Improve query performance in Rails when creating a json - sql

I'm working with a Rails 5 API. I have a simple model of a store, with:
order has_one checkout
checkout has_one transaction
checkout belong_to order
transactions belongs_to checkout
checkout has_many items
1 1 1 1
order -----> checkout ------> transaction
1 *
------> item
I want and endpoint that given an amount of the transactions, it returns a json with data from the transactions.
I have this code that works but it takes a lot of time. For example, a month worth of transactions it's taking 1 minute.
def get_all_transactions
transactions = Transaction.where.not(status: 'error')
data = do |transaction|
checkout = transaction.checkout
order = Order.find(checkout.order_id) do |item|
order_id: checkout.order_id,
client_name: checkout.client.full_name,
order_created_at: order.created_at
How can I improve this code to have a better performance?
I have also notice that removing for example, the checkout.client.full_name it takes like 20 seconds off.
With full_name being in the client model:
def full_name
"#{first_name} #{last_name}".strip
Why would that take 20 seconds?

The problems here is that you have layers upon layers of N+1 queries. Every time you call an association that hasn't been eager loaded you're causing another round trip to the database. Even if you add includes or eager_loads then the next issue is that you're loading tons off data of the tables that you're not using and creating model instances in memory just to use a single attribute off them.
The most efficient way to do this is most likely going to be to simply perform a join and just select the columns you're actually interested in:
sql = Item.joins(order: { checkout: :client })
"TRIM(CONCAT(clients.first_name, ' ', clients.last_name)) AS client_name",
Order.arel_table[:created_at ].as('order_created_at')
result = Item.connection.select_all(sql.arel).map(&:to_h)
This avoids creating entire models instances in memory in multiple levels when all you need is a single column.
However its very unclear what the actual expected result is here or why you're basing the query off the Transaction model when you're actually getting an array of items in the result.


ActiveRecord query to sum over joins

I want to get the sum of the receipt items that are in a particular budget (same title) and from the current query I'm getting to many record and obvious wrong sum of amounts from the receipt items.
My current attempt is looking like that in ActiveRecord (AR):
ReceiptItem.includes(donation: [:budgets]).joins(:donation, :receipt).where(budgets: {title: "Some title 2015"}).sum(:amount)
and my SQL attempt was looking like that (its also wrong):
-- want to test just the outcome its not actually not summing up the amounts
SELECT "receipt_items"."amount"
"receipt_items" INNER JOIN "donations" ON "donations"."id" = "receipt_items"."donation_id"
RIGHT JOIN "receipts" ON "receipts"."receipt_id" = "receipt_items"."receipt_id"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "budgets" ON "budgets"."donation_id" = "donations"."id"
WHERE "budgets"."title" = 'Some title 2015';
Why I'm getting double records although I've joined the tables and set also the condition?
Here is the ER modell to understand the problem.
And here's the AR Assoziations:
class Budget < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :donation
class Donation < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :receipt_items
has_many :budgets
class ReceiptItem < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :donation
Because a budget can be linked to a reciept item multiple times, via different donations, it's appearing in the big join table multiple times, and thus being counted several times.
Let's try to think this through a step at a time. If you wanted to do it without worrying about eager loading, you would do:
Budget.where(title: "some title").all.collect(&:donation).collect(&:receipt_items).flatten.uniq.collect(&:amount).sum
is that right?
If so, you can tailor the eager loading to fit this chain of method calls:
Budget.where(title: "some title", include: {:donation => [:receipt_items]}).all.collect(&:donation).collect(&:receipt_items).uniq.collect(&:amount).sum
try that?

