how do i make this header remain to it position in screen landscape resizing - header

how do i make this headbar stick to it position while draggind my screen landscape up]( Just like this->


When screen orientation changes, I want only one element to rotate

I'm making an app with react native, expo, bottom-tab-bar navigation package, and expo-screen-orientation package.
The app is for reading some text that is inside some View elements in the middle of the screen, and is controlled with the bottom tab bar.
When I rotate the phone, and change the screen orientation (portrait-landscape), it kind of messes with the UI layout.
What I'd like to achieve, is to only have the View element that contains the readable text to rotate when the phone changes orientation, but the rest of the app (The bottom tab bar, background, buttons, etc.) to stay in the 'portrait' orientation.
What I've tried so far is this:
I've tried to lock the screen to portrait with
and then listening to orientation changes with eventListeners, Dimentions, useWindowDimentions, and expo-screen-orientation's ScreenOrientation.AddOrientationChangeListener(Listener),
and then maybe rotating the View element manually.
But if the screen is locked and not rotated, the change is not detected.
I've looked but couldn't find an answer.

Reload round rectangle groupped tableview in Landscape mode

I am using Boris's answer (objective-C) for custom tableview with round rectangle border.
Screenshot 1
It is working fine. It shows border around my custom tableView cells. When I rotate device in landscape mode then it also rotates but doesn't auto-resize border.
I also have a sliding menu that opens tableview screen. If I open tableview screen again in landscape mode using sliding menu button then it redraws cell border before cell appears and shows border correctly in landscape mode. So I know it appears correctly in landscape mode too but only when it reloads screen.
Screenshot 2
It should also redraw it upon rotation.I am trying to achieve it from last 2 days but it is not working anyhow. I tried to call willDisplayCell method manually in landscape mode but no success. I tried to refresh and reload tableView but none worked.
How do I fix it? Any help is appreciated.

Height of my UIScrollView portrait and landscape

Good morning,
I'm working with UIScrollView for the first time and I'm trying to make the height of the scroll as I have elements in my screen. In my attempt I can scroll through my View, but when I'm in portrait mode I have a lot of scroll and when I'm in landscape mode I have the exact scroll that I would have.
How can I make the scroll showing only my content? Because at the moment I set a height and the scroll is showing too much height in my portrait mode.
I will appreciate any help, because I have search some questions but I can't really go on with my project without that.
Thanks in advance.

iOS7 tab bar custom icon height - height reduces until icon gets invisible

I implemented tab bar with custom icon sizes to match the design:
The first and the last icon sizes are reduced to fit below the circle line by setting the bar item sizes as follows:
The strange behaviour that happens only on iOS7+ is that when the user taps already active resized tab bar icon for the second time - it gets reduced in size:
And if I tap on it again - it's size is so small that it appears invisible:
This doesn't happen on iOS5 or iOS6.
Is there something that I'm doing wrong here or any right method for reducing tab bar icon size?
Hi may be this is will useful for you.Give the dimension of your tab bar items 30x30 pixels and #2x is 60x60.This is working fine for me. Image inset give the all (0,0,0,0).

Autorotation of background image

Hi I used an image view to create a background for my app. How can I keep the image in portrait orientation when the device rotates, but still allow my buttons and labels auto rotate to the landscape orientation?