Lucene 7.1.0 missing TermVectorMapper - lucene

Lucene 7.1.0 is missing TermVectorMapper. Can somebody suggest what file I should have to add my maven pom.xml?


Missing artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:bundle:2.9.8

Working with Jackson library, it came following error in Eclipse 4.9.0 version
Missing artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:bundle:2.9.6 pom.xml /Jackson-Usage line 7 Maven Dependency Problem
The problem came when I added maven dependencies by GUI to add dependencies.
The solution was from generated dependencies
to remove and save.
Remove bundle and that should resolve the error code in eclipse.

NoClassDefFoundError using with boxable plugin

I am using boxable plugin with pdfbox and I am trying to create a teble. I am getting error:
2015-09-09T10:36:52.453+0200|Severe: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/pdfbox/pdmodel/edit/PDPageContentStream
at the line of code:
BaseTable table = new BaseTable(yStart,yStartNewPage, bottomMargin, tableWidth, margin, doc, page, true, drawContent);
Here is a part from pom.xml, describing the dependencies that I am using:
Is there a bug in current version of dependencies or am I missing something?
Thank you very much for any help.
Remove this:
2.0 is an unreleased version and is in development, and it has a different API. Boxable has its dependencies in its own pom.xml, it is currently requesting 1.8.8. (Which is not the latest version, but I don't think this matters for simple PDF creation)

jfreechart-1.0.14-swt.jar maven dependency using system path

I need to add maven dependency in my POM file for jfreechart-1.0.14-swt.jar. I have used below dependency in xml:
even tried with this one:
But in both cases the build is failing. Can anyone let me know how I can resolve this?
the above issue is resolved now.. did some R&D
correct pom dependency is:

JUnit and WebDriver by IntelliJ IDEA

Im working in IntelliJ and need to add dependency's to Selenum WebDriver and Junit.
I already added the jars (as mentioned in all possible tutorial) to my Project lib.
I can also see them in the project view - Selenium-java-2.39.0.jar, Selenium-java-2.39.0.srcs.jar, Selenium-server-standalone-2.39.0.jar AND junit-4.11.jar
Nevertheless, my project can not recognized this items (for example
import org.openqa.selenium.;
import static org.junit.Assert.;
Any ideas?
I would recommend investing some time learning about some dependency management solutions. Here are my top two selections:
If using maven, you'd have a pom.xml in your project and you'd have something like:
Ivy is very similar, but i won't get into it. If you need a project to get you started, you can check out this project (download here) which is used by Major League Gaming for their selenium framework
I agree, you should invest in a dependency management solution, but if you are not forced to use maven, try gradle.
It is way lighter and flexible...
In that case, my dependencies are resume to 1 line:
compile "org.gebish:geb-spock:0.9.2", "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-firefox-driver:2.39.0", "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-support:2.39.0"
I agree, I could add a second line with a property for the selenium version.
Gradle is really well supported by intellij Idea.

Using Cucumber with IntelliJ

Does anyone knows why 'Cucumber Java' does not appear in "Edit Configurations -> Defaults -> ???? even though my pom file as downloaded the dependency i.e. cucumber-java (1.1.5)
Pom.xml file is used to install all the necessary plugins i.e. cucumber for java plugin
Make sure you have installed and enabled the Cucumber for Java plugin from the JetBrains plugin repository.
Look in the File -> Settings...
And you cannot install plugins into IDEA via Maven.
Just to add on top of the Answer by- Eugene.
While searching for Cucumber plugin, under File>Settings>plugins of Intellij you might not be able to see any Plugin available for cucumber and this is very weird issue for IntelliJ on windows.. troubled me for Hours..
But to solve it- we just have to click on 'Search in repositories' link as displayed on search panel. This will show all available stuff and you can select Cucumber for Java(or whatever).