I'm using the latest IntelliJ and I have created a Bitbucket repository with a XML that describes the code formatting.
What I would like to do is that every new developer that installs IntelliJ would set it to pull the script from Bitbucket and use it as the default code formatter.
I struggle with setting it up.
This is what I do:
IntelliJ --> File --> Manage IDE Settings --> Settings Repository --> Upstream URL: https://username#bitbucket.com/mycompany/intellij_code_formatting.git --> Overwrite Local --> username & password
The problem is that it fails to authenticate with my Bitbucket's username/password...I even tried to create an app password in Bitbucket but it still fails...
Any ideas what am I doing wrong?
Thank you!
I am trying to clone a repository using IntelliJ. I am very new to IntelliJ. I am able to clone the repository using eclipse though.
In eclipse (Git Repositories view), I am asked to provide credentials to access company's GIT Server but not sure where to provide these in Intelli J. I know I can login to GitHub account through IntelliJ but I am trying to access the repo which is in company's GIT server.
Please point out what wrong I am doing and guide me.
In IntelliJ, these are steps I am following.
Go for File -> New -> Project from Version Control
Select Repository URL and enter the values for fields URL and Directory. Click on Clone.
Here's the error snapshot
For future references to anyone having this same problem, copying the code url instead of ssh from github would solve this issue.
I am unable to install/restore nuget packages from a Visual Studio Team Services feed in an asp.net core web application (RC2). I receive the following:
error: Response status code does not indicate success: 401
I am running Visual Studio Community 2015 Update 2 and nuget version 3.4.4. I am able to install/restore packages from this feed in other project types.
Do I need to do something else to pass my credentials for an asp.net core web app?
Steps to reproduce:
From Team Services package tab I select "Connect to Feed" and copy the NuGet package source URL
In visual studio -> Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager settings -> Package sources and add the feed url from vso
Then from my ASP.NET Core Web Application (.NET Framework) project right click references -> Manage NuGet Packages
-> Select my feed from Package source (packages are listed) -> Click to install
In output:
Installing NuGet package xxxxx
Successfully installed xxxxx to WebApplication1
========== Finished ==========
Then it will try to restore the package at which point I get:
error: Response status code does not indicate success: 401 (Unauthorized).
error: Failed to retrieve information from remote source
And inside web project references - package has warning icon - NU1001 The dependency xxxxx could not be resolved
I know that it's not exactly the same issue, but people may come across this one alongside as I did.
I have installed VS Community 2019 and yesterday I decided to remove the VS 2017, but after that, when I tried to restore the Nuget Packages made by the company, it started displaying an error of 401 Unauthorized.
After a few net searches I decided I didn't want to mess around with VS configurations and files, I then realized, since it's an 401 Unauthorized it's related with an account so what I did was:
Closed VS2019
Went to windows management credentials and removed all those that where related with my packages
Reopened VS 2019 and restored the Nuget Packages for my solution.
It them asked for my credentials, set it up and all went well from here.
Here are the two accounts I removed and got recreated:
In my case I was using an azure dev ops feed. After updating visual studio 2022 I started getting this message "Response status code does not indicate success: 401 (Unauthorized)."
I followed and tried most of the solutions here. but what worked for me was to
Go to: file -> accounts settings
Click "sign out"
Then go to the nuget manager and click the refresh button
This will then show you the azure dev ops login window where you login to your account
This worked for me, (your mileage may vary) just hope it helps someone else and saves some precious receding hairs.
I can reproduce your issue at my side and following is the workaround I use to restore the packages:
Remove the VSTS feed resource from "VS\Tools\NuGet Package Manager\Package sources".
Open "Packages" tab from your VSTS web portal.
Select the feed you want to connect and click "Connect to feed" option.
Select "Personal Access Tokens" method in the dialog.
Copy the generated command in the dialog.
Run CMD as Administrator on you machine.
Paste the copied command into CMD.
Add "-StorePasswordInClearText" argument after the command.
Run the command.
Restart the VS.
Install and restore the packages.
For me, the issue was due to incorrect credentials (not specifying the domain) when connecting to a private on-premise Azure Artifacts NuGet feed, which wasn't immediately apparent.
Using Visual Studio 2019, open NuGet Package Manager for a project. If the 'Browse' tab shows first and the package source is the private NuGet feed, there appears to be no issue as it initially lists all packages. However, switching to the 'Installed' tab results in a login dialogue popping up.
If I enter my username and password without the domain (so username intead of domain/username), it appears to accept this, but then no other versions are listed for my installed packages other than the version installed. If I go to the 'Browse' tab, I then see the following error:
When I click 'Show errors in output', I see the following:
Failed to retrieve metadata from source 'https://[domain]/[Collection]/_packaging/[GUID]/nuget/v3/query2/?q=&skip=0&take=26&prerelease=true&semVerLevel=2.0.0'.
Response status code does not indicate success: 401 (Unauthorized).
To resolve this, in Credential Manager, I close Visual Studio, then remove any credentials relating to the Azure DevOps server(e.g., [domain], VSCredentials_[domain]). I noticed that the username for these showed the wrong domain - it showed the Azure DevOps server domain instead of the Active Directory domain.
I then reopen Visual Studio, open NuGet Package Manager again and this time (on the 'Installed' tab) enter my credentials including the domain (domain/username). This resolves the issue and allows me to connect to the Azure Artifact NuGet feed.
This happens when you change your profile password. Just sign out and from top right (at your profile picture-> account settings); sign in again and your problem will be solved.
