IntelliJ Erlang "Cannot find declaration to go to" - intellij-idea

IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2.2
Erlang plugin 0.11.1144
SDK: Erlang OTP 25, erts-13.0
Project Imported:
When I mouse over some variables, I get the message "Cannot find declaration to go to". As a result, I am unable to do a code walk-through. Please help me in resolving the issue.

The issue got resolved after configuring Content roots as explained in The ContentRoot looked as follows.


Problem building project in IntelliJ 2020.1

I'm trying to build my project but I can't.
I get this error:
Error:Cannot run program "C:\tools\jdk8.0.191\bin\java.exe" (in directory "C:\Users\"my user"\AppData\Local\JetBrains\IntelliJIdea2020.1\compile-server"): Malformed argument has embedded quote: -Djava.endorsed.dirs=\"\"
Do anyone know what to do about this? Iøm trying to build in IntelliJ 2020.1
Best Regards
It might be related to more strict command-line processing in JDK on Windows after JDK-8221858 (private) security patch see this comment for details.
Try following workaround: Help -> Edit Custom VM Options action and add the following line at the bottom of the file: -Djdk.lang.Process.allowAmbiguousCommands=true and restart IDE.

How Can I Clear A Kotlin Error in JavaFX?

I was trying to fix an error in a JavaFX program from an on-line course. In researching someone said moving a file cleared the error.
When I moved my todoItemDialog.fxml file it gave me this error even though Kotlin is not involved:
Error: Kotlin: The Kotlin standard library is not found in the module graph. Please ensure you have the 'requires kotlin.stdlib' clause in your module definition.
When I add the statement to my tab in IntelliJ Idea is gives this error:
Module not found: kotlin.stdlib
I removed the requires statement and moved the todoItemDialog.fxml file back to it's original location but I still get the Kotlin error.
How can I clear the Kotlin error without starting over from the first line of code for this project?
I encountered this same error while running JavaFX code. Simply rebuilding the project will solve the error.
Build -> Rebuild Project

Error Launching IDEA (Intellij)

When i've restarted my computer, i've tried to open Intellij and i've got this error message :
failed to create jvm error code -1
i've added "IDEA_JDK_64" and still have the issue, i can't start intellij, can someone Help Please
(NB : it's working with Eclipse actually )
I've searched and I've found this. Try to define JDK_HOME:
Setting JAVA_HOME for intelliJ?
May you set the -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize property more than 2048m. Is this property higher than 2048m you get your error message.

Meet with error when running GetStarted example of IoT DevKit

After running automated install script, I opened GetStarted example - and am getting AZ3166wifi.h, AzureIoTHub.h, DevKitMQTTClient.h and SystemTickCounter.h not found errors in VSCode "problem" tab.
"file: 'file:///c%3A/Users/alias/Documents/Arduino/generated_examples/GetStarted_1/GetStarted.ino' severity: 'Info'
message: '#include errors detected. Please update your includePath. IntelliSense features for this translation unit (c:\Users\alias\Documents\Arduino\generated_examples\GetStarted_1\GetStarted.ino) will be provided by the Tag Parser.'
at: '4,1'
source: ''"
I re-ran the automated script and had no errors. Add the additional url as directed by the manual install page. Still the same issue.
Those files exists in our Arduino AZ3166 package.
You could find them under C:\Users{your username}\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\AZ3166\hardware\stm32f4\1.2.0\cores\Arduino and C:\Users{your user name}\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\AZ3166\hardware\stm32f4\1.2.0\libraries.
It is not included in mini solution folder as when compiling the code, the compiler would auto find those files.
We are working on the fix for the Intellisense problem.

IntelliJ IDEA can't Debug because "transport library not found: dt_socket"

I change my jdk a few days ago, today I changed it back. then I find my IDEA can run but can't debug. Here are Console info:
D:\Java\64位JDK\bin\java -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=,suspend=y
FATAL ERROR in native method: JDWP No transports initialized, jvmtiError= AGENT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_LOAD(196)
ERROR: transport library not found: dt_socket
ERROR: JDWP Transport dt_socket failed to initialize, TRANSPORT_LOAD(509)
JDWP exit error AGENT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_LOAD(196): No transports initialized [debugInit.c:750]
I guess the first line is command that IDEA used, but I find dt_spcket.dll in D:\Java\64位JDK\jre\bin (64位JDK means 64-bit ) not \Java\64位JDK\bin . I don't know am I right and how to correct the path or solve the problem?
I have solved the problem with #CrazyCoder 's help , out-of-ascii path isn't the reason.When I delete the system environment variable , i find "java" command is legal in cmd, so i think there is an other java environment in my computer. Use java -verbose i find the location and delete it then problem have solved. So if you meet the same problem, check the environment first.if not work , try to reinstall the jdk :)
I found out that the problem was the diffents Java versions in the App configuration1 and the project structure2, I solved the problem by simply changing to be same.