What is the maximum number of API calls per second that Workday can support - workday-api

During our implementation, our implementation partner said that Workday can only handle 10 calls per second and drops any beyond that. Has anyone had the issue and is there a way around it. We have a number of systems that want to use API integrations but we have avoided it due to this problem.

If you have access to the documentation, you can find the limits for RaaS/REST/SOAP here: Reference: Integrations and Web Service Limits


Podio API limit

I am working on one product which is fetching all the organization/workspace and app details of the customer. The customer can refresh them any time.
So let’s say I have one customer who has 100 applications across multiple workspaces so around it is making around 110 calls to get each application detail, workspace details and organizations.
Now if that customer refreshed the applications multiple times like 10 times in an hour so the action only for that is 1000 API calls. If I have 50 such users active and doing this thing then it will be something 50000.
AFAIK I can not make so many API calls in an hour so how to handle this scenario. I know a lot of applications are doing such things so want to understand how everyone is handling this.
If you need a higher rate limit, I would encourage you to contact Podio support and ask specifically for what you need. We have internal guidelines for evaluating these kinds of requests and may increase the limit for your user and client ID if appropriate.
In general, though, I would expect your app to implement some kind of batching, transient storage, and/or caching layers, especially if your customers are interacting with Podio exclusively or primarily through your system.
Please see our official statement here: https://developers.podio.com/index/limits
The general limit is 5,000 API calls per hour, but if the API call is marked as "Rate limited" in the API reference the call is deemed resource intensive and a lower rate of 1000 calls per hour is enforced. If you hit the rate limits the API will begin returning 420 HTTP error codes for all API calls. Rate limits are per user per API key.
Contacting support:
If you have a project that requires a higher rate limit contact support#podio.com with a brief description of your project, your estimated usage and the client_id of the API key you are using.
Usage tips:
Tips for reducing API usage
Avoid making API requests inside loops. Instead of fetching individual objects inside a loop, fetch a collection of objects in one API operation. E.g. filter items
Cache results whenever possible. This is especially true when you are displaying data to the public (i.e. every sees the same output).
Don't poll for changes. Instead of polling Podio to see if your content has changed use webhooks or push to receive a notification. This might save you thousands of requests: https://developers.podio.com/doc/hooks
Use logging to see how many requests you're making
Bundle responses with "fields" parameter
You might want to build an API proxy app; you would need a messaging queue and a rate limiter. This would lets you keep track of the api calls consumptions across apps and users.
Also worth noting: some API routes are more expensive than others if they are more resource intensive on the Podio side… The term in use is rate-limited: rate limited api route are bound to 1k calls an hours, so in effect costs 5 times as much as regular routes.
Hope this helps!

API call request limit

I have been looking into various different APIs which can provide my the weather data I need in JSON format. A lot of these API's have certain limits such as: in order to get more requests per minute, you need to pay more money per month so that your app can make more API requests.
However, a lot of these API's also have free account which five you limited access to them.
So what I was thinking is, wouldn't it be possible for a developer to just make lots of different developer accounts with an API provider and then just make lots of different API keys?
That way, they wouldn't have to pay anything as they could stick with the free accounts. Whenever one of the API keys has reached the maximum daily request calls, the developer could just put a switch statement in their code which gets their software to use a different API key.
I see no reason why this wouldn't work from a technical point of view... but, is such a thing allowed?
Thanks, Dan.
This would technically be possible, and it happens.
It is also probably against the service's terms, a good reason for the service to ban all your sock puppet accounts, and perhaps even illegal.
If the service that offers the API has spent time and money implementing a per-developer limit for their API, they have almost certainly enforced that in their terms of service, and you would be wise to respect those.
(relevant xkcd)