Rails: Optimize querying maximum values from associated table

I need to show a list of partners and the maximum value from the reservation_limit column from Klass table.
Partner has_many :klasses
Klass belongs_to :partner
# Partner controller
def index
#partners = Partner.includes(:klasses)
# view
<% #partners.each do |partner| %>
Up to <%= partner.klasses.maximum("reservation_limit") %> visits per month
<% end %>
Unfortunately the query below runs for every single Partner.
SELECT MAX("klasses"."reservation_limit") FROM "klasses" WHERE "klasses"."partner_id" = $1 [["partner_id", 1]]
If there are 40 partners then the query will run 40 times. How do I optimize this?
edit: Looks like there's a limit method in rails so I'm changing the limit in question to reservation_limit to prevent confusion.
You can use two forms of SQL to efficiently retrieve this information, and I'm assuming here that you want a result for a partner even where there is no klass record for it
The first is:
select partners.*,
max(klasses.limit) as max_klasses_limit
from partners
left join klasses on klasses.partner_id =
group by
Some RDBMSs require that you use "group by partner.*", though, which is potentially expensive in terms of the required sort and the possibility of it spilling to disk.
On the other hand you can add a clause such as:
having("max(klasses.limit) > ?", 3)
... to efficiently filter the partners by their value of maximum klass.limit
The other is:
select partners.*,
(Select max(klasses.limit)
from klasses
where klasses.partner_id = as max_klasses_limit
from partners
The second one does not rely on a group by, and in some RDBMSs may be effectively transformed internally to the first form, but may execute less efficiently by the subquery being executed once per row in the partners table (which would stil be much faster than the raw Rails way of actually submitting a query per row).
The Rails ActiveRecord forms of these would be:
Partner.joins("left join klasses on klasses.partner_id =").
select("partners.*, max(klasses.limit) as max_klasses_limit").
... and ..."partners.*, (select max(klasses.limit)
from klasses
where klasses.partner_id = as max_klasses_limit")
Which of these is actually the most efficient is probably going to depend on the RDBMS and even the RDBMS version.
If you don't need a result when there is no klass for the partner, or there is always guaranteed to be one, then:
select("partners.*, max(klasses.limit) as max_klasses_limit").
Either way, you can then reference
Your initial query brings all the information you need. You only need to work with it as you would work with a regular array of objects.
Up to <%= partner.klasses.maximum("reservation_limit") %> visits per month
Up to <%= partner.klasses.empty? ? 0 : partner.klasses.max_by { |k| k.reservation_limit }.reservation_limit %> visits per month
What maximum("reservation_limit") does it to trigger an Active Record query SELECT MAX.... But you don't need this, as you already have all the information you need to process the maximum in your array.
Using .count on an Active Record result will trigger an extra SELECT COUNT... query!
Using .length will not.
It generally helps if you start writing the query in pure SQL and then extract it into ActiveRecord or Arel code.
ActiveRecord is powerful, but it tends to force you to write highly inefficient queries as soon as you derail from the standard CRUD operations.
Here's your query
.select('partners.*, (SELECT MAX(klasses.reservation_limit) FROM klasses WHERE klasses.partner_id = AS maximum_limit')
It is a single query, with a subquery. However the subquery is optimized to run only once as it can be parsed ahead and it doesn't run N+1 times.
The code above fetches all the partners, joins them with the klasses records and thanks to the join it can compute the aggregate maximum. Since the join effectively creates a cartesian product of the records, you then need to group by the (which in fact is required in any case by the MAX aggregate function).
The key here is the AS maximum_limit that will assign a new attribute to the Partner instances returned with the value of the count.
partners = ...
partners.each do |partner|
puts partner.maximum_limit
This will return max. limits in one select for an array of parthner_ids:
parthner_ids ={|p|}
data ='MAX("limit") as limit', 'partner_id').where(partner_id: parthner_ids).group('partner_id')
#limits = data.to_a.group_by{|d|}
You can now integrate it into your view:
<% #partners.each do |partner| %>
Up to <%= #limits[].limit %> visits per month
<% end %>

How to retrieve a list of records and the count of each one's children with condition in Active Record?

There are two models with our familiar one-to-many relationship:
class Custom
has_many :orders
class Order
belongs_to :custom
I want to do the following work:
get all the custom information whose age is over 18, and how many big orders(pay for 1,000 dollars) they have?
for the models:
rails g model custom name:string age:integer
rails g model orders amount:decimal custom_id:integer
I hope one left join sql statement will do all my job, and don't construct unnecessary objects like this:
Custom.where('age > ?', '18').includes(:orders).where('orders.amount > ?', '1000')
It will construct a lot of order objects which I don't need, and it will calculate the count by Array#count function which will waste time.
My own solution is wrong, it will remove customs who doesn't have big orders from the result.
Finding adult customers with big orders
This solution uses a single query, with the nested orders relation transformed into a sub-query.
big_customers = Custom.where("age > ?", "18").where(
id: Order.where("amount > ?", "1000").select(:custom_id)
Grab all adults and their # of big orders (MySQL)
This can still be done in a single query. The count is grabbed via a join on orders and sticking the count of orders into a column in the result called big_orders_count, which ActiveRecord turns into a method. It involves a lot more "raw" SQL. I don't know any way to avoid this with ActiveRecord except with the great squeel gem.
adults = Custom.where("age > ?", "18").select([
"count( as big_orders_count"
]).joins(%{LEFT JOIN orders
ON orders.custom_id =
AND orders.amount > 1000})
# see count:
You might want to consider caching counters like this. This join will be expensive on the database, so if you had a dedicated customs.big_order_count column that was either refreshed regularly or updated by an observer that watches for big Order records.
Grab all adults and their # of big orders (PostgreSQL)
Solution 2 is mysql only. To get this to work in postgresql I created a third solution that uses a sub-query. Still one call to the DB :-)
adults = Custom.where("age > ?", "18").select([
SELECT count(*)
FROM orders
WHERE orders.custom_id =
AND orders.amount > 1000
) AS big_orders_count}
# see count:
I have tested this against postgresql with real data. There may be a way to use more ActiveRecord and less SQL, but this works.
#custom_over_18 = Custom.where("age > ?", "18").orders.where("amount > ?", "1000").count

