How to mock the 'new' operator - testing

I'm testing some groovy code that uses a java library and I want to mock out the library calls because they use the network. So the code under test looks something like:
def verifyInformation(String information) {
def request = new OusideLibraryRequest().compose(information)
new OutsideLibraryClient().verify(request)
I tried using MockFor and StubFor but I get errors such as:
No signature of method: com.myproject.OutsideLibraryTests.MockFor() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.Class) values: [class com.otherCompany.OusideLibraryRequest]
I'm using Grails 2.0.3.

I've just found that we can always overwrite a constructor via MetaClass, as Grails 2 will be reset MetaClass modification at the end of each test.
This trick is better than Groovy's MockFor. AFAIK, Groovy's MockFor does not allow us to mock JDK's classes,, for example. However in the below example, you cannot use File file = new File("aaa") as the real object type is a Map, not a File. The example is a Spock specification.
def "test mock"() {
def fileControl = mockFor(File)
File.metaClass.constructor = { String name -> [name: name] }
def file = new File("aaaa")
expect: == "aaaa"

The second, optional parameter to MockFor's constructor is interceptConstruction. If you set this to true, you can mock the constructor. Example:
import groovy.mock.interceptor.MockFor
class SomeClass {
def prop
SomeClass() {
prop = "real"
def mock = new MockFor(SomeClass, true)
mock.demand.with {
SomeClass() { new Expando([prop: "fake"]) }
mock.use {
def mockedSomeClass = new SomeClass()
assert mockedSomeClass.prop == "fake"
Note, however, you can only mock out groovy objects like this. If you're stuck with a Java library, you can pull the construction of the Java object into a factory method and mock that.


What are the components of a unmarshaller that can unmarshal a http entity to a Map[String, AnyRef]

I struggled to create a unmarshaller that can make a Map[String, AnyRef] out of an httpEntity, So that the flowing route definition will work
path("cedt" / "processRow3") {
post {
entity(as[java.util.Map[String, AnyRef]]) {
rowobj => rowProcessorActor ! rowobj
complete {
"sent to backend actor"
I read the akka document on marshalling and also some tutorial here But still I can't figure out how to get it done.
So My question is:
What are some of the components of an unmarshaller?
How to create those components and put them together?
It depends which format you want for serialized data.
For example, if you choose Json. You need to create implicit object with write and read methods for serializing and deserializing.
implicit object MapJsonFormat extends JsonFormat[Map[String, AnyRef]] {
def write(m: Map[String, AnyRef]): JsValue =
def read(value: JsValue): Map[String, AnyRef] =

How to invoke method with sql request in separate class from Groovy script in SOAP UI?

Friends, hello.
I'am trying to use elements of object oriented approach in SOAP UI groovy scripting.
I read manual about "How to write a reusable script" here
and I am trying to write a separate class with method which get data from database and set up address properties (Address).
My problem is that i receive the error message
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: sql1 for class
Utils error at line: 138
when run "main" Groovy script.
"Main" Groovy Script looks like:
// get a reference to the library TestSuite
library = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.testSuites["Library"]
// find the module within the library
module = library.testCases["module-name"].testSteps["Utils"]
// initialise the library; which places an instance of Example in the context, context)
// get the instance of example from the context.
def utils = context.utils
// run the method, with parameter "utils.setAddress() = " + utils.setAddress("LivingPlace");
setAddress method is determined in class Utils which is looked like:
import groovy.sql.Sql;
class Utils
def log
def context
def testRunner
// Class constructor with same case as Class name
def Utils(logIn, contextIn, testRunnerIn)
this.log = logIn
this.context = contextIn
this.testRunner = testRunnerIn
def setAddress (addressType)
{ testRunner; context; "Call the DB" ;"");
sql1 = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:sqlserver://SRV1:1433; databaseName=DB;", "user", "123", "");
sql1.eachRow('select top 1 '+
'Country '+
'from Address')
{ row ->
testRunner.testCase.testSteps['Address'].setPropertyValue("'country", "$row.Country");
return addressType //just for test
context.setProperty ("utils", new Utils(log, context, testRunner) ) "Library Context:"+context;
If i delete everything related with sql it works fine. How to invoke the setAddress method without error described earlier and set Adress properties?

