Consume Redis from VertexAI - redis

Is it possible to consume a Redis queue from the GCP VertexAI?
My goal is to store multiple concurrent audiostreams in chunks on a Redis queue. Then I would infer results from the AI model while scaling with the number of items in the queue.
Is that possible/advisable?
What would be the best GCP architecture to infer on concurrent audiostreams with autoscaling?
I tried looking through GCP documentation for examples of combining Redis with VertexAI but I didn't find any.


Using both, request-reply and pub-sub for microservices communication

We are planning to introduce both, pub-sub and request-reply communication models to our micriservices architecture. Both communication models are needed.
One of the solutions could be using RabbitMQ as it can provide both models and provide HA, clusterring ang other interesting features.
RabbitMQ request-reply model requires using queues, both for input and for output messages. Only one service can read from the input queue and this increases coupling.
Is there any other recommended solution for using both request-reply and pub-sub communication models in the same system?
Does service mesh could be a better option?
It shall be suppoered by node.js, python and. Net CORE.
Thank you for your help
There multiple pub-sub and request-reply support HA communication models :
1. Kafka
Kafka relies heavily on the filesystem for storing and caching messages. All data is immediately written to a persistent log on the filesystem without necessarily flushing to disk. In effect this just means that it is transferred into the kernel’s pagecache.
Kafka is designed with failure in mind. At some point in time, web communications or storage resources fail. When a broker goes offline, one of the replicas becomes the new leader for the partition. When the broker comes back online, it has no leader partitions. Kafka keeps track of which machine is configured to be the leader. Once the original broker is back up and in a good state, Kafka restores the information it missed in the interim and makes it the partition leader once more.
See :
2. Redis
Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker. It supports data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs, geospatial indexes with radius queries and streams. Redis has built-in replication, Lua scripting, LRU eviction, transactions and different levels of on-disk persistence, and provides high availability via Redis Sentinel and automatic partitioning with Redis Cluster.
See :
3. ZeroMQ
ZeroMQ (also known as ØMQ, 0MQ, or zmq) looks like an embeddable networking library but acts like a concurrency framework. It gives you sockets that carry atomic messages across various transports like in-process, inter-process, TCP, and multicast. You can connect sockets N-to-N with patterns like fan-out, pub-sub, task distribution, and request-reply. It's fast enough to be the fabric for clustered products. Its asynchronous I/O model gives you scalable multicore applications, built as asynchronous message-processing tasks. It has a score of language APIs and runs on most operating systems.
See :
4. RabbitMQ
RabbitMQ is lightweight and easy to deploy on premises and in the cloud. It supports multiple messaging protocols. RabbitMQ can be deployed in distributed and federated configurations to meet high-scale, high-availability requirements.
My preference would be to have REST api for request-reply pattern. This is specially applicable for internal microservices where you are in control of communication mechanism. I don't understand your comment about why they are not scalable if you defined them as properly and you can scale out and down the number of instances for the services based on demand. Be it Kafka, RabbitMQ, or any other broker, I don't think they are developed for request-reply as primary use case. And don't forget that whatever broker you are using, if it is A->B->C in REST, it will be A->broker->B->broker->C->broker->A and broker need to do it house keeping.
Then for pub-sub, I would use Kafka as it is unified model which can support pub-sub as well as point to point.
But if you still wanted to use a broker for request-reply, I would check Kafka as it can scale massively via partitions and lot of near real streaming applications are built using that. So It could be near the minimal latency requirement of request-reply pattern. But then I would want a framework on top of that to associate request and replies. So I would consider using Spring Kafka to achieve that

Confluent S3 Connector Clarification

We are using confluent's s3 connector to send avro data from a topic to s3. We have 3 broker nodes and on all 3 we have confluent s3-connector running. In the configuration file of connector we have two topics and tasks.max=1. I am new to kafka and I have following doubts:
Since we have overall three s3-connectors, how they are reading from each topic (each topic has 3 partitions and 2 replication factor). Are they considered as three different consumers reading from same topic or all these consumers come under a single consumer group and read data in parallel?
We have two topics in each connector. Do they launch different threads to read data from both the topics in parallel or do they consume sequentially (read from a topic at a time)?
First, set that to the number of total partitions.
Replication factor doesn't matter. Consumers can only ever read from one partition at a time.
Connect forms a consumer group. That is the basic design for any Kafka consumer client. They read in parallel, depending on all your other properties.
Sounds like you are running connect-standalone, and not connect-distributed, however
If you have 3 machines, obviously use distributed mode
And yes, tasks and threads are funtionally equivalent, with the difference being that tasks will rebalance , while threads are logically only on a single machine.

