Mirror npm repository - npm

I have a non-internet network and I need npm to develop my application.
How could I mirror all the npm packages offline and then use it?
I've found Verdaccio for the private publish. I need a way to replicate the npm repository.


How would you execute npm install with a specific version from the nexus repo

How to execute npm install with a specific version from the nexus repo?
My artifacts are stored in Nexus. what I need to do is execute npm install <nexus version>. However when I do this it still uses my latest package.json that I committed. I want to use all artifacts including package.json from the version in my nexus repo.
Using npm via NXRM behaves the same as using npm without NXRM as far as installs go. You can use npm install package#version.
So for example, npm install pluto#0.4.0.
See npm install doc for more details.

npm registry,Is that possible to publish Java or C# libraries in to npm registry

npm registry,Is that possible to publish Java or C# libraries in to npm registry.
If so please recommend some articles or details on how to create a private npm registry.
Thanks in advance

Artifactory npm repository verify username and password

I have created a npm virtual repo in artifactory. And i can publish after i npm login.
But when i use npm install command, it will show 403 which means must npm login first.
So how to let artifactory not check the username & password for npm repository?
Maybe off topic, but you may run npm install with JFrog CLI and it does all of the authentication for you.
This can be acheived in two steps:
Configure Artifactory server: jfrog rt c rt-server-1
Run npm install: jfrog rt npm-install [your-virtual-repo]

npm install express will cause many package to be installed

I am reading the Installing npm packages locally guide and looking for information about why when I use npm install express to install that package, nearly 40 other packages installed in the node_modules sub-directory.
Also if NPM supports the method as described above, how do we use npm publish to publish a bundle of packages in one command for download in NPM?

Installing protractor on offline machine

I have downloaded protractor git repo and tried to install it on my offline machine
npm install <folder-path>
it give me the following error:
npm err! getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN
I assume it happens because it tries to download all the dependencies from the internet but fails.
Is there a way to install it offline? What files do I need?
npm has a local cache, so if you install it once with npm install protractor, you'll be able to install it offline next time you need it.
Another solution is just to install it once and the copy all the node_modules.