Microsoft SQL Server generates two select queries and puts data in separate columns - sql

I am looking for a query that separate the data with the condition WHERE in the same output but in separates columns.
Example: I have the table Product_2:
I have two separates queries (to separate the products by Produt_Tag):
Product_Mark AS "PIT-10_Product_Mark",
Product_Model AS "PIT-10_Product_Model"
FROM Product_2
WHERE Product_Tag = 'PIT-10';
Product_Mark AS "PIT-11_Product_Mark",
Product_Model AS "PIT-11_Product_Model"
FROM Product_2
WHERE Product_Tag = 'PIT-11';
And I get this output:
But I need the output to be like this:
Can someone tell me how I need to modify my query to have the four columns in the same table/ output?
Thank you
I forgot to tell that in the data I Have the “Porduct_Mark” that only appears one time. (in reality the data in “Product_Mark” is the name of the place where the instrument is located and one place can have one or two instruments “Product_Model”. At the end I’m looking for the result show in the image here below. I tried to use LEFT JOIN but that don’t work.
here is the new table "Product_2"
Result that I'm looking for:
Luis Ardila

I am assuming Product_PK is the primary key for the table and the repeated value 1002 shown in the question is a mistake. Considering this assumption, you can get the result set using self join as below.
SELECT pa.Product_Mark AS "PIT-10_Product_Mark", pa.Product_Model AS "PIT-10_Product_Model",
pb.Product_Mark AS "PIT-11_Product_Mark", pb.Product_Model AS "PIT-11_Product_Model"
FROM Product_2 pa
INNER JOIN Product_2 pb
ON pa.Product_Mark = pb.Product_Mark
WHERE pa.product_pk != pb.product_pk
and pa.Product_Tag = 'PIT-10'
and pb.Product_Tag = 'PIT-11';
verified same in


How to show elements from 2 tables ( existing in one , another or both)

I have 2 tables than i need to fuse together for data analysis.
Table One ( shows year consumption of items with values, from a contract)
Table One fields : product code, quantity, total value, contract number
Table Two (shows contract defined included products)
Table Two fields : included product code, included quantity, total included value, contract number
I need to join both of them so that shows per contract, all the related products, both consumed or included, so that shows either i only have consumed but not included, included but not consumed and included and consumed...
Something like this :
Contract|Product Code|Consumed qty|Included Qty|Consumed Total|Included Total
Using inner join only shows the ones on both tables
Using left or right joins shows all from one table and similar and null's from other table...
My goal was to show from both tables, has the example
Any help or tip ?
(this is my current query, field names not all equal as example, but you get the idea :
SELECT dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr.strCodArtigo, dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos.strCodArtigo AS Expr2, dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos.QTDTOTAL,
dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr.fltQuantLimiteInc, dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos.VALORTOTAL, dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr.Total, dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos.strCodSecContrato,
dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos.strCodTpContrato, dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos.strCodExercContrato, dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos.intNumeroContrato, dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr.strCodSeccao,
dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr.strCodTpContrato AS Expr1, dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr.strCodExercicio, dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr.intNumero
FROM dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr INNER JOIN
dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos ON dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr.strCodSeccao = dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos.strCodSecContrato AND
dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr.strCodTpContrato = dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos.strCodTpContrato AND
dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr.strCodExercicio = dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos.strCodExercContrato AND dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr.intNumero = dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos.intNumeroContrato AND
dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr.strCodArtigo = dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos.strCodArtigo
Sounds like you want a full join:
SELECT aic.strCodArtigo, tc.strCodArtigo AS Expr2, tc.QTDTOTAL,
aic.fltQuantLimiteInc, tc.VALORTOTAL, aic.Total, tc.strCodSecContrato,
tc.strCodTpContrato, tc.strCodExercContrato, tc.intNumeroContrato, aic.strCodSeccao,
aic.strCodTpContrato AS Expr1, aic.strCodExercicio, aic.intNumero
FROM dbo.USR_View_ArtIncludContr aic FULL JOIN
dbo.USR_View_TotaisConsumos tc
ON aic.strCodSeccao = tc.strCodSecContrato AND
aic.strCodTpContrato = tc.strCodTpContrato AND
aic.strCodExercicio = tc.strCodExercContrato AND
aic.intNumero = tc.intNumeroContrato AND
aic.strCodArtigo = tc.strCodArtigo
Notice that column aliases make the query much easier to write and to read.
Just figure out an workaround...
i could use CASE WHEN for the contract and for product code...
Something like this in select :
"CASE WHEN AIC.strCodArtigo IS NULL THEN TC.strCodArtigo WHEN TC.strCodArtigo IS NULL THEN AIC.strCodArtigo ELSE AIC.strCodArtigo END AS ARTIGO "
In case anyone has a better way, i appreciate any opinion

