Variational inference for Bayesian Gaussian mixture model: compatible version for fixed known number of components? - bayesian

I have found examples of R code for Gaussian mixture model decomposition using variational inference with unknown number of components. In the variational inference, the iterations modify the number of components during the multiple iterations. It makes sense for classic clustering with no info on the number of clusters. However, can we address a seemingly simple problem with fixed known number of components? In other words, is there a possibility to use variational inference when the number k of mixture components is known and fixed? In a classic univariate MCMC bayesian model (for example with JAGS and R Bayesmix package) I can specify a fixed k of components but avoiding MCMC burden and its computation time would be great.


How to integrate a pytorch model into a dynamic optimization, for example in Pyomo or gekko

Let's say I have a pytorch-model describing the evolution of some multidimensional system based on its own state x and an external actuator u. So x_(t+1) = f(x_t, u_t) with f being the artificial neural network from pytorch.
Now i want to solve a dynamic optimization problem to find an optimal sequence of u-values to minimize an objective that depends on x. Something like this:
min sum over all timesteps phi(x_t)
s.t.: x_(t+1) = f(x_t, u_t)
Additionally I also have some upper and lower bounds on some of the variables in x.
Is there an easy way to do this using a dynamic optimization toolbox like pyomo or gekko?
I already wrote some code that transforms a feedforward neural network to a numpy-function which can then be passed as a constraint to pyomo. The problem with this approach is, that it requires significant reprogramming-effort every time the structure of the neural network changes, so quick testing becomes difficult. Also integration of recurrent neural networks gets difficult because hidden cell states would have to be added as additional variables to the optimization problem.
I think a good solution could be to do the function evaluations and gradient calculations in torch and somehow pass the results to the dynamic optimizer. I'm just not sure how to do this.
Thanks a lot for your help!
Tensorflow or Pytorch models can't be directly integrated into the GEKKO at this moment. But, I believe you can retrieve the derivatives from Tensorflow and Pytorch, which allows you to pass them to the GEKKO.
There is a GEKKO Brain module and examples in the link below. You can also find an example that uses GEKKO Feedforward neural network for dynamic optimization.
GEKKO Brain Feedforward neural network examples
MIMO MPC example with GEKKO neural network model
Recurrent Neural Network library in the GEKKO Brain module is currently being developed, which allows using all the GEKKO's dynamic optimization functions easily.
In the meantime, you can use a sequential method by wrapping the TensorFlow or PyTorch models in the available optimization solver such as scipy optimization module.
Check out the below link for a dynamic optimization example with Keras LSTM model and scipy optimize.

Is there a standard way to optimize models to run well on different mobile devices?

I’m working on a few side projects that involve deploying ML models to the edge. One of them is a photo-editing app that includes CNN’s for facial recognition, object detection, classification, and style transfer. The other is a NLP app that assists in the writing process by suggesting words and sentence completions..
Once I have a trained model that’s accurate, it ends up being really slow on one or more mobile devices that I'm testing on (usually the lower end Android). I’ve read that there are optimizations one can do to speed models up, but I don’t know how. Is there a standard, go-to tool for optimizing models for mobile/edge?
I will be talking about TensorFlow Lite specifically it is a platform for running TensorFlow ops on Android and iOS. There are several optimisation techniques mentioned on their website but I will discuss the ones which feel important to me.
Constructing relevant models for platforms:
The first step in model optimization is its construction from scratch meaning TensorFlow. We need to create a model which can be used exported to a memory constrained device.
We definitely need to train different models for different machines. A model constructed to work on a high-end TPU will never run efficiently on a Mobile processor.
Create a model which has minimum layers and ops.
Do this without compromising the model's accuracy.
For this, you will need expertise in ML and also which ops are the best to preprocess data.
Also, extra preprocessing of input data brings down the model complexity to a great extent.
Model quantization:
We convert the high precision floats or decimals to lower precision floats. It affects the model's performance slightly but greatly reduces the model size and then holds less of the memory.
Post-training quantization is a general technique to reduce model size while also providing up to 3x lower latency with little degradation in model accuracy. Post-training quantization quantizes weights from floating point to 8-bits of precision - from TF docs.
You can see the TensorFlow Lite TFLiteConverter example:
import tensorflow as tf
converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_saved_model(saved_model_dir)
converter.optimizations = [tf.lite.Optimize.OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE]
tflite_quant_model = converter.convert()
Also you should try using the post_training_quantize= flag which reduces the model size considerably.
Hope it helps.

