I'm trying to get data from database but I got an error:
There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection
which must be closed first
what I did is the following codes:
1: I have a module that contains the following sub:
Public Function CheckServerConn() As Boolean
_ServerConnStr = New MySqlConnection(My.Settings.DbPath)
If _ServerConnStr.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
End If
If _ServerConnStr.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
Return True
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Check The Conn " & ex.Message, Me_MsgInfoStyle, Me_MsgCaptionStr)
Return False
End Try
#Disable Warning BC42353 ' Function doesn't return a value on all code paths
End Function
2: I have this subroutine in class called "ClsMySql":
Public Sub GetData(ByVal SqlStr As String, ByVal xDt As DataTable, ByVal xPar() As MySqlParameter)
Using xCmd As New MySqlCommand() With {
.CommandType = CommandType.Text,
.CommandText = SqlStr,
.Connection = _ServerConnStr,
.CommandTimeout = 5000000
If xPar IsNot Nothing Then
For i As Integer = 0 To xPar.Length - 1
End If
Using xDa As New MySqlDataAdapter(xCmd)
End Using
End Using
End Sub
3: I have a class for the table that have the following method:
Public Sub MySql_Get_Daf()
xClsMySql = New ClsMySql
Dim SqlStr As String = "SELECT RegID,RegType, tblregs1.`RegRef`,`RegDate`, COUNT(`RegdID`) AS xCount
,IF(COUNT(`RegdID`) =3,'Ok','Error') AS xResult FROM tblregs1
INNER JOIN tblregs2 ON tblregs2.RegRef = tblregs1.RegRef
WHERE `RegType` = 'Daf'
GROUP BY tblregs1.`RegRef`
Dt_Get_Daf = New DataTable()
xClsMySql.GetData(SqlStr, Dt_Get_Daf, Nothing)
End Sub
Public Sub MySql_Get_Qbd()
xClsMySql = New ClsMySql
Dim SqlStr As String = "SELECT RegID,RegType, tblregs1.`RegRef`,`RegDate`, COUNT(`RegdID`) AS xCount
,IF(COUNT(`RegdID`) =3,'Ok','Error') AS xResult FROM tblregs1
INNER JOIN tblregs2 ON tblregs2.RegRef = tblregs1.RegRef
WHERE `RegType` = 'Qbd'
GROUP BY tblregs1.`RegRef`
Dt_Get_Qbd = New DataTable()
xClsMySql.GetData(SqlStr, Dt_Get_Qbd, Nothing)
End Sub
Public Sub MySql_Get_All()
Dim xThread As Thread = New Thread(Sub() MySql_Get_Daf())
Dim xThread2 As Thread = New Thread(Sub() MySql_Get_Qbd())
End Sub
when I call MySql_Get_All by a button it gives me the next error:
There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection
which must be closed first
can anybody tell me what's the wrong here
I am running a RESTful API service which gets data from a server as a JSON string. Around 20000 rows are being selected.
Dim js As New JavaScriptSerializer()
Dim prodlist As List(Of Product) = js.Deserialize(Of List(Of Product))(JSONreturn)
The 20000 rows are populated in the list prodlist. Checked the count and manually verified the list.
I need to insert these rows in a client machine. However, while inserting the rows, it freezes or stops after inserting around 600-700 rows. Below is the code I am using for inserting.
For Each item As Product In prodlist
Dim SPName As String = "someSPname"
With connectionstring
.Parameters("#itemnumber", SqlDbType.VarChar, ParameterDirection.Input, , item.itemnumber
.Parameters("#itemtype", SqlDbType.VarChar, ParameterDirection.Input, , item.itemtype)
.Parameters("#DESCRIPTION", SqlDbType.VarChar, ParameterDirection.Input, , item.DESCRIPTION)
End With
No error is thrown. It just freezes after inserting roughly 600-700 rows everytime.
Bulk insert is not an option. How do I resolve this?
