Open a new window every time a button on mainWindow is clicked - PyQt5 - pyqt5

I'm not able to open new windows with every click of the pushButton. All I can do right now is open two windows at maximum.
Wanted to open a new window with every click of a button, but was only able to open 2 windows with 2 button clicks.
Clicking the button should open a new window each time without closing the previous one.


How I do Close Finddialog in fastcoloredtextbox

I can open Find dialog in fCTB by pressing ctrl+d but when I minimize my form and open another application, the dialog stay open and is on top (On other forms and applications)
I want to hide the dialog on leave the form or on click on FCTB.
How do I hide find dialog in fastcoloredtextbox?

PyQt5 How to temporarily close the main window after opening a dialog box?

I want that when I click a button in the main window, it will go to the second window. I used the hide function and hid the main window, but when I finished the process on the second window, I want to return, but when I exit the second window, the program is already ending, because the first main window was already ending when I was in the second

I have to maxmimize the child page minimized when it double clicked on its parent page. Is this possible to work in webform in

I had a page with gridview when clicking on the hyperlink in the cell it will open a popup window.
When this popup is minimized I was not able to click anything on the parent page so I need when I double click of mouse on parent page I want this popup to be maximized. And I was not even able to open new tab also when popup is minimized .so new tab also have to be opened when popup is minimized I dont want to use any extra buttons in my design.

Making a VB form noninteractive in the background

I want my current "home form" to stay in the background when I click on a button which in turn opens another form on top of it.
I want something like this:
Home -> Click Button -> open new form -> New form becomes the focus of the app
-> Home form stays in the background
The home form should still be there, but I can't click on it or anything. When I click on the app, only the new form opened should be interactive.
If I understand correctly, you can use Form.ShowDialog method to show the form as a modal dialog box.

Combobox does not stay open in windows 8

I have a problem with the combo boxes of my application (written in C, built in Visual Studio 2012) running in Windows 8.
If I click on the little black arrow of the combo box the list shows up, but closes immediately when I release the mouse button. So the list is open as long I hold the mouse button down. This means it is not possible to click on (and so select) an item in the list!
It only happens when the combo box is in a modal window. In a not-modal window the combo box works fine, but I need it in a modal window as well.
In Windows 7 the exactly same application works fine. The combo box stays open (after clicking on the arrow and release the mouse button) until I clicked on one of the items in the list.
Running the application in Windows 7 compatibility mode, does not solve the issue on a Windows 8 machine.
When I compare Windows messages after clicking on the arrow to open the list, I see in Windows 8 the message WM_COMMAND with notification code CBN_SELENDOK, after WM_CAPTURECHANGED. This could explain why the list closes, but why do I get this message form Windows?
Or does anyone has another idea how to solve the issue?