What is the difference of static Computational Graphs in tensorflow and dynamic Computational Graphs in Pytorch?

When I was learning tensorflow, one basic concept of tensorflow was computational graphs, and the graphs was said to be static.
And I found in Pytorch, the graphs was said to be dynamic.
What's the difference of static Computational Graphs in tensorflow and dynamic Computational Graphs in Pytorch?
Both frameworks operate on tensors and view any model as a directed acyclic graph (DAG), but they differ drastically on how you can define them.
TensorFlow follows ‘data as code and code is data’ idiom. In TensorFlow you define graph statically before a model can run. All communication with outer world is performed via tf.Session object and tf.Placeholder which are tensors that will be substituted by external data at runtime.
In PyTorch things are way more imperative and dynamic: you can define, change and execute nodes as you go, no special session interfaces or placeholders. Overall, the framework is more tightly integrated with Python language and feels more native most of the times. When you write in TensorFlow sometimes you feel that your model is behind a brick wall with several tiny holes to communicate over. Anyways, this still sounds like a matter of taste more or less.
However, those approaches differ not only in a software engineering perspective: there are several dynamic neural network architectures that can benefit from the dynamic approach. Recall RNNs: with static graphs, the input sequence length will stay constant. This means that if you develop a sentiment analysis model for English sentences you must fix the sentence length to some maximum value and pad all smaller sequences with zeros. Not too convenient, huh. And you will get more problems in the domain of recursive RNNs and tree-RNNs. Currently Tensorflow has limited support for dynamic inputs via Tensorflow Fold. PyTorch has it by-default.
Both TensorFlow and PyTorch allow specifying new computations at any point in time. However, TensorFlow has a "compilation" steps which incurs performance penalty every time you modify the graph. So TensorFlow optimal performance is achieved when you specify the computation once, and then flow new data through the same sequence of computations.
It's similar to interpreters vs. compilers -- the compilation step makes things faster, but also discourages people from modifying the program too often.
To make things concrete, when you modify the graph in TensorFlow (by appending new computations using regular API, or removing some computation using tf.contrib.graph_editor), this line is triggered in It will serialize the graph, and then the underlying runtime will rerun some optimizations which can take extra time, perhaps 200usec. In contrast, running an op in previously defined graph, or in numpy/PyTorch can be as low as 1 usec.
In tensorflow you first have to define the graph, then you execute it.
Once defined you graph is immutable: you can't add/remove nodes at runtime.
In pytorch, instead, you can change the structure of the graph at runtime: you can thus add/remove nodes at runtime, dynamically changing its structure.

Survival Analysis in TensorFlow

I have been using standard packages for survival analysis in R. I know how to do classification problems in TensorFlow such as logistic regression, but I am having difficulty mapping this to survival analysis problems. In a way, instead of one output vector you have two (time_to_event::continuous, censored::boolean). This has been done in Theano, here, but I am having difficulty translating this to TensorFlow.
You can use a logistic regression to do the survival analysis, however, another way you can use TensorFlow is to have the tf model predict the parameters of a survival distribution. So if you used the Weibull distribution you could, instead of regressing onto the time to event and a censoring probability, estimate the characteristic life (alpha parameter) and the shape (beta parameter). That is, the tf model estimates the parameters of the survival distribution directly.
The loss function can be the maximum likelihood which means you can incorporate observed and censored data.

Can Tensorflow Wide and Deep model train to continuous values

I am working with the Tensorflow Wide and Deep model. It currently trains against a binary classification (>50K or not).
Can this model be coerced to train directly against numeric values to produce more precise (if less accurate) predictions?
I have seen an example of using LSTM RNNs to make such predictions using TensorFlowEstimator directly here, but DNNLinearCombinedClassifier will not accept n_classes=0.
I like the structure of the Wide and Deep model, especially the ability to run the linear regression and the DNN separately to determine how learnable the data is, but my application involves data that clusters, but in an overlapping, input-dependent fashion.
Use DnnLinearCombinedRegressor for regression problems.