UPDATE : Adding connection class. Pretty sure there is no issue with this :
Public Class ConnectionClass
Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionString() As String
Return GetConfiguration()
End Get
End Property
Public Sub Parameters(ByVal param_name As String, ByVal type As SqlDbType, ByVal direction As ParameterDirection, Optional param_size As Int32 = Nothing, Optional param_value As Object = Nothing)
Dim sqlParam As SqlParameter = Nothing
sqlParam = New SqlParameter(param_name, type)
sqlParam.Size = param_size
sqlParam.Direction = direction
sqlParam.Value = param_value
If sqlParam IsNot Nothing Then
sqlParam = Nothing
End If
End Try
End Sub
Public Sub Execute(ByVal strSpName As String, Optional ByVal Type As CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure)
sqlcmd = New SqlCommand()
sqlcmd.Connection = connection
''Setting the timeout to 50 mins as setup in the previous application
sqlcmd.CommandTimeout = 3000
If transaction IsNot Nothing Then
sqlcmd.Transaction = transaction
End If
sqlcmd.CommandType = Type
sqlcmd.CommandText = strSpName
For Each argument As SqlParameter In Lstparam
For introw As Integer = 0 To sqlcmd.Parameters.Count - 1
If sqlcmd.Parameters.Item(introw).ParameterName.Contains("Parameter") Then
sqlcmd.Parameters.Item(introw).ParameterName = String.Empty
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Public Sub Clear()
End Sub
Public Sub ClearParameters()
If Not sqlcmd Is Nothing Then
Do Until sqlcmd.Parameters.Count = 0
End If
End Sub
Public Function GetConfiguration() As String
Dim sbConnectionString As New StringBuilder
With sbConnectionString
.Append("Data Source=")
.Append("Initial Catalog =")
.Append("User ID =")
.Append("Password =")
End With
Return sbConnectionString.ToString()
End Function
Public Function CreateClientConnection() As SqlConnection
Dim connectionString As String
connectionString = GetConfiguration()
Dim substrings() As String = connectionString.ToUpper.Split(";")
Dim substrings1() As String = connection.ConnectionString.ToUpper.Split(";")
If Not (connection.State = ConnectionState.Open) Then
connection.ConnectionString = connectionString
ElseIf Not (Trim(substrings(0)) = Trim(substrings1(0))) Then
If connection IsNot Nothing Then
End If
connection.ConnectionString = connectionString
End If
Return connection
Catch ex As Exception
If connection IsNot Nothing Then
End If
Throw ex
End Try
End Function
End Class
I get the error at this line: sqlDataAdapDelProtocol.Fill(dsDelProtocol, "dsProtocols"), I dint understand why. The error states : Procedure or function p_GetLinkedProcuduresProtocol has too many arguments specified
Protected Sub btnDeletePTC_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim sqlString As String = String.Empty
Dim PTC_ID As Integer
sqlString = "p_GetLinkedProcuduresProtocol"
Dim sqlConnDelProtocol As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(typicalConnectionString("MyConn").ConnectionString)
Dim sqlDataAdapDelProtocol As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(sqlString, sqlConnDelProtocol)
sqlDataAdapDelProtocol.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim sqlParProtocolName As New SqlClient.SqlParameter("#PTC_ID", SqlDbType.Int, 255)
Dim dsDelProtocol As New DataSet
Dim MessageAud = "Are you sure you want to delete this question, the question is linked to:"
Dim MessageNoAud = "Are you sure you want to delete this question"
sqlDataAdapDelProtocol.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("PTC_ID", PTC_ID)
sqlDataAdapDelProtocol.Fill(dsDelProtocol, "dsProtocols")
If dsDelProtocol.Tables("dsProtocols").Rows.Count > 0 Then
lblMessageSure.Text = (CType(MessageAud, String))
For Each dr As DataRow In dsDelProtocol.Tables(0).Rows
lblAudits = (dr("dsProtocols"))
lblMessageSure.Text = (CType(MessageNoAud, String))
End If
Dim success As Boolean = False
Dim btnDelete As Button = TryCast(sender, Button)
Dim row As GridViewRow = DirectCast(btnDelete.NamingContainer, GridViewRow)
Dim cmdDelete As New SqlCommand("p_deleteProtocolStructure")
cmdDelete.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmdDelete.Parameters.AddWithValue("PTC_ID", PTC_ID)
