Jira Rest API - Problems to set custom fields - jira-rest-api

I try to set the field for Testcases in a Testplan. The value I get when reading it is JSONArray.
But when I write the very same JSONArray I extract to a new created Testplan, I get an error message.
Exception in thread "main" com.atlassian.jira.rest.client.api.domain.input.CannotTransformValueException: Any of available transformers was able to transform given value. Value is: org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray: ["SBNDTST-361","SBNDTST-360","SBNDTST-358","SBNDTST-359"]
at com.atlassian.jira.rest.client.api.domain.input.ValueTransformerManager.apply(ValueTransformerManager.java:83)
at com.atlassian.jira.rest.client.api.domain.input.IssueInputBuilder.setFieldValue(IssueInputBuilder.java:134)
My method to set the field is this:
public void updateIssue(String issueKey, String fieldId, Object fieldValue) {
IssueInput input = new IssueInputBuilder()
.setFieldValue(fieldId, fieldValue)
.updateIssue(issueKey, input)
The value for the fieldId is "customfield_17473". There is very little documentation on this. Does anyone have an idea how to proceed?

I found the solution by trial and error.
When I send an ArrayList it works.


Cosmos DB "Partial Update"/Patch, cant set new property value to null

I'm trying out the Cosmos DB SDK's new Patch/Partial Update-functionality (for .NET)
When adding a new property I use
var patchOperations = new List<PatchOperation>(){
PatchOperation.Add<string>("/FavoriteColor", **null**)
await container.PatchItemAsync<T>(
id: myId,
partitionKey: new PartitionKey(myPk),
patchOperations: patchOperations);
The problem is, that it throws at the PatchOperation-Add() if I set second parameter to null (with message "Value cannot be null"). I can set any non-null string and it works well. I just wonder if this isn't supported yet or if I missed something.
Thanks to github user rvdvelden (source), this work around appears to work perfectly:
private JToken NullValue { get { return new JProperty("nullValue", null).Value; } }
Used in this way:
operations.Add(PatchOperation.Set("\customer", value ?? NullValue));
Remove is one alternative if the intent is to remove field/property.
This is not supported with Patch yet,
However, if you want to remove the entire property you need to use Remove Operation

Hybris DataHub INVALID_LOCALE Exception

I have localized raw data item baseName. I want to send localized raw data item to DataHub. I read many documents, it writes send localized raw attribute value but I couldn't find the format of the localized attribute value. In the composition, it throws INVALID_LOCALE exception.
I am sending value for baseName, but how can I localized "XYZ"?
RawFragmentData rawFragmentData = new RawFragmentData();
final Map<String, String> line = new HashMap<>();
line.put("baseName", "XYZ");
return rawFragmentData;
e.g OOTB :
DefaultPartnerContributor.Java :-
row.put(PartnerCsvColumns.COUNTRY_ISO_CODE, address.getCountry());
Same way you might have languageColumn for it, so just pass language value to it.

Creating new smartform data using Ektron ContentTypes

Ektron 8.0.1 SP1
I am using SmartForms and Content Types to read (and hopefully write) data. I can read data but now I am attempting to write a new record similar to the following.
ContentTypeManager<member> contentTypeManager = new ContentTypeManager<member>();
ContentType<member> newmem = new ContentType<member>();
newmem.SmartForm.details.field1 = "Chuck"; // This line throws 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' error
newmem.SmartForm.details.field2 = "Norris";
I get the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." for that first assignment line. What am I missing?
I am having trouble finding good documentation on ContentTypes for 8.0.1 now that the Ektron website has been redesigned.
Thanks for clarifying, to ADD content to a folder that has a smartform assigned to it, the basic code block should get you started: (Note: the Html attribute of the content is simply the xml matched to the schema you created)
Ektron.Cms.Framework.Content.ContentManager cmanager = new Cms.Framework.Content.ContentManager();
Ektron.Cms.ContentData cdata = new ContentData();
cdata.FolderId = 0;
cdata.XmlConfiguration.Id = 0; //SMARTFORM ID HERE
cdata.Html = "<root><field1>field1 value</field1><field2>field2 value</field2></root>";
You could update ContentTypes.cs to include an Add method. Just copy the Update method and change contentManager.Update to contentManager.Add.
public void Add(ContentType<T> contentType)
contentType.Content.Html = Ektron.Cms.EkXml.Serialize(typeof(T), contentType.SmartForm);
Unfortunately, contentManager.Add returns void. Ideally it should return the new content ID.