What is the difference between ModelName.all and ModelName.where('')

I have the following relations:
User --has many--> Reminders --has many--> Payments
I get all the payments of a user as
payments = User.reminders.collect{|reminder| reminder.payments.between(from_date, to_date)}.flatten
and then
data ="SUM(amount) as total_payment, MONTH(payment_date) as month, YEAR(payment_date) as year").group("MONTH(payment_date), YEAR(payment_date)").map{|payment| [payment.total_payment, "#{payment.month}/#{payment.year}"]}
I was trying to run the above select and group by query on a dataset which failed with the following exception:
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)
from (irb):162:in `select'
The above query runs fine on Payments.where('') but fails on Payments.all or the dataset which I have obtained above.
On debugging I found that Payments.where('') is an ActiveRecord::Relation object whereas Payment.all is an Array.
An explanation would help me understand the concept and which way should I take. I don't want to run that group by query for each reminder.payments individually and then sum it up.
You've got an array of Payment objects at that point, rather than a Relation, which represents a query that hasn't been run yet. There's two ways to approach this problem. The first would be to build payments as a relation rather than an array. I would do this by adding a has_many :through relationship between Users and Payments.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :reminders
has_many :payments, :through => :reminders
payments = user.payments.between(from_date, to_date)
data =
The other way to do it would be to just pass the ids from your array to a where clause:
payments = user.reminders.collect {...}.flatten
data = Payment.where('id in (?)', payments).select...

Rails/Sql - order/group search results such that repetition of entities occurs only after appearance of others

