional model only dimension tables need single-column keys. Fact tables typically have compound keys made up of the dimension foreign keys that define the fact table grain.


How to structure SQL tables with one (non-composite) candidate key and all non-primary attributes?

I'm not very familiar with relational databases but here is my question.
I have some raw data that's collected as a result of a customer survey. For each customer who participated, there is only one record and that's uniquely identifiable by the CustomerId attribute. All other attributes I believe fall under the non-prime key description as no other attribute depends on another, apart from the non-composite candidate key. Also, all columns are atomic, as in, none can be split into multiple columns.
For example, the columns are like CustomerId(non-sequential), Race, Weight, Height, Salary, EducationLevel, JobFunction, NumberOfCars, NumberOfChildren, MaritalStatus, GeneralHealth, MentalHealth and I have 100+ columns like this in total.
So, as far as I understand we can't talk about any form of normalization for this kind of dataset, am I correct?
However, given the excessive number of columns, if I wanted to split this monolithic table into tables with fewer columns, ie based on some categorisation of columns like demographics, health, employment etc, is there a specific name for such a structure/approach in the literature? All the tables are still going to be using the CustomerId as their primary key.
Yes, this is part of an assignment and as part of a task, it's required to fit this dataset into a relational DB, not a document DB which I don't think would gain anything in this case anyway.
So, there is no direct question as such as I worded above but creating a table with 100+ columns doesn't feel right to me. Therefore, what I am trying to understand is how the theory approaches such blobs. Some concept names or potential ideas for further investigation would be appreciated as I even don't know how to look this up.
In relational databases using all information in a table is not a good usage.
As you mentioned groping some columns in other tables and join all tables with master table is well. In this usage you can also manage one to many, many to one and many to many relationships. Such as customers could have more than one address or phone numbers.
An other usage is making a table like customer_properities and use columns like property_type and property_value and store data by rows.
But the first usage is more effective and most common usage
customer_id property_type properity_value
1 num_of_child 3
1 age 22
1 marial_status Single

Update and delete records in the fact table

I have a fact table with five dimension tables associated to it.Typically, the fact table contains the surrogate keys of each dimension and has no business/surrogate key. I am trying to load the fact table with data resulted of the staging fact table i.e.Insert new records. However, I notice the fact table can also handle other operations such as Update or Delete on data. A conditional split was used in the SSIS Package for this purpose to check if all surrogate keys are 0 then make the new insert. My question is, Can I use the surrogate keys in terms of Update or Delete?
I made an insert on the fact table just to give an idea of how the data will look like.
The answer is yes, you can. BUT, will there be a situation where one employee sold the same product, from the same supplier, to the same customer, on the same day? Perhaps a different order on the same day? (this is based on the data you present in the question)
If all the surrogate keys together can uniquely identify a record, update fact records to your hearts content. But, if that is not the case, you could end up updating records when you do not intend to update.
I tend to include an order number in the fact tables I design to help avoid that situation, but you may not have that in your actual fact tables. Including the order number is a pattern referred to a degenerate dimension in the fact table. I have found it to be pretty handy.
Anyway, the answer is the same. You can update fact records based on surrogate keys, as long as all of them together can uniquely identify the row(s) you want to update.
Don't throw caution to the wind, be sure your data warehouse is designed such that you can do this if you need to. Being able to do in place updates of facts can be nice, versus delete and replace, in that there could be fewer steps in the ETL process.

SSAS - Dimension and Fact tables historical data - Mapping fact table with dimension table

i have designed places related warehouse tables - DimPlaces, FactPlaces, DimGeography. It is straightforward design if you see. All the locations is in DimPlaces (Addrline1, Addrline2,placename,etc) and geography hierarchy is in DimGeography (City, State, Country, PostCode). FactPlaces is table which has got foriegn keys to DimPlaces and DimGeography.
I would like to maintain historical data as there are chances that places names or their properties might change and at the same time if the location of a place changes then geographic hierarchy key changes.
I have found design pattern -
Another useful design pattern is to add the durable account key to the fact table in addition to the dimension’s surrogate key. This joins back to the current rows in the dimension to make it easier to report all of history by the current dimension attributes.
Could you please suggest is this OK to follow this solution? If yes, do i need to use KEY of type UNIQUEIDENTIFIER for a unique value?
Another question on this - I have employees data (DimEmployee and FactEmployee). Each employee is associated with the places where he works. How to connect These EMPLOYEE TABLES with the PLACES TABLES. Do I need to connect FACTEMPLOYEE WITH FACTPLACES?
I think in the first instance, they're referring to business keys? So if your dimension table has two rows, surrogate key 1 & 2, but they both refer to the same thing, so both have AccountId/ProductId/WhateverId of 1, then you will have some fact table rows with surrogate key 1 and business key 1, and later ones with surrogate key 2 and business key 1.
Uniqueidentifiers are very wide, try and avoid using them on fact tables and for joins if possible.
For your last question - That's really more a reporting thing. Do you need to do that? Is that what people need to see, do they need to slice by that? You could consider a referenced dimension - Where the places table links to the fact tables via a placeId on the employees dimension. Or, you could have a factemployees table with start and stop dates. It depends on what you need to achieve.

