How can I respond to a key press, without a CRLF, in Raku? - raku

I would like to implement:
Press any key to continue...
That responds to, well, any key without pressing the Return or Enter key.
Term::ReadKey does not implement this behavior. It requires a CRLF.
I'm using iTerm2.
[19] > $*KERNEL
[20] > $*DISTRO
macos (13.0.1)
[21] > $*RAKU
Raku (6.d)
[22] > $*VM
moar (2022.12)

I think you will have to use a module to be able to do that in Raku. Term::termios comes to mind.


How to /fill with Armor Stands In 1.12.2

I am trying to make a lag machine schematic in 1.12.2, and instead of placing 10000 Armor Stands by hand, I was wondering if there was any way to /fill them or use something with World Edit to do the same thing. I looked all over google but could not find anything that worked. I found a video ( however it did not work for me nor did it have any error messages, any help is appreciated.
/fill 351 8 223 192 8 64 torch(regular command block)
/execute #e[type=item.item.torch] ~ ~ ~ summon ArmorStand(chain command block)
Try setting your chain command block to Always Active.
Chain command blocks don't run if they aren't active.

SSH Paramiko-Python interactive script-Need to highlight a line from the list and select it

I am using paramiko for ssh interactive commands. I am able to successfully send all the required commands. I am stuck on one issue. i need somebody help to automate this task.
Issue is on output, i will get 4 options, from this options, i need to move to the required option by using arrow keys and then press enter button to select that option.
Please let me know if anybody knows about this.
import paramiko
import time
import os
print("connected to the linux machine from windows machine.")
channel_data = str()
while True:
if channel.recv_ready():
channel_data += channel.recv(9999).decode(encoding='utf_8', errors='strict')
print("##### Device Output #####")
print("\n #####################")
if channel_data.endswith('[root#home ~]# '):
#highlight and then press enter button to select that option. please help for below code
ifelse channel_data.endswith('I am trying to choose this option from the list'):
We need to send the keycode. for down arrow key, "[B 1b 5b 42" is key code.
Below is the link for complete list of keycode mapping.

knitr 1.5 / patchDVI 1.9 doesn't seem to generate a concordance acceptable to evince + emacs

Setup : here is sessionInfo() :
R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] patchDVI_1.9 knitr_1.5
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] compiler_3.0.2 evaluate_0.5.1 formatR_0.9 highr_0.2.1 stringr_0.6.2
[6] tcltk_3.0.2 tools_3.0.2
I am trying to get emacs and AucTeX to synchronize my .Rnw source file with evince to go to comiled text from source and back.
I have already checked that the synchronization works fine between a .tex source and a PDF.
My .Rnw file starts with :
\synctex=1 %% Should force concordance generation
\pdfcompresslevel=0 %% Should force avoidance of PDF compression, which patchDVI does
\pdfobjcompresslevel=0 %% not handle
<<include=FALSE>>= %% Modificaton of what Sweave2kinitr does
## opts_chunk$set(concordance=TRUE, self.contained=TRUE) ## No possible effect
opts_knit$set(concordance=TRUE, self.contained=TRUE) ## Seems reasonable
%% \SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE} %% That's where inspiration came from
Consider the following log (unrelevant parts edited) :
> options("knitr.concordance")
[1] TRUE
> opts_knit$get("concordance")
[1] TRUE
> knit("IntroStat.Rnw")
processing file: IntroStat.Rnw
|...................... | 33%
ordinary text without R code
|........................................... | 67%
label: unnamed-chunk-1 (with options)
List of 1
$ include: logi FALSE
|.................................................................| 100%
ordinary text without R code
output file: IntroStat.tex
[1] "IntroStat.tex"
> system("pdflatex -synctex=1 IntroStat.tex")
[ Edited irrelevancies ]
SyncTeX written on IntroStat.synctex.gz.
Note : a concordance has *been* generated !!! **
Transcript written on IntroStat.log.
Let's do that again to fix references :
> system("pdflatex -synctex=1 IntroStat.tex")
[ Edited irrelevancies ]
Output written on IntroStat.pdf (1 page, 136907 bytes).
SyncTeX written on IntroStat.synctex.gz.
Note : a concordance has *been* generated *again* !!! **
Transcript written on IntroStat.log.
> patchDVI("IntroStat.pdf")
[1] "0 patches made. Did you set \\SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE}?"
* This I do not understand *
> patchSynctex("IntroStat.synctex.gz")
[1] "0 patches made. Did you set \\SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE}?"
* Ditto *
It appears that something in the set of tools does not work as advertized : either dviPatch does not recognize legal concordance \specials or pdflatex dfoes not generate them. It does generate something, however...
I checked that the resulting PDF enables evince to synchronize with the .tex file, but not in the .Rnw file. Furthermore, when the .Rnw file is open in emacs, starting the viewer with 'C-c C-v View" in AucTeX indeed starts the viewer (after requesting to open a server, which I authorize), but the viewers is empty, and i get this :
"TeX-evince-sync-view: Couldn't find the Evince instance for file:///home/charpent/Boulot/Cours/ODF/Chapitres/Ch3-StatMath/IntroStat.Rnw.pdf"
in the "Messages" buffer.
So we have a second problem here.
A third one would be to integrate all of this transparently in the AucTeX production chain, but this is another story...
I'd really like to keep emacs as my main tool for R/\LaTeX/Sage work, rather tha switch to RStudio, which probably won't like much SageTeX and othe various tools I need on a daily/weekly basis...
Any thoughts ?
Maybe this will help. I tried it on a simple file, and it does work.
As for the second and third problems, I have this script (note that I source the above code from jan-glx; modify path accordingly):
BASENAME=$(basename $FILE .Rnw)
Rscript -e 'library(knitr); opts_knit$set("concordance" = TRUE); knit("'$1'")'
pdflatex --synctex=1 --file-line-error --shell-escape "${1%.*}"
Rscript -e "source('~/Sources/patchKnitrSynctex.R'); patchKnitrSynctex('${1%.*}.tex')"
ln -s $BASENAME.synctex.gz $BASENAME.Rnw.synctex.gz
ln -s $BASENAME.pdf $BASENAME.Rnw.pdf
The links are my kludgy way of getting around the "Couldn't find the instance (...) ".
If you have your .Rnw in an Emacs buffer, go to a shell buffer, and call that script. When finished, C-c C-v from Emacs will open your configured PDF viewer (okular in my case). In the PDF, shift + left mouse click (okular at least) will bring you to the right place in the Emacs .Rnw buffer.
This is not ideal: if you jump to an error, it goest to the .tex, not the .Rnw. And I'd like to be able to invoke it via C-c C-c or similar (but I don't know how ---elisp ignorance).