Call DeleteProtocol(PTC_ID)
conn = NewSqlConnection(connString, EMP_ID)
cmdDelete.Connection = conn
If Not conn Is Nothing Then
If conn.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
success = cmdDelete.ExecuteNonQuery()
Call UpdateProtocolNumbering(PTS_ID)
txtAddPTCNumber.Text = GetNextNumber(PTS_ID)
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me.GetType(), "TreeView", _
"<script language='javascript'>" & _
" parent.TreeView.location='TreeView.aspx?MainScreenURL=Protocols.aspx&PTS_ID=" & PTS_ID & "';" & _
Catch ex As Exception
success = False
Throw ex
End Try
End If
End If
If success = True Then
Call GenerateQuestionsGrid()
Call Message(Me, "pnlMessage", "Question successfully deleted.", Drawing.Color.Green)
Call Message(Me, "pnlMessage", "Failed to delete Question.", Drawing.Color.Red)
End If
End Sub
You are adding the same parameter twice, once without a value, then with a value. Instead of adding it another time, set the value on the parameter that you already have.
Replace this:
sqlDataAdapDelProtocol.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("PTC_ID", PTC_ID)
with this:
sqlParProtocolName.Vaue = PTC_ID
Side note: Always start parameter names for Sql Server with #. The parameter constructor will add it if it's not there so it will work without it, but this is an undocumented feature, so that could change in future versions.
I have a SQL table that looks similar to this:
1 | a | stuff...
2 | a | stuff...
3 | b | stuff...
4 | a | stuff...
5 | b | stuff...
I only want to show:
3 | b | stuff...
5 | b | stuff...
So I use this code to load the DataGridView:
Private Sub GetData()
Dim objConn As New SqlConnection(sConnectionString)
' Create an instance of a DataAdapter.
Dim daInstTbl As _
New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Column = 'b'", objConn)
' Create an instance of a DataSet, and retrieve data from the Authors table.
daInstTbl.FillSchema(dsNewInst, SchemaType.Source)
' Create a new instance of a DataTable
MyDataTable = dsNewInst.Tables(0)
End Sub
Private Sub InitializeDataGridView()
' Set up the DataGridView.
With Me.DataGridView1
' Set up the data source.
.DataSource = MyDataTable
End With
Catch ex As SqlException
MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString, _
"ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
End Try
End Sub
Everything works great and until I want to delete 3 and renumber 4 and 5 down one to become 3 and 4. I have loops handling everything and the database is receiving the correct data except my DataGridView only shows the updates when I restart the program.
Here's my delete code:
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click
Dim objConn As New SqlConnection(sConnectionString)
Dim daInstDeleteTbl As New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Table", objConn)
Dim dsDeleteInst As New DataSet
Dim MyDeleteTable As DataTable
' Create an instance of a DataSet, and retrieve data from the Authors table.
daInstDeleteTbl.FillSchema(dsDeleteInst, SchemaType.Source)
' Create a new instance of a DataTable
MyDeleteTable = dsDeleteInst.Tables(0)
'Begin Delete Code
Dim DeleteID, DeleteIndex As Integer
Dim MadeChange As Boolean = False
Integer.TryParse(TextBox1.Text, DeleteID)
Dim dgvIndexCount As Integer = MyDeleteTable.Rows.Count - 1
If MyDeleteTable.Rows(dgvIndexCount).Item(0) > DeleteID Then
Dim counter As Integer = -1
For Each row As DataRow In MyDeleteTable.Rows
counter += 1
If row.Item("Column") = DeleteID Then
DeleteIndex = counter
End If
MadeChange = True
End If
drCurrent = MyDeleteTable.Rows.Find(DeleteID)
If MadeChange = True Then
Dim i As Integer = 0
For i = DeleteIndex + 1 To dgvIndexCount
MyDeleteTable.Rows(i).Item(0) = MyDeleteTable.Rows(i).Item(0) - 1
End If
'Send Changes to SQL Server
Dim objCommandBuilder As New SqlCommandBuilder(daInstDeleteTbl)
Dim daInstTbl As _
New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Column = 'b'", objConn)
Dim objCommandReBuilder As New SqlCommandBuilder(daInstTbl)
End Sub
I think I am doing a lot of extra work just to do this wrong. Any ideas? Thanks.