Passing a JSON object to worklight java adapter

I would like to pass a complete JSON object to a java adapter in worklight. This adapter will call multiple other remote resources to fulfill the request. I would like to pass the json structure instead of listing out all of the parameters for a number of reasons. Invoking the worklight procedure works well. I pass the following as the parameter:
{ "parm1": 1, "parm2" : "hello" }
Which the tool is fine with. When it calls my java code, I see a object type of JSObjectConverter$1 being passed. In java debug, I can see the values in the object, but I do not see any documentation on how to do this. If memory serves me, the $1 says that it is an anonymous inner class that is being passed. Is there a better way to pass a json object/structure in adapters?
Lets assume you have this in adapter code
function test(){
var jsonObject = { "param1": 1, "param2" : "hello" };
var param2value = com.mycode.MyClass.parseJsonObject(jsonObject);
return {
result: param2value
Doesn't really matter where you're getting jsonObject from, it may come as a param from client. Worklight uses Rhino JS engine, therefore com.mycode.MyClass.parseJsonObject() function will get jsonObject as a org.mozilla.javascript.NativeObject. You can easily get obj properties like this
package com.mycode;
import org.mozilla.javascript.NativeObject;
public class MyClass {
public static String parseJsonObject(NativeObject obj){
String param2 = (String) NativeObject.getProperty(obj, "param2");
return param2;
To better explain what I'm doing here, I wanted to be able to pass a javascript object into an adapter and have it return an updated javascript object. Looks like there are two ways. The first it what I answered above a few days ago with serializing and unserializing the javascript object. The other is using the ScriptableObject class. What I wanted in the end was to use the adapter framework as described to pass in the javascript object. In doing so, this is what the Adapter JS-impl code looks like:
function add2(a) {
return {
The javascript code in the client application calling the above adapter. Note that I have a function to test passing the javascript object as a parameter to the adapter framework. See the invocationData.parameters below:
function runAdapterCode2() {
// x+y=z
var jsonObject = { "x": 1, "y" : 2, "z" : "?" };
var invocationData = {
adapter : "CalculatorAdapter",
procedure : 'add2',
parameters : [jsonObject]
var options = {
onSuccess : success2,
onFailure : failure,
invocationContext : { 'action' : 'add2 test' }
WL.Client.invokeProcedure(invocationData, options);
In runAdapterCode2(), the javascript object is passed as you would pass any parameter into the adapter. When worklight tries to execute the java method it will look for a method signature of either taking an Object or ScriptableObject (not a NativeObject). I used the java reflection api to verify the class and hierarchy being passed in. Using the static methods on ScriptableObject you can query and modify the value in the object. At the end of the method, you can have it return a Scriptable object. Doing this will give you a javascript object back in the invocationResults.result field. Below is the java code supporting this. Please note that a good chunk of the code is there as part of the investigation on what object type is really being passed. At the bottom of the method are the few lines really needed to work with the javascript object.
#SuppressWarnings({ "unused", "rawtypes" })
public static ScriptableObject add2(ScriptableObject obj) {
// code to determine object class being passed in and its heirarchy
String result = "";
Class objClass = obj.getClass();
result = "objClass = " + objClass.getName() + "\r\n";
result += "implements=";
Class[] interfaces = objClass.getInterfaces();
for (Class classInterface : interfaces) {
result += " " + classInterface.getName() ;
result += "\r\nsuperclasses=";
Class superClass = objClass.getSuperclass();
while(superClass != null) {
result += " " + superClass.getName();
superClass = superClass.getSuperclass();
// actual code working with the javascript object
String a = (String) ScriptableObject.getProperty((ScriptableObject)obj, "z");
ScriptableObject.putProperty((ScriptableObject)obj, "z", new Long(3));
return obj;
Note that for javascript object, a numeric value is a Long and not int. Strings are still Strings.
There are two ways to pass in a javascript object that I've found so far.
Convert to a string in javascript, pass string to java, and have it reconstitute into a JSONObject.
Pass the javascript object and use the ScriptableObject classes to manipulate on the java side.