How can I set tmux hotkey as Ctrl-, that is, Ctrl+comma

I've got some trouble when setting my preferred tmux hotkey on Mac OS X.
The most common hotkeys that invokes tmux's magics are CTRL+A and CTRL+B. But I would rather select other keystrokes for the following reasons: C-a is the global hot key for "jumping to the beginning of a line"; C-b is for "moving backward on a line" and "Page UP in Vim". I don't want to break these nice rules in tmux.
So, I try to set some non-so-frequently-used keystrokes for tmux hotkey. What I choose is CTRL-, , CTRL-., or CTRL-;
I write this statement in my .tmux.conf file:
set-option -g prefix C-,
I start tmux. Oh, it says "bad key". I replace C-, with C-. or C-;. It doesn't work either.
So, how can I set tmux hotkey to CTRL-,?
Had to dig into the source code for this one. The control key can only be applied to letters, #, space and ? (and C-# seems to be equivalent to C-space). Sorry, doesn't look like C-, is possible, at least in tmux-1.6.
None of comma, period, or semicolon are standard control characters. Your terminal emulator probably just sends the plain character, or nothing at all when you type them; you can type them at into cat -v to see what it is sending.
See Wikipedia’s “ASCII control characters” and “How control characters map to keyboards”.
If you can reconfigure your terminal emulator to send some other character/sequence, you should be able to use it in tmux (e.g. have your terminal emulator send the same character as C-\ (hex 1C), and set your prefix to that).
Using xterm terminal
1) put these in your ~/.Xresources to generate escape sequence of F13 when CTRL-,, CTRL-. or CTRL-; is pressed
XTerm.VT100.translations: #override \
Ctrl<Key>period: string(0x1b) string("[1;2P") \n\
Ctrl<Key>comma: string(0x1b) string("[1;2P") \n\
Ctrl<Key>semicolon: string(0x1b) string("[1;2P")
run xrdb ~/.Xresources to load these conf.
2) change prefix in your ~/.tmux.conf
set -g prefix F13
3) fire xterm and tmux
$ tmux

proc_open interaction

Here's what I'm trying to achieve: open a shell (korn or bash, doesn't matter), from that shell, I want to open a ssh connection (ssh user#host). At some point it is likely to happen I will be prompted for either a password or I might be asked whether or not I'm sure I want to connect (offending keys).
Before anyone asks: yes, I am aware there is a plugin for ssh2 exec calls, but the servers I'm working on don't support it, and are unlikely to do so.
Here's what I've tried so far:
$desc = array(array('pipe','r'),array('pipe','w'));//used in all example code
$p = proc_open('ssh user#host',$desc,$pipes);
if(!is_resource($p)){ die('#!#$%');}//will omit this line from now on
sleep(1);//omitting this,too but it's there every time I need it
Then I tried to read console output (stream_get_contents($pipes[1])) to see what I have to pass next (either password, yes or return 'connection failed: '.stream_get_contents($pipes[1]) and proc_close $p.
This gave me the following error:
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
So, I though ssh was called in the php:// io-stream context, seems a plausible explanation of the above error.
Next: I though about my first SO question and decided it might be a good idea to open a bash/ksh shell first:
$p = proc_open('bash',$desc,$pipes);
And take it from there, but I got the exact same error message, only this time, the script stopped running but ssh did run. So I got hopeful, then felt stupid and, eventually, desperate:
$p=proc_open('bash && ssh user#host',$desc,$pipes);
After a few seconds wait, I got the following error:
PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 133693440 bytes)
The Call Stack keeps bringing up the stream_get_contents line, even in my last desperate attempt:
#!/path/to/bin/php -n
$p = proc_open('bash && ssh user#host',array(array('pipe','r'),array('pipe','w')),$ps);
if (!is_resource($p))
$msg = stream_get_contents($ps[1]);
I know, its a mess, a lot of fflush and redundancy, but the point is: I know this connection will first prompt me for offending keys, and then ask a password. My guess is the stream in $pipes[1] holds the ssh connection, hence it's content is huge. what I need then, is a pipe inside a pipe... is this even possible? I must be missing something, what good is a pipe if this isn't possible...
My guess is the proc_open command is wrong to begin with, (error: Broken pipe). But I really can't see any other way around the first error... any thoughts? Or follow up questions if the above rant isn't at all clear (which it probably isn't).
Before anyone asks: yes, I am aware there is a plugin for ssh2 exec
calls, but the servers I'm working on don't support it, and are
unlikely to do so.
There are actually two. The PECL module, which is a PITA that most servers don't have installed anyway and phpseclib, a pure PHP SSH2 implementation. An example of its use:
$ssh = new Net_SSH2('www.domain.tld');
if (!$ssh->login('username', 'password')) {
exit('Login Failed');
echo $ssh->exec('pwd');
echo $ssh->exec('ls -la');