I'd like you to recommend me a package that can take advantage of a virtual scroll / recycler scroll for a table in Vue.
I tried these two libraries:
I was able to generate a virtual scrolling list of items, but I'd like to implement this kind of behavior for a table.
My table is a Vuetify Simpletable, which has a <thead> and a <tbody> component
I looked at 2 virtual tables for Vue 3. Element Plus has one that is currently beta. I urge caution using it since I was getting event errors when I tested it and it is beta still.
I ended up going with Ag-grid data table. It is very well regarded and the performance is awesome. I loaded 5k rows of complex data into it and using filters with computed values it updated in milliseconds. I used the free community version. There is a paid commercial version also if you need support.
I am trying to switch frames in MS Dynamics 365 system using Selenium WebDriver. I will explain one of the issues below. Here is the html element code:
element code here
Usually, i used to use id=contentIFrame0 or 1, and the frames were switching fine. The problem is, that MS Dynamics generates those iframes dynamicly, usually contains max 3 iframes(contentIFrame0, contentIFrame1, contentIFrame2), but the fact is that you never know they will be 2 or 1 on the page and why, so if you use today one of them directly - tommorow your tests will fail because of the changes.
It seems like I have to switch all the time to the last frame, but it works randomly, because sometimes there is the first one contains element and another one scripts. Other thing i tried to do, is to switch to one iframe which has attributes: style = visibility: visible(before that, i tried to print in console how many visible frames driver sees - but written all the time 0). Also, if i try to print in the console how many iframes there are on the page - the counter is 2, but I can see 3.
If there is anyone who tried to automate MS Dynamics 365 and had the same problem?
I have discribed probably all cases, maybe you will notice the logics and difference.
I am not sure if this works in your case but please give it a try.
If you know one of the elements in the frame which you are trying to switch then use the css selector or xpath
It very hard to test in this fashion as Microsoft doesn't guarantee that the objects being rendered will stay the same. It may be 3 frames today, but in the next version the dev team may introduce more or less, working with the DOM directly is no longer supported.
I would highly recommend the following framework for testing Dynamics: https://github.com/Microsoft/EasyRepro
It will help elevate your testing up one level, it’s introducing a level of abstraction so as to minimize the need to work with HTML directly by isolating all that low-level work in the framework code.
Here is a great post about EasyRepro: http://www.itaintboring.com/dynamics-crm/easy-repro-what-is-it/
This xpath finds the main pane reliably
//iframe[contains(contains(#id,'contentIFrame') and contains(#style,'visible')]
Note: not applicable to Dynamics 365 Unified Interface, it has completely different DOM.
I have installed PostgreSql 9.6 for Windows. And a problem arised with PgAdmin 4. First of all the UI looks corrupted: some lines between the components of a tree on the left side are missing.
Also queries are not executed correctly.
For example, when creating a table, the query returns successfully. However the table is not actually displayed after refreshing the Tables or Schemas component on the left. As well as the SELECT * FROM emp; query returns successfully but doesnt show any data.
This is the first time I'm facing such a problem with PostgreSql for two years working with it. And I haven't fount any relevant information after researching the issue. Will be grateful for any hints about the possible cause of such beahavoiur. Especially confusing is the currupted UI. Could it be that I need to install additional libraries?
Installation of PostgreSql 10.2 instead of 9.6 did not solve the problem.
I've also noticed that when clicking a + to expand the components on the left, they are all empty and don't look as usual in PgAdmin.
There were many issues in pgAdmin4 runtime(aka Desktop application) which was built on top of Qt5.
Could you try again with latest development version, Download: https://developer.pgadmin.org/~dpage/runtime-revamp/
Let us know if that solves your problem.
I got a warning while building my xaml project:
The type ‘SvgImageSource’ is not available in the target platform
minimum version (10.0.14393.0)
I understand that I'm getting this because 14393 does not have an SvgImageSource control.
I still want to use the control and I also want to support 14393. Is that possible? Is there a way for me to create an alternative control for the older version?
This will be possible starting from the Creator's Update (15063) with Conditional XAML.
Conditional XAML provides a way to use the ApiInformation.IsApiContractPresent method in XAML markup. This lets you set properties and instantiate objects in markup based on the presence of an API without needing to use code behind. It selectively parses elements or attributes to determine whether they will be available at runtime.
I suppose you're using the control for SVGs. If you really need to run on older Windows 10 versions, have a look at this post from Igor Ralic on the Mntone.SvgForXAML library. That will be a lot easier than trying to create the control yourself.
Extra note: if you're still working on the app and are not releasing in the next few weeks, then it might be an option to skip straight to the Creator's Update. Already over 65% of the devices are on 15063 or higher in August and it's raising every week.
This is my first time asking a question here so, be nice;p .. I'm working with Magento (and Zend Framework) for the first time and I'm trying to build a custom grid that will populate based off of a manually written query. I'm trying to extend the Mage_Core_Model_Mysql4_Collection_Abstract to allow a query to be loaded into it and then parse the select fields in the extended Grid class to make it dynamic... Is this even possible or am I beating a dead horse? I've been at it for a week now and I'm not getting anywhere. The problem seems to be that inside the __Model_mysql4_Collection class has to be initialized with a resource model using _init() in the constuct
As a learning exercise use the module creator to make an admin grid page and see how that is done. Or even modify it's output to get what you need.
There will be a grid container block, a grid block (with _prepareCollection and _prepareColumns methods), a model, a resource model (representing a single record) and a collection resource model (representing several records).
Providing your own _init methods shouldn't be any sort of problem. Perhaps you'd like to post your config.xml and code so far as a pastebin or something.
I am facing a problem with adf skining. My style sheet crossed 1800 classes. IE has a limitation of 4000 style classes. While rendering, ADF adds its own classes. So it crosses 4000 and the styles I am referring at the last of my sheet are not working in IE alone. I need to define a new style sheet for same application.
I have tried adding one more skin-family in adf-faces-config.xml. Did not work.
Please help.
Thanks in advance.
I am not 100% sure if creating a separate CSS will resolve your issue, and I do agree that after being used to multiple css definition and only loading a css for a particular page has its own advantages.
One thing that you can do though is organize the CSS, having 1800 classes might not be the appropriate way to go in a WebApp since a webapp should promote consistency in look and feel.
There is a good discussion in oracle forums that might help you on this, especially on the use of an el expression check on your current view to switch your skin on the fly.
Multiple Skin in the same application
I also mentioned in that forum about using skin-addition as well as my reason on taking up skin addition for our app, even though we didn't get to the number of styleClasses that you have, our css is already hitting 3k lines with only 600 lines for component specific and everything else is styleClass. We've also dramatically used the "inhertance" which trinidad skin offers -tr-inherit this really saved us in a lot of coding.
Use of extends property you can use multiple style sheet for same application.
in trinidad-config.xml
<trinidad-config xmlns="http://myfaces.apache.org/trinidad/config">