How do I run a SQL query against 2 views that are linked by an ID but has different column names?

I currently have 2 views that house some data.
View1: includes patientsPID and their billing/invoice information (high-level)
View2: includes patientsCID and their respective line items for their billing invoice information (granularity of View1)
I am trying to run a query where I will be able to validate some data. E.g. -> I want to see patientsPID = 1 and see the total amount paid and join it to View2 to see in more details on the invoice.
expected results
Thank you.
You need to join View1 and View2:
select v1.patientspid, v1.invoiceheader, v2.invoiceline, v2.amount
from view1 v1 inner join view2 v2
on v1.patientspid = v2.patientscid
order by v1.patientspid
If you want to get the results for a patientspid use
where v1.patientspid = 1
and no order by
In this case both PatientsPID and PatientsCID act as your Key. The column names don't have to be the same as long as the data contained in them are linked (Same Data).
Select View1.PatientsPID, View1.AmountPaid, View2.[SomeColumnName]
From View1 inner join View2 on View1.PatientsPID = View2.PatientsCID
Where View1.PatientsPID = 1
Use Join in the From line and you have to set which columns are equal between the two tables. These columns have to contain the same data in order to be able to link. Whatever column names you want to select just place the table name in front of it as show above, this prevents errors in the event of an ambiguous column name

how to join multiple tables without showing repeated data?

I pop into a problem recently, and Im sure its because of how I Join them.
this is my code:
select LP_Pending_Info.Service_Order,
from LP_Pending_Info
join LP_Part_Codes
on LP_Pending_Info.Service_order = LP_Part_Codes.Service_order
join LP_PS_Codes
on LP_Pending_Info.Service_Order = LP_PS_Codes.Service_Order
join LP_Confirmation_Codes
on LP_Pending_Info.Service_Order = LP_Confirmation_Codes.Service_Order
order by LP_Pending_Info.Service_order, LP_Part_Codes.PartCode;
For every service order I have 5 part code maximum.
If the service order have only one value it show the result correctly but when it have more than one Part code the problem begin.
for example: this service order"4182134076" has only 2 part code, first'GH81-13601A' and second 'GH96-09938A' so it should show the data 2 time but it repeat it for 8 time. what seems to be the problem?
If your records were exactly the same the distinct keyword would have solved it.
However in rows 2 and 3 which have the same Service_Order and Part_Code if you check the SO_NO you see it is different - that is why distinct won't work here - the rows are not identical.
I say you have some problem in one of the conditions in your joins. The different data is in the SO_NO column so check the raw data in the LP_Confirmation_Codes table for that Service_Order:
select * from LP_Confirmation_Codes where Service_Order = 4182134076
I assume you are missing an and with the value from the LP_Part_Codes or LP_PS_Codes (but can't be sure without seeing those tables and data myself).
By this sentence If the service order have only one value it show the result correctly but when it have more than one Part code the problem begin. - probably you are missing and and with the LP_Part_Codes table
Based on your output result, here are the following data that caused multiple output.
Service Order: 4182134076 has :
2 PartCode which are GH81-13601A and GH96-09938A
2 PS which are U and P
2 SO_NO which are 1.00024e+09 and 1.00022e+09
Therefore 2^3 returns 8 rows. I believe that you need to check where you should join your tables.
select distinct LP_Pending_Info.Service_Order,LP_Pending_Info.Pending_Days,
LP_Pending_Info.IN_OUT_WTY, LP_Part_Codes.PartCode,LP_PS_Codes.PS,
from LP_Pending_Info
join LP_Part_Codes on LP_Pending_Info.Service_order = LP_Part_Codes.Service_order
join LP_PS_Codes on LP_Part_Codes.Service_Order = LP_PS_Codes.Service_Order
join LP_Confirmation_Codes on LP_PS_Codes.Service_Order = LP_Confirmation_Codes.Service_Order
order by LP_Pending_Info.Service_order, LP_Part_Codes.PartCode;
distinct will not return duplicates based on your select. So if a row is same, it will only return once.