When you invoke SqlDataAdapter.Update() the adapter updates the values in the database by executing the respective INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE (from MSDN). The SELECT command is not executed. So you need to do it like this:
Private connection As SqlConnection
Private adapter As SqlDataAdapter
Private data As DataSet
Private builder As SqlCommandBuilder
Private grid As DataGridView
Private Sub InitData()
Me.SqlSelect(firstLoad:=True, fillLoadOption:=LoadOption.OverwriteChanges, acceptChanges:=True)
Me.grid.DataSource = Me.data
Me.grid.DataMember = "Table"
End Sub
Public Sub SaveData()
Me.SqlSelect(fillLoadOption:=LoadOption.OverwriteChanges, acceptChanges:=True)
End Sub
Public Sub RefreshData(preserveChanges As Boolean)
Me.SqlSelect(fillLoadOption:=If(preserveChanges, LoadOption.PreserveChanges, LoadOption.OverwriteChanges))
End Sub
Private Sub SqlSelect(Optional firstLoad As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal fillLoadOption As LoadOption = LoadOption.PreserveChanges, Optional acceptChanges As Boolean = False)
If (firstLoad) Then
Me.data = New DataSet()
Me.connection = New SqlConnection("con_str")
Me.adapter = New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Column = 'b'", connection)
Me.builder = New SqlCommandBuilder(Me.adapter)
End If
If (firstLoad) Then
Me.adapter.FillSchema(Me.data, SchemaType.Source, "Table")
End If
Me.adapter.FillLoadOption = fillLoadOption
Me.adapter.Fill(Me.data, "Table")
If (acceptChanges) Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SqlInsertUpdateAndDelete()
If (Me.connection.State <> ConnectionState.Open) Then
End If
Me.adapter.Update(Me.data, "Table")
End Sub
PS: (Untested code)
My solution was to change the way I was declaring variables. Before I had:
Dim daInstTbl As _
New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Column = 'b'", objConn)
The affect was that recalling the subroutine ignored this line because the variable daInstTbl was already declared previously. The solution was:
' Delete old instance of a Data____ classes
da = Nothing
ds = Nothing
dt = Nothing
If GetAll = False Then
da = New SqlDataAdapter(sSelCmd, objConn)
da = New SqlDataAdapter(sSelAllCmd, objConn)
End If
' Create an instance of a DataSet, and retrieve data from the Authors table.
ds = New DataSet
da.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Source)
This cleared the information and allowed me to assign a new value. My subroutines serve double duty by assigning two query strings and then using an optional boolean to determine which version to use.
Dim sSelCmd As String = "SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Coloumn= 'b'"
Dim sSelAllCmd As String = "SELECT * FROM Table"
Private Sub GetData(Optional ByVal GetAll As Boolean = False)
Dim objConn As New SqlConnection(sConnectionString)
And that leads into the code above! Thanks for the help. Some of your concepts got my thoughts turning in the right direction and motivated me to clean up my code into a much more readable form.
I've been receiving errors with the following code below saying that the index is incorrect. I'm assuming this is an error with the SQL statement but I'm unsure what's wrong.