A single table that represents multiple tables

I have a problem with finding a way to represent multiple tables hash tables into a single table.
Say I have 3 tables with the format:
Table1_PK1,Table1_PK2,Table1_PK3... are columns and they might have different datatypes (VARCHAR, INT or DATETIME ...).
My question is if there is a way to create a single table (fixed number of columns) that can represent all of these 3 tables (may be more in practical).
I am trying to do this for my database tool. Each table actual a table which contains primary keys and a hash data associating with them.
Since you're apparently building a database tool, not a database, it might make more sense to do this in application code rather than in a database table.
In a different answer, you commented
I am still looking for a dynamic way to do it without knowing how many primary keys a table can have.
A table can have only one primary key. That primary key can consist of more than one column, though. (You already knew this; you were just using the wrong words, which might confuse others.)
A table can also have an arbitrary number of other keys, which will be either declared (as NOT NULL UNIQUE) or "undeclared" (by creating an index that guarantees uniqueness over a set of columns).
You can look all that stuff up at run time in one or both of two ways. (Links go to documentation for PostgreSQL.)
System tables, sometimes called system catalogs
information_schema views
As far as I know, all modern SQL platforms implement at least one of these interfaces. The information_schema views are covered in the SQL standards, but there seems to be some room for interpretation. They don't look quite the same on all platforms.
Why combine the 3 tables into one? Would be really bad db design. But here's a way to do it:
The one table will have a column for each of the 3 tables' columns you want in the final table. I am making the assumption that TableX_Hash is the same type, so that remains as one unique column:
Table_All_in_One (
# space just for clarity of grouping
TableX_Hash # Assuming all the _Hash'es are the same type+length,
# otherwise, add Table1_Hash, Table2_Hash, Table3_Hash
# This can be your new primary key
The Primary Keys (PKx) are required to be non-NULL only in their own tables. For this table, they have to allow nulls. The idea is that each row of this new table will only hold the data for one of the tables. The other columns will be empty for that row. If you want to associate the row of one table with another, you can add that to the same row or add FK_Table1_Hash, FK_Table2_Hash and FK_Table3_Hash columns which will refer to the TableX_Hash value of a record.
PS: I wonder if what you are really looking for is a View and not this really bad all-in-one table.
Edit: Combining them into one "without knowing how many primary keys a table can have." as per your comment:
Store all the _PKs concatenated into one column:
Table_All_in_One (
Table1_PKx, # Concatenated PKs of Table1
Table2_PKx, # Concatenated PKs of Table2, etc.
# OR just one
TableX_PKs, # concatenate all the PK's into one VARCHAR field
# Add a pipe `|` between them optionally.
Table_Num # If using just one, then you'll need to store the table number
You will not be able to conveniently pick records based on part of their composite primary key. It will always have to be TableX_PKs = CONCAT_WS('|', Table1_PK1, Table1_PK2, ...). So your only dependency is the number of PKs in the original column.
In order to model a bunch of tables you will need 3 tables. An entity table that contains the table names of the tables you wish to set up this way called a factor or entity table. A Factor_detail table that contains all the columns and their associated properties of the tables. A table, factor_detail_value, for storing things like lookup values for lookup tables. I'm trying to learn more about this myself as well because we are using this technique at work as well. Genrate sql on the fly for any table so encoded, and store the data in a repository pertiinant to the data itself. This way if a table changes and you need to add a column or change a datatype, you can add a row to the factor detail table without affecting a database shut down in production. In most businesses a four hour shut down to make a sql data table change can cost thousands of dollars. If you are dealing with insurance for example, each additional state that you sell insurance in has different requirements for being able to seel it and that will result in table changes. We reduced our table count way down from over 700 tables in this manner also we can make changes without database shut down thus avoiding the loss in revenue.

Database Design: Alternate to composite keys?

I am building a database system and having trouble with the design of one of my tables.
In this system there is a users table, an object table, an item table and cost table.
A unique record in the cost table is determine by the user, object, item and year. However, there can be multiple records that have the same year if the item is different.
The hierarchy goes user->object->item->year, multiple unique years per item, multiple unique items per object, multiple unique objects per user, multiple unique users.
What would be the best way to design the cost table?
I am thinking of including the userid, objectid and itemid as foreign keys and then using a composite key consisting of userid, objecid, itemid and costyear. I have heard that composite keys are bad design, but I am unsure how to structure this to get away from using a composite key. As you can tell my database building skills are a bit rusty.
P.S. If it matters, this is an interbase db.
To avoid the composite key, you just define a surrogate key. This holds an artificial value, for instance an auto counter.
You still can (and should) define a unique constraint on these columns.
Btw: its not only recommended not to use composite keys, it's also recommendable to use surrogate keys. In all your tables.
Use an internally generated key field (called surrogate keys), something like CostID, that the users will never see but will uniquely identify each entry in the Cost table (in SqlServer, fields like uniqueidentifier or IDENTITY would do the trick.)
Try building your database with a composite key using exactly the columns you outlined, and see what happens. You may be pleasantly surprised. Making sure that there is no missing data in those four columns, and making sure that no two rows have the same value in all four columns will help protect the integrity of your data.
When you declare a composite primary key, the order of columns in your declaration won't affect the logical consequences of the dclaration. However the composite index that the DBMS builds for you will also have the columns in the same order, and the order of columns in a composite index does affect performance.
For queries that specify only one, two, or three of these columns, the index will be useless if the first column in the index is a column not specified in the query. If you know in advance how your queries are gonig to me, and which queries most need to run fast, this can help you declare the columns for the primary key in the right order. In rare circumstances creating two or three additional one column indexes can speed up some queries, at the cost of slowing down updates.