How to create a callable mock from a non-callable spec? - python-unittest.mock

I have two classes: class One that does some stuff and class Wrapper that translates the API of One. To test the Wrapper I want to mock the class One. My problem is that One sets a number of attributes in it's __init__ method and I'd like my test to throw an error when these attributes are changed (e.g. renamed or deleted) in One but not in Wrapper.
I have tried to initialize an instance of One and to use it as a spec, but the resulting mock is non-callable:
from unittest import mock
import pytest
class One:
def __init__(self, a):
self.a = a
spec_obj = One(a='foo')
# working code, the test should pass
class Wrapper:
def __init__(self, wa):
self._one = One(a=wa)
self.wa = self._one.a
#mock.patch(__name__ + '.One', autospec=spec_obj)
def test_wrapper(MockOne):
MockOne.return_value.a = test_a = 'bar'
wrapper_obj = Wrapper(wa=test_a)
assert wrapper_obj.wa == test_a
which throws the error:
TypeError: 'NonCallableMagicMock' object is not callable
since the spec spec_obj is non-callable.
If I set autospec=True, everything works but the test passes even when the One's attribute is renamed.

MockOne.return_value produces a Mock that you configure, but when the mock is actually called, you get a different Mock that hasn't been properly configured. You need to configure MockOne.return_value directly.
#mock.patch('One', autospec=True)
def test_wrapper(MockOne):
MockOne.return_value.a = test_a = 'bar'
wrapper_obj = Wrapper(wa=test_a)
assert wrapper_obj.wa == test_a


Cannot pass object instance from to a test class

I am trying to create a session-scope fixture that creates and pass instance of the driver class for every single test class in my suite. I was expecting that the following code would work:
import pytest
from pages.home.home_page import HomeAdmin
from base.webdriver_factory import WebDriverFactory
#pytest.fixture(scope='session', autouse=True)
def startup(request):
wdf = WebDriverFactory("firefox")
driver = wdf.get_web_driver_instance() # returns driver instance
return driver
I was expecting to have acces to the driver instance from my test code:
from pages.home.home_page import HomeAdmin
import unittest
import pytest
class HomeAdminTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setup(self, startup):
self.ha = HomeAdmin(self.driver)
def test_login(self):
print("test run")
Buy this results in an error:
def setup(self, startup):
> self.ha = HomeAdmin(self.driver)
E AttributeError: 'HomeAdminTest' object has no attribute 'driver'
testcases\home\ AttributeError
What I'm trying to achieve in general:
Open browser only once for all tests (all classes and modules) and then run various other classes to manipulate with the same driver instance. (I know that this is not best practice for testing, but this is special case and I am going rather automate some processes than making real tests).
Thank you in advance,
Finally I figured out how to solve problem by myself. It turned out that I was refering to the instance of webdriver in the test class in wrong way. Properly working class looks as following:
from pages.home.home_page import HomeAdmin
import unittest
import pytest
class HomeAdminTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setup(self,startup):
self.ha = HomeAdmin(startup)
def test_login(self):
print("test run")
Now I have access to my driver and page class created with it.

