call child method from parent without ref in VUE3 - vue.js

I'm trying to call child method from parent.
I use a library which actually does NOT support VUE 3.
It has VUE3 Beta version,that means it won't support VUE 3 perfectly.
the code is like this:
<!-- can not use ref here -->
:key="item.key" v-for="item in layout"
<span class="text">{{item.i}}</span>
It doesn't support ref on grid-item,but I need the function which is declared in it.
I tried:
but it doesn't work under production mode.
is the only way I change the source code and open a request on GitHub?!
related questions are so hard to search. hope someone can help me...
sorry for incomplete question.
this is the library I use.
I want to dymanic grab a new grid-item into the grid-layout.
the library offer the way to grab from outside,but I face a problem that "$children" is removed in VUE 3.
there is the wrong code library offers:
// get the grid-item
let el = this.$refs.gridlayout.$children[index];
// call grid-item function to calculate the new position
let new_pos = el.calcXY(mouseXY.y -, mouseXY.x - parentRect.left);
I edited it to:
var gridlayout = ref()
let el = gridlayout.value.$refs.item.children[index]
let new_pos = el.__vueParentComponent.proxy.calcXY(mouseXY.y -, mouseXY.x - parentRect.left)
it doesn't work in production mode.
I get the error:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'proxy')
does there have ways to replace "$children" without ref?

I also encountered this problem just now, my solution is to get the subcomponent directly
v-for="item in layoutData"
{{ item.i }}
gridItemRef.value[layoutData.value.length].$ = "none";
const el = gridItemRef.value[index];
mouseXY.y -,
mouseXY.x - parentRect.left


Vue Material Checkbox Checked

I have tried / guessed at every combination of v-bind/v-model/:checked/:value I can think of, but I can't get these damn checkboxes checked on load:
Using Vue Material / Vue3:
<div v-if="items.length">
v-for="(value,key,index) in this.items"
class="md-primary m-0"
{{ items[key].item }} {{items[key].complete}}
The bit I can't figure out is how to make the checkbox checked if items[key].complete=1 when data is loaded.
You are already inside the loop
Same goes for all other bindings.
And your data should not be accessed with this in your template
v-for="(value,key,index) in items"
This one should already work, if you receive your data properly, it may update itself due to reactivity. Maybe try v-model="!!items[key].complete" just to be sure that your value is coerced to a Boolean.

Binding style css in vuejs

I get into a problem. Here's my code:
:style="arrDisplay[1][i1+3] > 0 ? {background: 'orange'}: ''"
v-for="(m1, i1) in 2"
v-text="arrDisplay[1][i1+3] > 0 ? arrDisplay[1][i1+3] : ''"
#blur="onEdit(1, i1+3)"
<div class="del" v-if="arrDisplay[1][i1+3] > 0">
I want the table cell have orange background when it's value > 0 else white. It work perfectly fine after calculate arrayDisplay but not when I edit it:
onEdit(y, x) {
var src =
this.arrDisplay[y][x] = parseInt(src)
But if I edit it by Vue DeveloperTools it works. I think if I'm right the reason maybe Vue does not recognize that I change arrDisplay but have no idea how to fix it. What should I do ?
You are trying to update an item using an index in an array.
As explained here this is not reactive. That's why you don't see the update.
Try this:
Vue.set(this.arrDisplay[y], x, parseInt(src))
Note: make sure that this.arraDisplay[y] is reactive. If it is not, then you need to use Vue.set when creating it also.

