What does missing-value: -1 mean in Cloud Custodian filters? - cloudcustodian

I am new to cloud custodian and I find the documentation not clear enough, so can anyone help explaining what these mean in the filters part:
missing-value: -1
aligner: ALIGN_SUM
Thanks In advance.


Fishbase-API get-query

I would like to use the Fishbase-API in my app.
here is the README for the API...
But I don't know how to create a correct query to search for certain “common names” (comnames) and get a list of results?
Thanks a lot!

use sparksql in Idea but not find table

In spark-shell,I execute the sentence:"spark.table("show tables").show",It can show the list of table in my hive.But the same sentence in Idea not word.It can't find anyone.
I have set the $SPARK_HOME/conf in my Modules' dependencies with the runtime scope.The hive-site.xml is work.
help me please.
I have find the answer.It must use the enableHiveSupport().I am foolish

How can I apply DragFlickBehavior in code?

How can I apply the win8nl DragFlickBehavior for a grid in code behind?
Any help will really appreciated.
Thanks in advance
I got the solution
Win8nl.Behaviors.DragFlickBehavior behaviour = new DragFlickBehavior();
Behaviours are currently not supported on Win8Dev. Have a look at
This post by the author shows how to use implement it

Rally API & Release Burnup Data

I'm trying to pull release burnup data from the API. Is that possible? If so, has someone done that, and can share the object + query parameters?
you will want to take a look at the ReleaseCumulativeFlowData object.
An example url would be:
https://trial.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/1.34/releasecumulativeflowdata?query=(ReleaseObjectID = 12345)
The query string will usually be with the ReleaseObjectID = some Release ID.
You then get back the Cumulative Flow Data results which are a collection for each day with counts by ScheduleState - hope that info helps.
(In Rally > Help > Web Services API Documentation, take a look at Cumulative Flow Data for the fields there)
Hope that helps.

how to use getdatasource(request) method

new to struts i try to get database connection using datasource. any one tell me how to use getdatasource(request) method in struts...give me some example
Thanks in Advance
Mouli V
Here are some examples from the net