Grails custom taglib cannot use custom artefact during integration test

I have written a plugin containing a custom TagLib which itself uses a custom artefact instances. The taglib works exactly as expected when the plugin is included in an application. However, I am unable to unable to write an integration test for it.
Let's say the custom artefact type is "Foo" and the artefact handler class is FooArtefactHandler
The (simplified) FooTagLib class looks like this:
class FooTagLib {
static namespace = "bar"
def eachFoo = { attrs, body ->
grailsApplication.fooClasses.each { foo ->
out << body()
The associated FooTagLibTests class looks like this:
import grails.test.mixin.*
class FooTagLibTests {
void testEachFoo() {
grailsApplication.registerArtefactHandler(new FooArtefactHandler())
// Classes AFoo and BFoo are in the test/integration folder
grailsApplication.addArtefact(FooArtefactHandler.TYPE, AFoo)
grailsApplication.addArtefact(FooArtefactHandler.TYPE, BFoo)
// just to check if artefacts are correctly loaded
assert grailsApplication.fooClasses.length == 2
assert applyTemplate("<bar:eachFoo>baz</bar:eachFoo>") == "bazbaz"
When I run this test, the result is the following:
| Failure: testeachFoo(
| org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.exceptions.GrailsTagException: Error executing tag <bar:eachFoo>: No such property: fooClasses for class: org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.DefaultGrailsApplication
ThegrailsApplication in the taglib does not seem to be the same instance as the one in the test. Can someone explain this to me? Am I doing anything wrong here?
If this is an integration test you shouldn't use #TestFor, instead, extends GroovyPagesTestCase and declare grailsApplication:
class FooTagLibTests extends GroovyPagesTestCase {
def grailsApplication
void testEachFoo() {
grailsApplication.registerArtefactHandler(new FooArtefactHandler())
// Classes AFoo and BFoo are in the test/integration folder
grailsApplication.addArtefact(FooArtefactHandler.TYPE, AFoo)
grailsApplication.addArtefact(FooArtefactHandler.TYPE, BFoo)
// just to check if artefacts are correctly loaded
assert grailsApplication.fooClasses.length == 2
assert applyTemplate("<bar:eachFoo>baz</bar:eachFoo>") == "bazbaz"
That's because TestFor annotation will mock an instance of grailsApplication (used in unit tests).

Seems Like Groovy acts Differently on these two scenarios?

I have two domain classes like this, first namely Manager :
package com.mnm
class Manager {
String name;
static hasMany = [ project : Project, tasks : Tasks ]
static constraints = {
And second one namely, Project:
package com.mnm
class Project {
String projectTitle
String projectDescription
String description
static belongsTo = [ managers: Manager ]
static hasMany = [ tasks : Tasks ]
static constraints = {
And I wrote Integration test like this (to find the name of the projects via using Manager) :
void testCountProject() {
def manager = new Manager(name:'Anto').save()
manager.addToProject(new Project(projectTitle:'Grails'))
manager.addToProject(new Project(projectTitle:'Griffon'))
def noOfProjects = Manager.get(
def found = noOfProjects.project.collect { it.projectTitle }
assertEquals(['Grails','Griffon'], found.sort())
Well there is no error in it and the test passes! But when I add more stuffs into to the same test like (now I'm trying the reverse, finding the Manager name via using Project) :
void testCountProject() {
def manager = new Manager(name:'Anto').save()
def project1 = new Project(projectTitle:'Grails').save()
manager.addToProject(new Project(projectTitle:'Griffon'))
def noOfProjects = Manager.get(
def found = noOfProjects.project.collect { it.projectTitle }
assertEquals(['Grails','Griffon'], found.sort())
def noOfManager = Project.get(
def foundManager = noOfManager.managers.collect { }
Now I get the error like this :
No signature of method: com.mnm.Manager.addToProject() is applicable for argument types: (null) values: [null] Possible solutions: addToProject(java.lang.Object), getProject()
Where I went wrong?
Thanks in advance.
You have the same problem in both cases, but the first isn't a proper test so it seems to work. The issue is that all properties are not-null by default, so your Project instances fail validation when you only set projectTitle.
In the first test you don't re-load the manager instance, you're still using the one in-memory because get() uses the Hibernate session as a 1st-level cache. If you flush and clear the session to force it to go to the database it will fail:
class MyTest extends GroovyTestCase {
def sessionFactory
void testCountProject() {
def manager = new Manager(name:'Anto')
manager.addToProject(new Project(projectTitle:'Grails'))
manager.addToProject(new Project(projectTitle:'Griffon')) true)
def noOfProjects = Manager.get(
def found = noOfProjects.project.collect { it.projectTitle }
assertEquals(['Grails','Griffon'], found.sort())
The second one fails because you call save() on the Project instance and it returns null when validation fails. You don't need to save Project instances because they will be transitively saved when the containing Manager gets saved - the more standard pattern is the one you use in the first test.
You have a few options. One is to fix the validation errors :) Another is to check for validation errors. This requires a separate save() call so you have access to the not-null instance:
def project1 = new Project(projectTitle:'Grails')
if (project1.hasErrors()) {
// handle errors
else {
The third is failOnError which will throw an exception when validation fails:
def project1 = new Project(projectTitle:'Grails').save(failOnError: true)