Subclass `pathlib.Path` fails

I would like to enhance the class pathlib.Path but the simple example above dose not work.
from pathlib import Path
class PPath(Path):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
test = PPath("dir", "test.txt")
Here is the error message I have.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/projetmbc/", line 14, in <module>
test = PPath("dir", "test.txt")
File "/anaconda/lib/python3.4/", line 907, in __new__
self = cls._from_parts(args, init=False)
File "/anaconda/lib/python3.4/", line 589, in _from_parts
drv, root, parts = self._parse_args(args)
File "/anaconda/lib/python3.4/", line 582, in _parse_args
return cls._flavour.parse_parts(parts)
AttributeError: type object 'PPath' has no attribute '_flavour'
What I am doing wrong ?
You can subclass the concrete implementation, so this works:
class Path(type(pathlib.Path())):
Here's what I did with this:
import pathlib
class Path(type(pathlib.Path())):
def open(self, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None):
if encoding is None and 'b' not in mode:
encoding = 'utf-8'
return super().open(mode, buffering, encoding, errors, newline)
Here is the definition of the Path class. It does something rather clever. Rather than directly returning an instance of Path from its __new__(), it returns an instance of a subclass, but only if it's been invoked directly as Path() (and not as a subclass).
Otherwise, it expects to have been invoked via either WindowsPath() or PosixPath(), which both provide a _flavour class attribute via multiple inheritance. You must also provide this attribute when subclassing. You'll probably need to instantiate and/or subclass the _Flavour class to do this. This is not a supported part of the API, so your code might break in a future version of Python.
TL;DR: This idea is fraught with peril, and I fear that my answers to your questions will be interpreted as approval rather than reluctant assistance.
You may be able to simplify your life depending on why you want to extend Path (or PosixPath, or WindowsPath). In my case, I wanted to implement a File class that had all the methods of Path, and a few others. However, I didn't actually care if isinstance(File(), Path).
Delegation works beautifully:
class File:
def __init__(self, path):
self.path = pathlib.Path(path)
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return getattr(self.path, attr)
def foobar(self):
Now, if file = File('/a/b/c'), I can use the entire Path interface on file, and also do file.foobar().
Combining some of the previous answers you could also just write:
class MyPath(pathlib.Path):
_flavour = type(pathlib.Path())._flavour
I have been struggling with this too.
Here is what i did, studying from the pathlib module.
Seems to me that is the cleaner way to do it, but if the pathlib module changes its implementation, it probably won't hold.
from pathlib import Path
import os
import pathlib
class PPath(Path):
_flavour = pathlib._windows_flavour if == 'nt' else pathlib._posix_flavour
def __new__(cls, *args):
return super(PPath, cls).__new__(cls, *args)
def __init__(self, *args):
super().__init__() #Path.__init__ does not take any arg (all is done in new)
self._some_instance_ppath_value = self.exists() #Path method
def some_ppath_method(self, *args):
test = PPath("dir", "test.txt")
I have opened a bug track here after a little discussion on the Python dev. list.
A temporary solution
Sorry for this double answer but here is a way to achieve what I want. Thanks to Kevin that points me to the source of pathlib and the fact we have here constructors.
import pathlib
import os
def _extramethod(cls, n):
print("=== "*n)
class PathPlus(pathlib.Path):
def __new__(cls, *args):
if cls is PathPlus:
cls = pathlib.WindowsPath if == 'nt' else pathlib.PosixPath
setattr(cls, "extramethod", _extramethod)
return cls._from_parts(args)
test = PathPlus("C:", "Users", "projetmbc", "onefile.ext")
print("File ?", test.is_file())
print("Dir ?", test.is_dir())
print("New name:", test.with_name(""))
print("Drive ?",
This prints the following lines.
File ? False
Dir ? False
New name: C:/Users/projetmbc/
Drive ?
=== === === ===
In order to inherit from pathlib.Path, you need to specify which OS, or "flavour" you're representing. All you need to do is specify that you are using either Windows or Unix (seems to be Unix based on your traceback) by inheriting from pathlib.PosixPath or pathlib.WindowsPath.
import pathlib
class PPath(pathlib.PosixPath):
test = PPath("dir", "test.txt")
Which outputs:
Using type(pathlib.Path()) as proposed in this answer does the exact same thing as directly inheriting from pathlib.PosixPath or pathlib.WindowsPath since instantiating pathlib.Path "creates either a PosixPath or a WindowsPath" (pathlib documentation).
If you know your application will not be cross-platform, it is simpler to directly inherit from the flavor Path that represents your OS.
Here is a simple way to do things regarding to the observation made by Kevin.
class PPath():
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.path = Path(*args, **kwargs)
Then I will need to use a trick so as to automatically bind all the Path's methods to my PPpath class. I think that will be funny to do.
It's work too.
from pathlib import Path
class SystemConfigPath(type(Path())):
def __new__(cls, **kwargs):
path = cls._std_etc()
return super().__new__(cls, path, **kwargs)
def _std_etc():
return '/etc'
name = SystemConfigPath()
name = name / 'apt'
#staticmethod can be replaced by #classmethod

How do Scrapy from_settings and from_crawler class methods work?

