Azure Managed Private Endpoint in Continuous Refresh Mode - azure-synapse

We have configured a number of Azure Managed Endpoints. However, the endpoints appear to be stuck in a state of Refresh mode, see image.
Can someone let me know what might be causing this?


Register Externally hosted app in PCF Service Registry

I am trying to add an ASP.NET 4.x app hosted externally (using AWS Elastic Beanstalk) into the Service-registry of an existing PCF.
Edit: Is this possible? If so, can someone give me an example about how this can be done
Assuming you have network connectivity in all directions between apps in PCF and the external app, yes this should be quite possible.
However, if you're using Spring Cloud Eureka, your externally-hosted app will need to get valid OAuth credentials so that it can authenticate prior to registering.
The comment by Daniel Mikusa is very appropriate for how I achieved this.
For Pivotal SCS, you would want to create a service instance (if you
don't have one already), then create a service key for your external
app. That will give you all of the binding info/creds you need to
connect from your remote service. A service key is the same as binding
a service to an app, except it's not tied to an app so it works well
for situations like this. Just give your service key a good name, so
you know that it's being used by an external app when you come back
and see it a year from now

How to hide sensitive data from open source projects which use continuous deployment?

I have a Discord bot project on GitHub which deploys automatically to Azure Web Apps. Since my project uses an API, it needs a token in a 'config.json' file. I want to share my source code, but I couldn't figure out how to make this happen without revealing sensitive data like my token.
Is there a way to not hard code it? This may be possible with a Virtual Machine but I couldn't make it work with the App Service plan.

FF4J: REST endpoint as a feature store

I am currently looking at implementing feature toggles using ff4j for our application. We want to have a remote central config app which will hold all the features in it and the applications will talk to this central config app via REST to get the features. We will not be able to leverage Spring Cloud Config or Archaius for this purpose.
I went through the documentation and it seems there is a support for HttpClient ( But I couldn't find any sample for the same. Can someone please let me know if I can leverage this method to build my feature store from a REST endpoint. Also, I would appreciate if someone could point me to a sample of this.
This is a common pattern.
A component holds the Administration UI (console) and the REST API. You can call it the "Admin Component". For security reasons It may be the only component to have access to persistance unit (any of the 15 DB implementation available)
For the "admin component" HERE is sample using standAlone spring-bppt application using JDBC DB, and HERE you find a simple web application.
The REST API can be secured using credentials user/password and/or API Key. More information HERE
All microservices access the REST API as clients and request feature store. You will need the dependency ff4j-webapi-jersey2x or ff4j-webapi-jersey1x that hold the client http> Then you can define the store using :
FeatureStoreHttp storeHTT = new FeatureStoreHttp("http://localhost:9998/ff4j");
Warning : Please consider using cache to limit overhead introduce by accessing the REST API at each feature usage. More info on cache HERE

PowerApps to call Azure API App

I am new to PowerApps development. I am trying to connect PowerApps to my custom APIs (Azure app api) and getting results of "resource not found". I can call the api from browsers, postman no problem. The .json file I use for PowerApps is the same as the one I use for (for testing). I checked the log file of the application on azure, all of the requests from browsers logged but not the ones from PowerApps. My question is, how PowerApps calls APIs and what is the right format of the .json file used for PowerApps app?
Thank you.
I would recommend trying again, we had a small issue on our backend that was causing some 404's at times. A fix for it has been deployed so you might see it work.
PowerApps uses Swagger to determine the shape of the REST api to be able to project those APIs into "formulas" that can be used easily in the client.
Also, for development/troubleshooting purposes I highly recommend using Fiddler to see exactly the REST call that PowerApps is doing and making sure the URL and parameters are correct. If not then look into your swagger definition and make sure there are no issues with the paths provided there.
You might also check that your Azure App API has either:
The PowerApps IP Addresses Whitelisted OR
If available, the "Allow Access to Azure Services" option toggled
When building Azure SQL backends for PowerApps, one of these paths must be followed.

Adding Service Principal in Azure AD programmatically

Until now I have been adding my Azure ACS as a Service Principal in Azure AD through PowerShell. I need to automate the process through code but I am struggling to find a way to do it programmatically.
I can see that the PowerShell command-lets use for performing all tasks but there is no documentation around it. I was able to capture the traffic in Fiddler but was not able to recreate the tokens and the bindings being used.
Is there any other recommended way to do this kind of stuff?
Er - automation IS powerShell!
Oer are you saying you want to use Azure Automation?