I had a similar problem (no authentication) in the NuGet Restore task of a VSTS build definition. The solution was to add a NuGet.config file in the root of the project with a reference to the official and my custom feed. Maybe it helps your core project also.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<clear />
<add key="nuget.org" value="https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json" />
<add key="RmlrTools" value="https://<MyProjectName>.pkgs.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/_packaging/<MyFeedName>/nuget/v3/index.json" />
<!-- used to store credentials -->
<packageSourceCredentials />
<!-- Used to specify which one of the sources are active -->
<!-- this tells only one given source is active -->
<add key="NuGet official package source" value="https://nuget.org/api/v2/" />
<!-- this tells that all of them are active -->
<add key="All" value="(Aggregate source)" />
<!-- Used to disable package sources -->
<disabledPackageSources />
Used to specify default API key associated with sources.
See: NuGet.exe help setApiKey
See: NuGet.exe help push
See: NuGet.exe help mirror
<add key="http://MyRepo/ES/api/v2/package" value="encrypted_api_key" />
Try restarting the computer before you try any of the above.
In my case , I followed these steps
create the personal access token with relevant credentials
download nuget.exe (nuget cli)
using windows run command open the cmd,then
cd C:\Downloads(where the cli is downloaded) ,type
"nuget.exe" and enter
execute -->
nuget.exe sources Add -Name "MyFeedName" -Source "https://myfeedurl" -username username -password MyAccessToken
in visual studio tools->commandline->developer command prompt
dotnet restore
Go to "Manage Nuget Packages"
Click "Setting" from right top Corner
Untick "Packages"
In my case I was using Azure Devops private feed and the NuGet package restoring worked in Visual Studio and in Nuget CLI but it didn't work with Rider and dotnet restore command
The solution was to install The Azure Artifacts Credential Provider and it fixed the problem. I just had to run this command to install it:
iex "& { $(irm https://aka.ms/install-artifacts-credprovider.ps1) }"
This is a fix for a local developer machine. For fixing it on CI/CD check this question.
I'm using VS 2022. The way I was able to fix it is to relog into VS. The trick is the tooltip on the top right SAYS I'm logged in, but when you click your profile logo on the top right, then goto Account Settings, it told me I needed to "reenter my credentials". How does that work, I'm logged in, but I'm not logged in? Turns out it doesn't work, I needed to log in AGAIN for it to REALLY work.
New to working with MuleSoft, and I am getting an error "There are some error in the current classpath" when adding in a Transform Message into the Message Flow. I have just finished setting up Anypoint Studio, so this might be a configuration step I have missed somewhere.
DW Script Error
Payload (default)
I also faced the same issue and i follow below mentioned steps,
Go to the project Right Click > Mule > Update Project Dependencies
Note:- Before performing above steps make sure, you are connected with internet.
Hope it will work for you.
I had the same issue this morning and after a lot of playing around have finally managed to get it working. What did the trick in the end was to go to Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path, click on the Mule Server 3.7.2 EE entry, hit Edit, reselect the same version of the server runtime, click Finish, click Ok. This in itself didn't seem to make any difference, but then I restarted Anypoint Studio and everything was now working correctly.
I have done some digging, and found the following difference in the projects .classpath file:
<classpathentry kind="con" path="MULE_RUNTIME"/>
<classpathentry kind="con" path="MULE_RUNTIME/org.mule.tooling.server.3.7.2.ee"/>
Hopefully this works for you too.
Right click the project --> go to the properties --> select the required java version and any domain projects --> remove any un-referenced java version/domain from Java build path.
Check once if MAVEN_HOME is added as environment variable and %MAVEN_HOME%\bin is added to path variable in environment variables.
Also try deleting the .mule file created in the workspace and then try restarting Anypoint Studio. After that in command prompt traverse till your project folder and run mvn clean install command.
I have latest version of phpstorm, downloaded today. While uploading files to remote server i click on refresh icon in remote host, then phpstorm displays error
could not list the contents of folder phpstorm. How can i correct that ??
Go to Tools -> Deployment -> Configuration -> Advanced Options. Check Always use LIST command.
Works like a magic!
Go to Tools > Deployment > Configuration > Advanced Options and Select the Pasive mode option.
It worked out for me!
For me was that for some reason the folder of the Root path was deleted. Check yours!
for me nether of these settings worked. in my settings i didn't even have passive mode (intellij idea).
so what i did is, lookup the server directory with a php info file (uploaded it with another ftp tool, that was able to list the direcories: transmit) and then rebuild that path inside tools / deployment / root path.
Go to Tools > Deployment > Configuration > Connection > Advanced and select:
Passive mode
Compatible with old version of listining children
Instead of MLSD
It worked out for me!
Step by step image
I'm trying to set up Perforce integration in IntelliJ IDEA 10.5.2. There is a field named "Client" that doesn't make sense to me. I get the message "Connection problems: Client Unknown" whatever I type into the field. What should I enter into that field?
You need to enter the name of your Perforce workspace.
If you have set up the command line tool correctly you may run p4 set P4CLIENT on the command-line.
If you use the P4V GUI tool, the workspace name is easily found.
Open P4V and connect. On the top left, above everything, there are your:
[client], [port], [user] - Perforce P4V
They often look something like:
[client] ~ [your-name]_[random-letters-and-numbers]
[port] ~ [url]:[number]
[user] ~ [your-name]
Enter them in IntelliJ and press Apply.
If you only see
[port], [user] - Perforce P4V
you need to go to Connection -> New workspace... and create a workspace.
You need to enter the local Workspace name into the dialog in Webstorm Options / Preferences to integrate it with Perforce.
In P4V, you can find this by looking at View > Workspace Tree, and then selecting the workspace you are trying to integrate.
Background: I'm setting up Perforce with Webstorm v2016.1 just now. I tried using the name of the workspace stream on the server at first, which kept giving me a "Client Unknown" error. This fixed the issue and allowed the connection to go through.
http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/intro/index.html before you go any further. Always start by reading the docs, you'll be a lot happier.