I need to add the following class method to my existing pipeline
i am not sure how to have 2 of these class methods in my class
from twisted.enterprise import adbapi
import MySQLdb.cursors
class MySQLStorePipeline(object):
"""A pipeline to store the item in a MySQL database.
This implementation uses Twisted's asynchronous database API.
def __init__(self, dbpool):
self.dbpool = dbpool
def from_settings(cls, settings):
dbargs = dict(
host= settings['DB_HOST'],
db= settings['DB_NAME'],
user= settings['DB_USER'],
passwd= settings['DB_PASSWD'],
dbpool = adbapi.ConnectionPool('MySQLdb', **dbargs)
return cls(dbpool)
def process_item(self, item, spider):
From my understanding of class methods, several class methods in a python class should just be fine. It just depends on which one the caller requires. However, I have only seen from_crawler until now in scrapy pipelines. From there you can get access to the settings via crawler.settings
Are you sure that from_settings is required? I did not check all occurences, but in priority seems to apply: If a crawler object is available and a from_crawler method exists, this is taken. Otherwise, if there is a from_settings method, that is taken. Otherwise, the raw constructor is taken.
if crawler and hasattr(mwcls, 'from_crawler'):
mw = mwcls.from_crawler(crawler)
elif hasattr(mwcls, 'from_settings'):
mw = mwcls.from_settings(settings)
mw = mwcls()
I admit, I do not know if this is also the place where pipelines get created (I guess not, but there is no, but the implementation seems very reasonable.
So, I'd just either:
reimplement the whole method as from_crawler and only use that one
add method from_crawler and use both
The new method could look like follows (to duplicate as little code as possible):
def from_crawler(cls, crawler):
obj = cls.from_settings(crawler.settings)
return obj
Of course this depends a bit on what you need.

How to test a helper Grok view that makes a redirect

I have a content type that needs to be modified in some way after calling a helper Grok view that checks some condition, makes some changes, sets a message and redirects to the original object.
my helper view only has a render method and I want to write some tests for it but I have no idea how to handle this.
I would like to check for an error message when some condition is not met, and for an info message when everything goes fine.
my code looks like this:
class MyHelperView(grok.View):
def render(self):
variable = self.request.form.get('variable', None)
if not variable:
msg = _(u'Required input is missing.')
api.portal.show_message(message=msg, request=self.request, type='error')
msg = _(u'Information processed.')
api.portal.show_message(message=msg, request=self.request)
when I call the view obviously I ended with a None object, as the view returns nothing. I don't know where to look for messages... request? response? any hint?
I would avoid using transaction commits in test code. The test framework is specifically designed to roll back the transactions at the end of each test. Your setUp override goes against this.
To check status messages in a unit test you should be able to do something like:
from Products.statusmessages.interfaces import IStatusMessage
This is an adapter that adapts the request.
I ended up with test with a layer based on FunctionalTesting:
from import TEST_USER_NAME
from plone.testing.z2 import Browser
import transaction
class HelperViewTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self): = self.layer['app']
self.portal = self.layer['portal']
self.request = self.layer['request']
directlyProvides(self.request, IMyLayer)
with api.env.adopt_roles(['Manager']): = api.content.create(self.portal, 'MyType', 'foo')
def test_response(self):
browser = Browser(
browser.handleErrors = False
'Basic {0}:{1}'.format(TEST_USER_NAME, TEST_USER_PASSWORD)
browser.getControl('Do Something').click()
'Required input is missing.', browser.contents)
two things you need to check that make me spent some time debugging:
you must use transaction.commit() to reflect object creation on the ZODB
you must add an authorization header before trying to open the page
everything else is working.

How to mock the 'new' operator

I'm testing some groovy code that uses a java library and I want to mock out the library calls because they use the network. So the code under test looks something like:
def verifyInformation(String information) {
def request = new OusideLibraryRequest().compose(information)
new OutsideLibraryClient().verify(request)
I tried using MockFor and StubFor but I get errors such as:
No signature of method: com.myproject.OutsideLibraryTests.MockFor() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.Class) values: [class com.otherCompany.OusideLibraryRequest]
I'm using Grails 2.0.3.
I've just found that we can always overwrite a constructor via MetaClass, as Grails 2 will be reset MetaClass modification at the end of each test.
This trick is better than Groovy's MockFor. AFAIK, Groovy's MockFor does not allow us to mock JDK's classes,, for example. However in the below example, you cannot use File file = new File("aaa") as the real object type is a Map, not a File. The example is a Spock specification.
def "test mock"() {
def fileControl = mockFor(File)
File.metaClass.constructor = { String name -> [name: name] }
def file = new File("aaaa")
expect: == "aaaa"
The second, optional parameter to MockFor's constructor is interceptConstruction. If you set this to true, you can mock the constructor. Example:
import groovy.mock.interceptor.MockFor
class SomeClass {
def prop
SomeClass() {
prop = "real"
def mock = new MockFor(SomeClass, true)
mock.demand.with {
SomeClass() { new Expando([prop: "fake"]) }
mock.use {
def mockedSomeClass = new SomeClass()
assert mockedSomeClass.prop == "fake"
Note, however, you can only mock out groovy objects like this. If you're stuck with a Java library, you can pull the construction of the Java object into a factory method and mock that.