I am happy to be corrected, but as I understand it there is a limit of a maximum of 100 category options per client that can be configured. Is this just a limitation set in Xero (within the browser) or can this be increased when accessing the client's Xero data via APIs?
Please advise.
I haven't tried it yet, and would seek the knowledge of others before trying it.
Xero have just advised me that the 100 limit is in place to reduce load on their system, and that there are workarounds within Xero to achieve similar function.
During our implementation, our implementation partner said that Workday can only handle 10 calls per second and drops any beyond that. Has anyone had the issue and is there a way around it. We have a number of systems that want to use API integrations but we have avoided it due to this problem.
If you have access to the documentation, you can find the limits for RaaS/REST/SOAP here: Reference: Integrations and Web Service Limits
I am new to twitter api.
I want to search tweets that have 2 specific terms and 1 specific hashtag, and then I want to retweet them in my account for the purpose of consolidating all the tweets.
Do I need to have a developer account?
Should I look to an already existing app (I prefer one that is free or open source), or can I do this with twitter api as a regular user?
Any tutorials or instructions are greatly appreciated. TIA.
I have applied for a developer account, but I don't know how long it will take - I also don't know what the criteria are for being granted one.
I found different kinds of "retweet" applets on ifttt.com - I implemented one of them, and it accomplished what I wanted to achieve, though not perfectly, and there was no documentation to customize functionality, etc.
I couldn't find information anywhere about using twitter API without a developer account, so I applied for that type of account. They emailed approximately 3 times to get more information about my use case, and purposes, intent of use, what I intend to develop, etc. My application was approved within approximately 48 hours.
I will update this answer if there is more information I think might be valuable to share.
I'm using Twitter API to crawl some data.
I'm just wondering how many apps I can build with one account to let me bypass the rate limit?
Thanks in advance!
Deliberately creating multiples for the purpose of bypassing the rate limit is against the Twitter API Terms of Service and will get your applications banned.
If you need more data than the REST API rate limits allow, then you may need to use the Streaming API.
The rate limits exist to ensure the best quality of service for as many people as possible. Don't abuse them.
I have developed one app in which i have used the Google Place API. This is what places doc says about limitation.
The Google Places API has the following query limits:
Users with an API key are allowed 1 000 requests per 24 hour period.
Users who have also verified their identity through the APIs console are allowed 100 000 requests per 24 hour period. A credit card is required for verification, by enabling billing in the console. Your card will not be charged for use of the Places API.
So my question is that if i enable billing for Place API then its free? Is it really true?
Yes, you will have what they are saying. I have done that, so I can confirm... If you put your credit card info, you are letting them know that you are a verified user, and that therefore you won't misuse their services.
And for the second question, we are talking about Google here. It is really true, you won't be charged, they can make money from other sources :)
Actually, if you need more than the "verified" option, it seems you can contact them as stated by Thor Mitchell (Product Manager #Google) in this topic at Quora: Pros and Cons of Places API
"The limits on use (after identity verification) is 100,000 requests
per day, and we're happy to talk to developers who need more about
their requirements."
As of today, the limit is 150,000 free requests per day, but the documentation is hard to make sense of in terms of how they bill overage.
Latest update March 2019:
"For an overview of pricing for the Google Maps Platform products, please see the Pricing Sheet.
To learn more about how Google Maps Platform APIs are billed, please see Understanding billing for Maps, Routes, and Places."
Does anyone know where I can find Google API Request Limits for their different services?
On simulating 500+ concurrent users it seems to fail silently fairly often (maybe 1 in 10 loads)
Any ideas?
The information is in their support resources. I am not aware of a central place, but it's all there. Searching the docs for "request limit" should usually do the trick.
The Geocoding API's limits for example can be found here.
Google Maps API Web Services and Google Static Maps API limits were cut effective a few days ago. Starting October 1st 2011 commercial web sites and apps using Google Maps API for free receive:
max of 2,500 calls/day, if modified using Styled Maps feature
max of 25,000 calls/day in total
Fusion tables are preferable to the Google Maps API alone, particularly with respect to rate limits:
Applications using the Google Fusion Tables API can send a maximum of
5 requests per second to the Google Fusion Tables server.
I think they removed the limit recently: can't even find a mention of it in documentation pages where I know for sure that it was mentioned and read about the limit removal somewhere this summer.
Even their new EULA states that their service is not limited but they remain free to limit it however they want at any moment.
500 concurrent users doesn't seem to be that much though, even if limitations where in place; are you sure it's Google what's failing?