An interesting Restlet Attribute behavior

Using Restlet 2.1 for Java EE, I am discovering an interesting problem with its ability to handle attributes.
Suppose you have code like the following:
and on your browser you provide the following URL:
then, of course, the attr attribute gets set to "command".
Unfortunately, suppose you want the attribute to be something like command/test, as in the following URL:
or if you want to dynamically add things with different levels, like:
in both cases the attr attribute is still set to "command"!
Is there some way in a restlet application to make an attribute that can retain the "slash", so that one can, for example, make the attr attribute be set to "command/test"? I would like to be able to just grab everything after testpath and have the entire string be the attribute.
Is this possible? Someone please advise.
For the same case I usually change the type of the variable :
Route route = cmp.getDefaultHost().attach("/testpath/{attr}",SomeServerResource.class);
route.getTemplate().getVariables().get("attr") = new Variable(Variable.TYPE_URI_PATH);
You can do this by using url encoding.
I made the following attachment in my router:
router.attach("/test/{cmd}", TestResource.class);
My test resource class looks like this, with a little help from Apache Commons Codec URLCodec
protected Representation get() {
try {
String raw = ResourceWrapper.get(this, "cmd");
String decoded = new String(URLCodec.decodeUrl(raw.getBytes()));
return ResourceWrapper.wrap(raw + " " + decoded);
} catch(Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }
Note my resource wrapper class is simply utility methods. The get returns the string of the url param, and the wrap returns a StringRepresentation.
Now if I do something like this:
I get a 404.
Instead, I do this:
I have URLEncoded the folder path. This results in my browser saying:
haha%2fawesome haha/awesome
The first is the raw string, the second is the result. I don't know if this is suitable for your needs as it's a simplistic example, but as long as you URLEncode your attribute, you can decode it on the other end.

Linqpad - Outputting into anchor to use title

I have a db that stores exception messages.
I would like to create a query that gets these exceptions but instead of dumping huge amounts of text i would prefer it to be "on demand".
I figured putting the exception into an anchor tag like so and then reading the message when needed by mousing over it would work... apparently not.
var logsForErrors = (from error in Logs
select new {
error = LINQPad.Util.RawHtml("<a title='"+ error.Exception+"'></a>"),
errorDate = error.Date,
errorMessage = error.Message
This is throwing an exception (lol) - "Cannot parse custom HTML: "
Encoding the exception message
...RawHtml("<a title='"+ Uri.EscapeDataString(error.Exception)+"'></a>")
Message Could not translate expression 'RawHtml((("h__TransparentIdentifier0.error.Exception)) +
"'>"))' into SQL and could not treat it as a local expression.
will generate a new error
Any ideas? - I am open to alternative solutions to this also.
I just want a container for the message instead of it just dumping right into the output as it it so huge!.
Have you tried using the "Results to DataGrids" mode in the recent betas? It might do just what you need without having to write anything else.
Edit: your error was probably due to emitting HTML without escaping the text. The easiest solution is to call Util.RawHtml with an XElement instead of a string. You could write an extension method that does what you want like this:
public static class Extensions
public static object Tooltipize (this string data)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (data) || data.Length < 20) return data;
return Util.RawHtml (new XElement ("span", new XAttribute ("title", data), data.Substring (0, 20)));
Put this into My Extensions and you can use it from any query.