Azure DevOps with Ansible Automation Platform - ssh

i want to authenticate the Azure DevOps account at same method (ssh key) of GitLab/GitHub in the Ansible Automation Platform, it's possible to do this? Thanks
Applications Section in AAP


Integrate Automation testing on Linux Agent through Azure Devops pipelline

I am using Azure devops pipeline to create an customized redhat iso. We are creating KVM Virtual machine on the agent host through the same pipeline after iso creation so that we can perform the testing on the VM.
I have tried running the test through vstest but it worked only for windows agent.
Can anyone please guide me with the other options of the test framework to automate the test on the linux agents?

Grab bash script from an storage account and install in a Linux VMSS

I have a bash script in an azure storage account and I want to call that script from an Azure VMSS, when a new version of the script is available. Is this possible?
Custom Script Extension can be used to run the script in VMSS.
The Custom Script Extension downloads and executes scripts on Azure virtual machines. This extension is useful for post deployment configuration, software installation, or any other configuration or management tasks. Scripts can be downloaded from Azure storage or GitHub, or provided to the Azure portal at extension run time. The Custom Script Extension integrates with Azure Resource Manager templates, and can be run using the Azure CLI, PowerShell, Azure portal, or the Azure Virtual Machine REST API.
It can be called on Virtual Machine Scaleset using Add-AzVmssExtension

Migrate Microsoft Test Manager Tests from TFS2015 to Azure DevOps

Can nkdagility be used to convert Microsoft Test Manager Test to Azure DevOps? If not what is the suggested path for conversion?
Yes: the Azure DevOps Migration Tools support this with many caviats.

Can this Migrate from Azure Devops to a TFS environment?

It might sound backwards, but we have a need to move a Azure Devops project of epic's, User stores tasks etc, as well as all existing comments, links, and dependencies to a TFS environment, can this tool do that?
Yes you can using the Azure DevOps Migration Tools.

How to connect Azure App service to Azure VM?

I have a Selenium Java project which is a web services project. This project has 3 web services.
this project is hosted on azure app service. But Azure app service does not have its own Virtual machine where I can install chrome.
I am very much new to all this. Can anyone help me in linking azure app service to an azure VM where I can install a chrome browser and run automation test cases?
If the VM is allowed to access external webste, of course you can install a chrome browser and run automation test cases.
If the VM is not allowed to access external website, and you want to access Azure App service internally. You can link them via the vnet.
Configure VNet Integration with your app