Private Sub btnStock_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnStock.Click
frmStock.Visible = True
Dim SQLCmd As String
SQLCmd = "SELECT PartID,PartName,PartStockLevel,MakeName,ModelName FROM tblParts WHERE PartStockLevel <= StockWarnLevel;"
RunSQLCmd("dt", SQLCmd)
Dim inc As Integer = 0
Dim NoLowStock As Boolean
If DataTable IsNot Nothing AndAlso DataTable.Rows.Count > 0 Then
frmStock.txtPartID.Text = DataTable.Rows(inc).Item(0)
frmStock.txtName.Text = DataTable.Rows(inc).Item(1)
frmStock.NUDStockLvl.Value = DataTable.Rows(inc).Item(2)
frmStock.txtMake.Text = DataTable.Rows(inc).Item(3)
frmStock.txtModel.Text = DataTable.Rows(inc).Item(4)
frmStock.lblLowStock.Visible = True
frmStock.btnFirstRecord.Visible = False
frmStock.btnIncDown.Visible = False
frmStock.btnIncUp.Visible = False
frmStock.btnLastRecord.Visible = False
NoLowStock = True
End If
If NoLowStock = False Then
frmStock.Panel1.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Public Sub RunSQLCmd(ByVal DTorDS As String, ByRef SQLCmd As String)
DataAdapter = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(SQLCmd, con)
If DTorDS = "dt" Then
DataTable = New DataTable
DataSet = New DataSet
DataAdapter.Fill(DataSet, "srcDataSet")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Thanks in advance!
The error probably comes from you looking at a row index that doesn't exist in the results. You should check that the table has rows before trying to get the data.
Something like this:
If DataTable IsNot Nothing AndAlso DataTable.Rows.Count >0 Then
... Code here...
End If
Try this simple way
dim dt as new datatable
using connection as new sqlconnection("server=SERVER;database=DATABASE;uid=USERID;pwd=PASSWORD")
using cmd as new sqlcommand("SELECT PartID,PartName,PartStockLevel,MakeName,ModelName FROM tblParts WHERE PartStockLevel <= StockWarnLevel", connection)
end using
end using
Why my set of codes didn't update in DataSet? Then it goes to Error. Please anyone check this code and point me out where I am missing. Thanks in advance!
Private Sub btnUpdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpdate.Click
Dim conxMain As New SqlConnection("Data Source=SERVER;Initial Catalog=DBTest;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=username;Password=pwds")
Dim dadPurchaseInfo As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim dsPurchaseInfo As New DataSet1
Dim dRow As DataRow
Dim cmdSelectCommand As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Stock", conxMain)
cmdSelectCommand.CommandTimeout = 30
dadPurchaseInfo.SelectCommand = cmdSelectCommand
Dim builder As SqlCommandBuilder = New SqlCommandBuilder(dadPurchaseInfo)
dadPurchaseInfo.Fill(dsPurchaseInfo, "Stock")
For Each dRow In dsPurchaseInfo.Tables("Stock").Rows
If CInt(dRow.Item("StockID").ToString()) = 2 Then
dRow.Item("StockCode") = "Re-Fashion[G]"
End If
dadPurchaseInfo.Update(dsPurchaseInfo, "Stock")
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Error : ")
If dadPurchaseInfo IsNot Nothing Then
End If
If dsPurchaseInfo IsNot Nothing Then
End If
If conxMain IsNot Nothing Then
End If
End Try
End Sub
Does your condition in the loop get executed (set a break point!)? Where is the error thrown? What error?
Also, why does it use ToString at all? This seems redundant.
If CInt(dRow.Item("StockID")) = 2 Then
Should be enough.
Finally, you’re performing redundant cleanup:
If conxMain IsNot Nothing Then
End If
Dispose implies Close – no need to perform both operations:
Close and Dispose are functionally equivalent.
[Source: MSDN]
Does your dataAdapter has update command ?
(it looks like it doesn't - so it doesn't know what do to with update....)
Here is an Update Command example:(for an employee table with 3 columns - as listed below:
UPDATE [Employee]
SET [name] = #name
, [manager] = #manager
WHERE (([id] = #Original_id) AND
((#IsNull_name = 1 AND [name] IS NULL) OR
([name] = #Original_name)) AND
((#IsNull_manager = 1 AND [manager] IS NULL) OR
([manager] = #Original_manager)));
, name
, manager
FROM Employee
WHERE (id = #id)
You can see it is a general update that can handle changes in any field.