Count inflight messages in Redis

I'm using Redis as a simple pubsub broker, managed by the redis-py library, using just the default 'main' channel. Is there a technique, in either Redis itself or the wrapping Python library to count the number of messages in this queue? I don't have deeper conceptual knowledge of Redis (in particular how it implements broker functionality) so am not sure if such a question makes sense
Exact counts, lock avoidance etc. is not necessary; I only need to check periodically (on the order of minutes) whether this queue is empty
Redis Pub/Sub doesn't hold any internal queues of messages see -
If you need a more queue based publish mechanism you might to check Redis Streams. Redis Streams provides two methods that might help you XLEN and XINFO.

Redis Streams vs Kafka Streams/NATS

Redis team introduce new Streams data type for Redis 5.0. Since Streams looks like Kafka topics from first view it seems difficult to find real world examples for using it.
In streams intro we have comparison with Kafka streams:
Runtime consumer groups handling. For example, if one of three consumers fails permanently, Redis will continue to serve first and second because now we would have just two logical partitions (consumers).
Redis streams much faster. They stored and operated from memory so this one is as is case.
We have some project with Kafka, RabbitMq and NATS. Now we are deep look into Redis stream to trying using it as "pre kafka cache" and in some case as Kafka/NATS alternative. The most critical point right now is replication:
Store all data in memory with AOF replication.
By default the asynchronous replication will not guarantee that XADD commands or consumer groups state changes are replicated: after a failover something can be missing depending on the ability of followers to receive the data from the master. This one looks like point to kill any interest to try streams in high load.
Redis failover process as operated by Sentinel or Redis Cluster performs only a best effort check to failover to the follower which is the most updated, and under certain specific failures may promote a follower that lacks some data.
And the cap strategy. The real "capped resource" with Redis Streams is memory, so it's not really so important how many items you want to store or which capped strategy you are using. So each time you consumer fails you would get peak memory consumption or message lost with cap.
We use Kafka as RTB bidder frontend which handle ~1,100,000 messages per second with ~120 bytes payload. With Redis we have ~170 mb/sec memory consumption on write and with 512 gb RAM server we have write "reserve" for ~50 minutes of data. So if processing system would be offline for this time we would crash.
Could you please tell more about Redis Streams usage in real world and may be some cases you try to use it themself? Or may be Redis Streams could be used with not big amount of data?
long time no see. This feels like a discussion that belongs in the redis-db mailing list, but the use case sounds fascinating.
Note that Redis Streams are not intended to be a Kafka replacement - they provide different properties and capabilities despite the similarities. You are of course correct with regards to the asynchronous nature of replication. As for scaling the amount of RAM available, you should consider using a cluster and partition your streams across period-based key names.

Difference between Redis and Kafka

Redis can be used as realtime pub-sub just as Kafka.
I am confused which one to use when.
Any use case would be a great help.
Redis pub-sub is mostly like a fire and forget system where all the messages you produced will be delivered to all the consumers at once and the data is kept nowhere. You have limitation in memory with respect to Redis. Also, the number of producers and consumers can affect the performance in Redis.
Kafka, on the other hand, is a high throughput, distributed log that can be used as a queue. Here any number of users can produce and consumers can consume at any time they want. It also provides persistence for the messages sent through the queue.
Final Take:
Use Redis:
If you want a fire and forget kind of system, where all the messages that you produce are delivered instantly to consumers.
If speed is most concerned.
If you can live up with data loss.
If you don't want your system to hold the message that has been sent.
The amount of data that is gonna be dealt with is not huge.
Use kafka:
If you want reliability.
If you want your system to have a copy of messages that has been sent even after consumption.
If you can't live up with data loss.
If Speed is not a big concern.
data size is huge
Redis 5.0+ version provides the Stream data structure. It could be considered as a log data structure with delivery guarantees. It offers a set of blocking operations allowing consumers to wait for new data added to a stream by producers, and in addition to that, a concept called Consumer Groups.
Basically Stream structure provides the same capabilities as Kafka.
Here is the documentation
There are two most popular Java clients that support this feature: Redisson and Jedis
Redisson provides ReliableTopic object if reliability of delivery is required.