I am printing out the contents of a shapefile with ordinary printf statements and for some reason Intellij IDEA Ultimate is underlining and coloring blue a fragment of the output as though it thinks it is a hyperlink:
If I hover the mouse over the blue text, the cursor changes to a finger, like it is a hyperlink. Of course, nothing happens if I click it because it is obviously not a hyperlink. What is going on?
It seems to have something to do with the colons. If I delete them, then the text is no formatted. Also if I use only one colon like this:
X: -71.545101 Y 42.345041
Then there is also no formatting. Only if both colons are present does the blue underlining appear.
org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.execution.filters.GrCompilationErrorsFilterProvider does that using the following pattern: (file:)?(^|[\W])(?<file>(?:\p{Alpha}\:|/)[0-9 a-z_A-Z\-\\./]+): (?<line>[0-9]+).*
Report a bug or disable Groovy plugin.
IntelliJ IDEA adequately highlights the word and its occurrences where the cursor position sits. I would like to know if shortcuts for navigating these highlighted words exists.
You can use CTRL+F3 to find the word at caret, and then use F3 and SHIFT+F3 to navigate between the occurrences.
Is there a setting in InteliJ to make it highlight usages of a word that is currently selected in plain text files similar to what Notepad and Sublime text editors do and what InteliJ does in java?
Help guide https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/help/highlighting-usages.html has Highlight usages of element at caret but that setting doesn't seem to change anything in plain text files.
To highlight all occurrences of a word in plain text, select the word and press Ctrl + F. This will open a search header filled with the selected word and all matches will be highlighted.
This is not exactly usages highlighting (since there is no real context in a plain text file), but it does what you want.
You can use Edit > Find > Highlight Usages in File Ctrl + Shift + F7.
This highlights all usages of selected text using the Find window.
In eclipse, you can go to the previous/next occurrence of the selected word by pressing ctrl+, / ctrl+..
What is the equivalent in IntelliJ IDEA?
The feature is called Find Word at Caret:
Search for a word at caret enables you to quickly find the exact match for the current word, without changing any search options. With the match once found, you can navigate between the occurrences of the term.
You can use Ctrl+F3 for that:
select a word at caret
hit Ctrl+F3 and then F3 or Shift+F3 to navigate to the
next/previous occurrence
Mac OS
Please note that there is no shortcut on Mac OS. You'd need to use Cmd+Shift+a and type "Find Word At Caret" ("find wo" should be enough) or on the main menu, choose Edit | Find | Find Word At Caret. Press Cmd+g to navigate to go to the next occurrence.
Separate Plugin
Or, try this plugin - it supports using Shift+Alt+Up and Shift+Alt+Down to navigate up and down to each identifier occurrence
To make this feature available by default please, vote for IDEA-59638
Use Ctrl+Shift+F7 to highlight the usages of some variable in the current file, then use F3 or Shift+F3 to navigate through the highlighted usages.
(It works in IntelliJ IDEA 2016.1.3)
Finding Word at Caret: Ctrl+F3:
Search for a word at caret enables you to quickly find the exact match for the current word, without changing any search options. With the match once found, you can navigate between the occurrences of the term.
Note that after it has found occurrences, it immediately goes to the first occurrence.
The functions for this are called Go to {next,previous} highlighted element usage and are available by default only via the menu Edit→Find. No key press is associated to this function by default. (IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3 (Community Edition))
You can set them to a specific key press in the keymap: File→Settings→Keymap→Main menu→Edit→Find and double click on the function you want to set.
IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3 (Community Edition): via main menu Edit→Find Usage→Next(Previous) Highlighted Usage
CMD + Shift + F7 to select all occurrences
than CMD + G to navigate forward
CMD + Shift + G to navigate backward
In IntelliJ 10.5 I have "Highlight usages of element at caret" enabled. When a variable/method/etc is selected, is there a way to move to the next and previous occurrence? I'm looking for the equivalent of Control-K in Eclipse.
Edit: Shortcut to navigate between highlighted usages simply moves to the next text occurrence, which is different than moving to the next occurrence of the variable/method/etc. If I have the variable foo selected, I want to navigate to the next occurrence of foo and not any piece of text called "foo" (including "foo" in comments, method names, etc).
Also, pressing F3 seems to be buggy. When I press F3, it sometimes searches using the previous searched text and not the currently highlighted text.
F3 or shift+F3
ctrl+c, ctrl+f, enter or up and down arrows
Added this in case people don't look at your edit.
It's not currently possible, see my question: Shortcut to navigate between highlighted usages.
I even created an issue IDEA-70523 addressing this feature, please vote for it if you can't live without it like me :-).
Install Identifier Highlighter Reloaded and use Alt + Shift + Up/Down (can be redefined in Keymap settings) :)
After you give it a shot and notice the 'hey, the highlight stays there after I move my cursor out of it' annoyance, consider upvoting this issue :)
In the Mac OS, you can navigate to next highlighted usage by press control + option + up/down arrow.
Vote this request up for make them implement the feature.
I found something thay may more suite your needs : alt + mouse-wheel up/down.
It goes to previous / next occurrence of identifier under caret.
Shortcut name is "Go to next highlighted element usage".
I usually do the following:
Highlight the word
Cmd + F (it will highlight all the matches in file)
Cmd + G (next match)
Cmd + Shift + G (previous match)
I could not get any of IntelliJ's native options for Find Next/Previous to behave like in Eclipse. Find Word at Caret comes close, but it only allows you to slurp and find the next word, not previous.
Identifier Highlighter Reloaded also does not behave like Eclipse.
I wrote an IntelliJ plugin to reproduce the exact behavior as in Eclipse. You can find it here: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/10635-quick-find-plugin
Look for next occurrence # Keymap
^G = "select" the variable that you want to search for
[shift]⌘G = [previous]next occurrence of selected variable
All credits to #Igor Wojda for his comment in the accepted answer.
(AFAIK, limiting search scope to only variable/method is not possible)
For text based match and quick jump:
Simply place the cursor over the desired word to be searched
Press Ctrl+F3
For further down/up search, simply use
F3/Shift+F3 respectively
in Intellij shortcut for this action, it's not defined.
but you can define it like this:
Ctrl+ Alt + S
search " highlighted usage"
then you can set a shortcut for that.
Ctrl+Alt+Up and Ctrl+Alt+Down navigates to the next and previous usages of a highlighted variable in IntelliJ.
I use this functionality of navigating to the next usage of a variable in a file by hot in Visual Studio all the time (Ctrl+Shift+Up and Ctrl+Shift+Down) and was looking for the equivalent in IntelliJ