I got it from the error correction of my program by Konard Rudolph!
Private Sub btnUpdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpdate.Click
Dim conxMain As New SqlConnection("Data Source=SERVER;Initial Catalog=DBTest;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=username;Password=pwds")
Dim dadPurchaseInfo As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim dsPurchaseInfo As New DataSet1
Dim dRow As DataRow
dadPurchaseInfo.SelectCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Stock", conxMain)
Dim builder As SqlCommandBuilder = New SqlCommandBuilder(dadPurchaseInfo)
dadPurchaseInfo.Fill(dsPurchaseInfo, "Stock")
For Each dRow In dsPurchaseInfo.Tables("Stock").Rows
If CInt(dRow.Item("StockID")) = 2 Then
dRow.Item("StockCode") = "Re-Fashion(H)"
End If
dadPurchaseInfo.Update(dsPurchaseInfo, "Stock")
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Error : " & vbCrLf & ex.Message)
If dadPurchaseInfo IsNot Nothing Then
End If
If dsPurchaseInfo IsNot Nothing Then
End If
If conxMain IsNot Nothing Then
End If
End Try
End Sub
The above set of code work to update with DataSet! Thanks to stackoverflow community and who answered my question.
Here is ref:
How To Update a SQL Server Database by Using the SqlDataAdapter Object in Visual Basic .NET
How to update a database from a DataSet object by using Visual Basic .NET
p.s: Like o.k.w said : The Table must have primary key. Thanks o.k.w!
Dim login As New LoginClass
Private conec As SqlConnection
Dim stringCon As String = "Data Source= ;Initial Catalog=;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=;Password="
Public ReadOnly Property prConec() As Object
Return conec
End Get
End Property
Public Sub Conectar()
conec = New SqlConnection(stringCon)
If conec.State <> ConnectionState.Open Then
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Dim coman As New SqlCommand("sp_cliente", funciones.prConec)
Dim dt As New DataTable
coman.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
coman.Parameters.Add("#i_operacion", SqlDbType.Char, 1, ParameterDirection.Input).Value = "B"
grdClientes.DataSource = dt
Dim coman As New SqlCommand("sp_articulo", funciones.prConec)
coman.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
coman.Parameters.Add("#i_operacion", SqlDbType.Char, 1, ParameterDirection.Input).Value = "I"
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim dr1 As DataRow = dt.NewRow
dr1.Item("Codigo") = "A"
dr1.Item("Descripcion") = "Activo"
Dim dr2 As DataRow = dt.NewRow
dr2.Item("Codigo") = "I"
dr2.Item("Descripcion") = "Inactivo"
cmbEstado.DataSource = dt
cmbEstado.ValueMember = "Codigo"
cmbEstado.DisplayMember = "Descripcion"
Dim grdFila As DataGridViewRow = grdClientes.CurrentRow
txtCedula.Text = grdFila.Cells(0).Value
If DataGridProductos.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex = 0 Then
Dim FLstArticulos As New FLstArticulos
DataGridProductos.CurrentRow.Cells(0).Value = FLstArticulos.PrIdArticulo
End If
If DataGridProductos.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex = 3 Then
Dim precio As New Double
Dim cantidad As New Double
precio = CDbl(grdRow.Cells(2).Value)
cantidad = CDbl(grdRow.Cells(3).Value)
DataGridProductos.CurrentRow.Cells(4).Value = PLTotalFilaItem(cantidad, precio)
End If
Sub PLCargaTotales()
Dim subTotal As Double
Dim iva As Double
For Each grd As DataGridViewRow In DataGridProductos.Rows
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(grd.Cells(4).Value) Then
subTotal = subTotal + CDbl(grd.Cells(4).Value)
End If
Next grd
txtSubtotal.Text = subTotal.ToString
iva = Decimal.Round(subTotal`enter code here` * 0.12)
txtIva.Text = iva.ToString
txtTotalPagar.Text = (subTotal + iva).ToString
End Sub