SQL - Getting a column from another table to join this query

I've got the code below which displays the location_id and total number of antisocial crimes but I would like to get the location_name from a different table called location_dim be output as well. I tried to find a way to UNION it but couldn't get it to work. Any ideas?
SELECT fk5_location_id , COUNT(fk3_crime_id) as TOTAL_ANTISOCIAL_CRIMES
WHERE fk1_time_id = 3 AND fk3_crime_id = 1
GROUP BY fk5_location_id;
You want to use join to lookup the location name. The query would probably look like this:
SELECT ld.location_name, COUNT(cf.fk3_crime_id) as TOTAL_ANTISOCIAL_CRIMES
from CRIME_FACT cf join
on cf.fk5_location_id = ld.location_id
WHERE cf.fk1_time_id = 3 AND cf.fk3_crime_id = 1
GROUP BY ld.location_name;
You need to put in the right column names for ld.location_name and ld.location_id.
you need to find a relationship between the two tables to link a location to crime. that way you could use a "join" and select the fields from each table you are interested in.
I suggest taking a step back and reading up on the fundamentals of relational databases. There are many good books out there which is the perfect place to start.

Way to combine filtered results using LIKE

I have a many to many relationship between people and some electronic codes. The table with the codes has the code itself, and a text description of the code. A typical result set from a query might be (there are many codes that contain "broken" so I feel like it's better to search the text description rather than add a bunch of ORs for every code.)
id# text of code
1234 broken laptop
1234 broken mouse
Currently the best way for me to get a result set like this is to use the LIKE%broken% filter. Without changing the text description, is there any way I can return only one instance of a code with broken? So in the example above the query would only return 1234 and broken mouse OR broken laptop. In this scenario it doesn't matter which is returned, all I'm looking for is the presence of "broken" in any of the text descriptions of that person's codes.
My solution at the moment is to create a view that would return
`id# text of code
1234 broken laptop
1234 broken mouse`
and using SELECT DISTINCT ID# while querying the view to get only one instance of each.
SELECT tblVisits.kha_id, tblICD.descrip, min(tblICD.Descrip) as expr1
FROM tblVisits inner join
icd_jxn on tblVisits.kha_id = icd_jxn.kha)id inner join tblICD.icd_fk=tblICD.ICD_ID
group by tblVisits.kha_id, tblicd.descrip
having (tblICD.descrip like n'%broken%')
You could use the below query to SELECT the MIN code. This will ensure only text per id.
SELECT, MIN(t.textofcode) as textofcode
FROM table t
WHERE t.textofcode LIKE '%broken%'
Updated Actual Query:
SELECT tblVisits.kha_id,
FROM tblVisits
INNER JOIN icd_jxn ON tblVisits.kha_id = icd_jxn.kha)id
INNER JOIN tblicd ON icd_jxn.icd_fk = tbl.icd_id
WHERE tblICD.descrip like n'%broken%'
GROUP BY tblVisits.kha_id