In my application, say, animals have many photos. I'm querying photos of animals such that I want all photos of all animals to be displayed. However, I want each animal to appear as a photo before repetition occurs.
animal instance 1, 'cat', has four photos,
animal instance 2, 'dog', has two photos:
photos should appear ordered as so:
#photo belongs to #animal
tiddles.jpg , cat
fido.jpg dog
meow.jpg cat
rover.jpg dog
puss.jpg cat
felix.jpg, cat (no more dogs so two consecutive cats)
Pagination is required so I can't
order on an array.
structure/convention provides no
help, though the animal_id exists on
each photo.
Though there are two
types of animal in this example this
is an active record model with
hundreds of records.
Animals may be
selectively queried.
If this isn't possible with active_record then I'll happily use sql; I'm using postgresql.
My brain is frazzled so if anyone can come up with a better title, please go ahead and edit it or suggest in comments.
Here is a PostgreSQL specific solution:
batch_id_sql = "RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY animal_id ORDER BY id ASC)"
:select => "DISTINCT photos.*, (#{batch_id_sql}) batch_id",
:order => "batch_id ASC, photos.animal_id ASC",
:page => 1)
Here is a DB agnostic solution:
batch_id_sql = "
FROM photos bm
WHERE bm.animal_id = photos.animal_id AND <=
:select => "photos.*, (#{batch_id_sql}) batch_id",
:order => "batch_id ASC, photos.animal_id ASC",
:page => 1)
Both queries work even when you have a where condition. Benchmark the query using expected data set to check if it meets the expected throughput and latency requirements.
PostgreSQL Window function
Having no experience in activerecord. Using plain PostgreSQL I would try something like this:
Define a window function over all previous rows which counts how many time the current animal has appeared, then order by this count.
COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY animal_id ORDER BY filename) AS cnt
Filtering on certain animal_id's will work. This will always order the same way. I don't know if you want something random in there, but it should be easily added.
New solution
Add an integer column called batch_id to the animals table.
class AddBatchIdToPhotos < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
add_column :photos, :batch_id, :integer
change_column :photos, :batch_id, :integer, :nil => false
add_index :photos, :batch_id
def self.down
remove_column :photos, :batch_id
def self.set_batch_id
# set the batch id to existing rows
# implement this
Now add a before_create on the Photo model to set the batch id.
class Photo
belongs_to :animal
before_create :batch_photo_add
after_update :batch_photo_update
after_destroy :batch_photo_remove
def batch_photo_add
self.batch_id = next_batch_id_for_animal(animal_id)
def batch_photo_update
return true unless animal_id_changed?
batch_photo_remove(batch_id, animal_id_was)
def batch_photo_remove(b_id=batch_id, a_id=animal_id)
Photo.update_all("batch_id = batch_id- 1",
["animal_id = ? AND batch_id > ?", a_id, b_id])
def next_batch_id_for_animal(a_id)
(Photo.maximum(:batch_id, :conditions => {:animal_id => a_id}) || 0) + 1
Now you can get the desired result by issuing simple paginate command
#animal_photos = Photo.paginate(:page => 1, :per_page => 10,
:order => :batch_id)
How does this work?
Let's consider we have data set as given below:
id Photo Description Batch Id
1 Cat_photo_1 1
2 Cat_photo_2 2
3 Dog_photo_1 1
2 Cat_photo_3 3
4 Dog_photo_2 2
5 Lion_photo_1 1
6 Cat_photo_4 4
Now if we were to execute a query ordered by batch_id we get this
# batch 1 (cat, dog, lion)
# batch 2 (cat, dog)
# batch 3,4 (cat)
The batch distribution is not random, the animals are filled from the top. The number of animals displayed in a page is governed by per_page parameter passed to paginate method (not the batch size).
Old solution
Have you tried this?
If you are using the will_paginate gem:
# assuming you want to order by animal name
animal_photos = Photo.paginate(:include => :animal, :page => 1,
:order => "")
animal_photos.each do |animal_photo|
puts animal_photo.file_name
I'd recommend something hybrid/corrected based on KandadaBoggu's input.
First off, the correct way to do it on paper is with row_number() over (partition by animal_id order by id). The suggested rank() will generate a global row number, but you want the one within its partition.
Using a window function is also the most flexible solution (in fact, the only solution) if you want to plan to change the sort order here and there.
Take note that this won't necessarily scale well, however, because in order to sort the results you'll need to:
fetch the whole result set that matches your criteria
sort the whole result set to create the partitions and obtain a rank_id
top-n sort/limit over the result set a second time to get them in their final order
The correct way to do this in practice, if your sort order is immutable, is to maintain a pre-calculated rank_id. KandadaBoggu's other suggestion points in the correct direction in this sense.
When it comes to deletes (and possibly updates, if you don't want them sorted by id), you may run into issues because you end up trading faster reads for slower writes. If deleting the cat with an index of 1 leads to updating the next 50k cats, you're going to be in trouble.
If you've very small sets, the overhead might be very acceptable (don't forget to index animal_id).
If not, there's a workaround if you find the order in which specific animals appear is irrelevant. It goes like this:
Start a transaction.
If the rank_id is going to change (i.e. insert or delete), obtain an advisory lock to ensure that two sessions can't impact the rank_id of the same animal class, e.g.:
SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock('the_table'::regclass, the_animal_id);
(Sleep for .05s if you don't obtain it.)
On insert, find max(rank_id) for that animal_id. Assign it rank_id + 1. Then insert it.
On delete, select the animal with the same animal_id and the largest rank_id. Delete your animal, and assign its old rank_id to the fetched animal (unless you were deleting the last one, of course).
Release the advisory lock.
Commit the work.
Note that the above will make good use of an index on (animal_id, rank_id) and can be done using plpgsql triggers:
create trigger "__animals_rank_id__ins"
before insert on animals
for each row execute procedure lock_animal_id_and_assign_rank_id();
create trigger "_00_animals_rank_id__ins"
after insert on animals
for each row execute procedure unlock_animal_id();
create trigger "__animals_rank_id__del"
before delete on animals
for each row execute procedure lock_animal_id();
create trigger "_00_animals_rank_id__del"
after delete on animals
for each row execute procedure reassign_rank_id_and_unlock_animal_id();
You can then create a multi-column index on your sort criteria if you're not joining all over them place, e.g. (rank_id, name). And you'll end up with a snappy site for reads and writes.
You should be able to get the pictures (or filenames, anyway) using ActiveRecord, ordered by name.
Then you can use Enumerable#group_by and Enumerable#zip to zip all the arrays together.
If you give me more information about how your filenames are really arranged (i.e., are they all for sure with an underscore before the number and a constant name before the underscore for each "type"? etc.), then I can give you an example. I'll write one up momentarily showing how you'd do it for your current example.
You could run two sorts and build one array as follows:
result1= The first of each animal type only. use the ruby "find" method for this search.
result2= All animals, sorted by group. Use "find" to again find the first occurrence of each animal and then use "drop" to remove those "first occurrences" from result2.
markCustomResult = result1 + result2
You can use willpaginate on markCustomResult