Tumblr API call or request limits

Anybody know if there is any API call limits per second, hour or day for Tumblr API? It seems to me the limits do exist when I make a lot of api calls in a short period via OAuth. However, I couldn't find any document on Tumblr API website or on Google. Many thanks.
I have been using Tumblr API for about 2 years now, and I must admit that "Rate Limit Exceeded" issue has no deterministic and, more important, officially confirmed answer.
In Tumblr's API Agreement you may find some reference to limitations under section "Respect for Limitations" which says
In addition, you will comply with any limitations imposed by Tumblr on the frequency of access, calls and use of the Tumblr API and Tumblr Firehose
We ask that you respect these limitations, as well as any rate limits that we may place on actions, which are designed to protect our systems
There is a special Tumblr tagged blog "rate-limit-exceeded" dedicated to this. However, it does not say much about number of request per period of time that a reported person used when facing this problem.
For example here you can find avg 1000 requests per minute to be the limit.
As for my application the request rate is approximately 1 request per second. The application runs for about a year already in 24/7 manner. There were several times though this issue occurred to me even with this relatively low rate. However, I consider the failure rate to be insignificant.
From: https://www.tumblr.com/oauth/apps
Newly registered consumers are rate limited to 1,000 requests per hour, and 5,000 requests per day.
If you go to that link it looks like you can get the rate limit removed if you ask nicely! :)

"reasonable" use of web APIs to sync data

My goal is to synchronize a web-application with an internal database. The web-application has a public API, but in order to fully synchronize the two sources I would need to make around 2000 separate API calls every time. My instinct tells me that this is excessive and possibly irresponsible, but I lack the experience to know for sure.
In this particular case the web-application is Asana, but I've encountered similar situations before with other services. Is there any way to know if you're abusing a service through excessive API calls? I know I'm not going to DOS a company like Asana, but I can't shake the feeling that there must be a better way than making ~150k requests per day.
The only other option I can think of is to update the web-service only when I know there's been a change in the database, but I'll lose a lot of capability that way.
I apologize for the subjectivity of this question, but I'm really hoping that someone can explain if there's any kind of etiquette that's expected when using public APIs.
(I work at Asana)
This is an excellent question, or rather set of questions.
You are designing a system that will repeatedly make requests for every object. What will happen as the number of objects grows? Even if your initial request rate were reasonable, this would suffer problems with scalability. A more scalable solution is one that scales with the number of changes in the system. This will also grow over time, but much more slowly - the number of changes a single user can make per day is relatively constant, but the total number of objects they've created over time grows and grows. So my first piece of advice would be to avoid doing things this way, and instead find a way to detect changes and just act on those. It would be interesting to know why you feel you'll lose capability by taking this approach.
Now, I happen to know that the Asana API does not currently provide you with any friendly mechanism to just detect changes in the system. This is a commonly requested feature and we are looking into it, though I unfortunately cannot promise a delivery date. So you might be left with no choice but to poll our system for now.
As for being polite to the API, many service providers set limits on their API usage to prevent accidental or malicious use of the API from impacting the service to their other customers -- Asana is no exception. Sometimes these limits are published, other times not, and there is no standard limit: it all depends on the service. But it is very thoughtful of you to be curious about service limitations.
That said, 150k requests per day is, for the Asana API, kind of a lot. If all of our API users gave us that much traffic, we might be serving more requests per day than Google Web Search, and we're not quite that scalable yet. :) Technically, sometimes, we might handle requests at that volume from a single user.
If you must poll, try to poll on intervals like 15 minutes. But please do not poll your entire workspace on this time period; it's likely to be too much traffic/data. We're working on trying to provide you with a better solution.
If you do happen to make too many requests of the Asana API, you will get back HTTP status code 429 instead of your desired response; you can read more about that here (https://asana.com/developers/documentation/getting-started/errors).

Google API Request Limit

Does anyone know where I can find Google API Request Limits for their different services?
On simulating 500+ concurrent users it seems to fail silently fairly often (maybe 1 in 10 loads)
Any ideas?
The information is in their support resources. I am not aware of a central place, but it's all there. Searching the docs for "request limit" should usually do the trick.
The Geocoding API's limits for example can be found here.
Google Maps API Web Services and Google Static Maps API limits were cut effective a few days ago. Starting October 1st 2011 commercial web sites and apps using Google Maps API for free receive:
max of 2,500 calls/day, if modified using Styled Maps feature
max of 25,000 calls/day in total
Fusion tables are preferable to the Google Maps API alone, particularly with respect to rate limits:
Applications using the Google Fusion Tables API can send a maximum of
5 requests per second to the Google Fusion Tables server.
I think they removed the limit recently: can't even find a mention of it in documentation pages where I know for sure that it was mentioned and read about the limit removal somewhere this summer.
Even their new EULA states that their service is not limited but they remain free to limit it however they want at any moment.
500 concurrent users doesn't seem to be that much though, even if limitations where in place; are you sure it's Google what's failing?