Autorotation of background image - ios7

Hi I used an image view to create a background for my app. How can I keep the image in portrait orientation when the device rotates, but still allow my buttons and labels auto rotate to the landscape orientation?


how do i make this header remain to it position in screen landscape resizing

how do i make this headbar stick to it position while draggind my screen landscape up]( Just like this->

Is it possible to remove the animation timing between portrait to landscape orientation transition using Expo ScreenOrientation?

I would like to remove the animation timing between portrait to landscape orientation transition using Expo ScreenOrientation, so that the transition is instantaneous, is it possible?

Is there a way to force the camera orientation to stay in portrait?

My app's orientation is set to portrait mode in tiapp.xml and the the window's orientation mode is also set to portrait. But when I open the camera, the orientation is not locked to portrait, it still rotates. Is there a way to lock this because I need to capture the photos only in portrait mode?
In the CameraOptionsType dictionary you pass as options to Ti.Media.showCamera you can set the autorotate boolean property: false locks the camera preview rotation.

Xcode 6 custom launch screen

I am trying to make a custom launch screen based Xcode 6 new feature following the content given here. I don't understand how can I manage orientation of launch screen on iPad. My launch screen contains a horizontal rectangular image in the centre. Using size classes I can set different constraints and views for iPhone in landscape or portrait mode. But unable to do the same for iPad. Also how can I lock the orientation of Launch screen when creating a launch screen using the above method ?
You can not do this for the iPad because both orientations fall under the regular width and regular height size class.

iPad camera orientation portrait mode?

I want to set the iPad camera app orientation to only portrait mode. From the viewController we'll put it in landscape mode most of the time. Is there a way we can set the camera mode to only portrait?
imagePickerController setOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait
Thanks in advance.
I don't think we can control orientation of camera.Its orientation property is inbuilt,which changes with orientation of device.
Orientation of picker is read only property.
Please correct me,if i am wrong