Change element type at runtime

Is it possible to dynamically define the type of an element inside a custom components template at runtime?
I'd like to avoid duplication of the inner contents of the button and a element in the following example:
<button if.bind="!isLinkBtn">
<span class="btn-icon">${icon}</span>
<span class="btn-text">${contentText}</span>
<a if.bind="isLinkBtn">
The content is a 1:1 duplicate of the button above which should be prevented
somehow in order to keep the view DRY
<span class="btn-icon">${icon}</span>
<span class="btn-text">${contentText}</span>
Is it possible to write something like this:
The type of element should be defined at runtime and can be a standard HTML "button"
or an anchor "a"
<element type.bind="${isLinkBtn ? 'a' : 'button'}">
<span class="btn-icon">${icon}</span>
<span class="btn-text">${contentText}</span>
I'm aware of dynamic composition with <compose view="${widget.type}-view.html"></compose> but as far as I know, this won't allow me to create default HTML elements but only custom components, correct?
I've asked this question on the Aurelia Gitter where Erik Lieben suggested to use a #processContent(function) decorator, replace the content within the given function and return true to let Aurelia process it.
Unfortunately I don't know how to actually apply those instructions and am hoping for some alternative approaches here or some details about how to actually accomplish this.
I've created a corresponding feature request. Even though possible solutions have been provided, I'd love to see some simpler way to solve this ;)
When you want to reuse HTML snippets, use compose. Doing so does not create a new custom element. It simply includes the HTML at the location of each compose element. As such, the view-model for the included HTML is the same as for the element into which it is composed.
Take a look at this GistRun:
<button if.bind="!isLinkBtn">
<compose view="./custom-link-icon-and-text.html"></compose>
<a if.bind="isLinkBtn" href="#">
<compose view="./custom-link-icon-and-text.html"></compose>
import {bindable} from 'aurelia-framework';
export class CustomLink {
#bindable() contentText;
#bindable() icon;
#bindable() isLinkBtn;
<span class="btn-icon">${icon}</span>
<span class="btn-text">${contentText}</span>
<require from="./custom-link"></require>
<custom-link content-text="Here is a button"></custom-link>
<custom-link is-link-btn.bind="true" content-text="Here is a link"></custom-link>
You may want to split these into separate elements, like <custom-button> and <custom-link> instead of controlling their presentation using an is-link-btn attribute. You can use the same technique to reuse common HTML parts and composition with decorators to reuse the common code.
See this GistRun:
Response to your "less verbose" comment
You can get it down to one file and avoid compose using the techniques in the above GistRun and the inlineView decorator:
See this GistRun:
All you would need is this one file:
import {bindable, inlineView} from 'aurelia-framework';
function customLinkElement() {
return function(target) {
const tagTypes = {button: 'button', link: 'a'};
export class CustomButton {
export class CustomLink {
function viewHtml(tagType) {
let result = `
<${tagType}${tagType === ? ' href="#"' : ''}>
<span class="btn-icon">\${icon}</span>
<span class="btn-text">\${contentText}</span>
return result;
Sorry, I was doing 2 things at once while looking at gitter, which I am not good at apparently :-)
For the thing you wanted to accomplish in the end, could this also work?
I am not an a11y expert or have a lot of knowledge on that area, but from what I understand, this will accomplish what you want. The browser will look at the role attribute and handle it as a link or button and ignores the actual element type itself / won't care if it is button or anchor it will act as if it is of the type defined in role.
Then you can style it like a button or link tag with css.
<a role.bind="type"><span>x</span><span>y</span></a>
where type is either link or button, see this:

Vue.js: Trigger an #click on child component from parent component in

I have a template with several divs, each containing an #click that triggers a specific function and a corresponding visual effect
<div #click="function doThis(param1)></div>
<div #click="function doThis(param2)></div>
<div #click="function doThis(param3)></div>
<div #click="function doThis(param4)></div>
<div #click="function doThis(param5)></div>
method: {
doThis(param) {
lightUpDiv(corresponding param)
I'm also calling doThis from the parent via a $broadcast. What if any, is the best Vueish way to trigger the corresponding lightUpDiv call from the $broadcast? (just use getElementById and .click()???). I used individual divs vs a v-for in the hope that this is easier.
I should note that there are several instances of the template On the page. Even if the same visual effect is caused simultaneously on all the templates that is fine. If there is a way to call them on the specific template instances that is even better.
I've spent hours trying to figure this out and cannot seem to do it. Have read all the guide and API. I know there is some way to bind the data to make the template instances unique but can't seem to get it. Definitely couldn't see the #click from $broadcast solution
Thanks for any help!!
<div #click="doThis"></div>
<div #click="doThis($event)"></div>
Both are functionally equivalent, but second version is recommended as it is more explicit.
In javascript,
doThis: function(ev){
//ev is event object and refers to the div you need.
Event object details

angular-file-upload - how to make drop zone clickable?

Using nv-file-upload ( how can I make the drop zone act also as a clickable element to select files? Adding {{nv-file-select}} does not seem to work.
The answer is that YOU CANT, there is no way to do this inside that plugin but i use a simple solution for this kind of problems. Add a ng-click inside your dragNdrop tag and call your function:
<div nv-file-drop="" uploader="upload" ng-click="launchFilePicker()">
<div class="drop-box" ng-show="upload.isHTML5" uploader="upload" nv-file-over="" over-class="dragover" filter="image/*,application/pdf">
Drag a file here.
<div ng-hide="upload.isHTML5"> <input id="fileDialog" type="file" nv-file-select uploader="upload"/><br/></div>
And inside your controller you do this:
$scope.launchFilePicker = function () {
//$('#fileDialog').click(); //not angular way
angular.element('#fileDialog').trigger('click'); //angular way
I hope this help.