Asio SSL full-duplex socket synchronization problem - ssl
My MVCE for SSL relay server:
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <asio.hpp>
#include <asio/ssl.hpp>
namespace test
namespace setup
const uint32_t maxMessageSize = 1024 * 1024;
const uint32_t maxSessionsNum = 10;
enum class MessageType
LOG_ON = 0,
class MessageHeader
uint32_t messageType;
uint32_t messageLength;
MessageHeader(uint32_t messageType, uint32_t messageLength) : messageType(messageType), messageLength(messageLength) {}
class LogOn
MessageHeader header;
uint32_t sessionId;
uint32_t isClient0;
LogOn() : header((uint32_t)MessageType::LOG_ON, sizeof(LogOn)) {}
class TextMessage
MessageHeader header;
uint8_t data[];
TextMessage() : header((uint32_t)MessageType::TEXT_MESSAGE, sizeof(TextMessage)){}
class ClientSocket;
class Session
ClientSocket* pClient0;
ClientSocket* pClient1;
Session* getSession(uint32_t sessionId);
class ClientSocket
bool useTLS;
std::shared_ptr<asio::ip::tcp::socket> socket;
std::shared_ptr<asio::ssl::stream<asio::ip::tcp::socket>> socketSSL;
Session* pSession;
bool isClient0;
std::recursive_mutex writeBufferLock;
std::vector<char> readBuffer;
uint32_t readPos;
ClientSocket(asio::ip::tcp::socket& socket) : useTLS(false)
this->socket = std::make_shared<asio::ip::tcp::socket>(std::move(socket));
this->readBuffer.resize(setup::maxMessageSize + sizeof(MessageHeader));
this->readPos = 0;
ClientSocket(asio::ssl::stream<asio::ip::tcp::socket>& socket) : useTLS(true)
this->socketSSL = std::make_shared<asio::ssl::stream<asio::ip::tcp::socket>>(std::move(socket));
this->readBuffer.resize(setup::maxMessageSize + sizeof(MessageHeader));
this->readPos = 0;
bool writeSocket(uint8_t* pBuffer, uint32_t bufferSize)
size_t writtenBytes = 0;
if (true == this->useTLS)
writtenBytes = asio::write(*this->socketSSL,
asio::buffer(pBuffer, bufferSize));
writtenBytes = asio::write(*this->socket,
asio::buffer(pBuffer, bufferSize));
return (writtenBytes == bufferSize);
catch (asio::system_error e)
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
catch (std::exception e)
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
catch (...)
std::cout << "Some other exception" << std::endl;
return false;
void asyncReadNextMessage(uint32_t messageSize)
auto readMessageLambda = [&](const asio::error_code errorCode, std::size_t length)
this->readPos += (uint32_t)length;
if (0 != errorCode.value())
//send socket to remove
printf("errorCode= %u, message=%s\n", errorCode.value(), errorCode.message().c_str());
if ((this->readPos < sizeof(MessageHeader)))
asyncReadNextMessage(sizeof(MessageHeader) - this->readPos);
MessageHeader* pMessageHeader = (MessageHeader*)this->;
if (pMessageHeader->messageLength > setup::maxMessageSize)
//Message to big - should disconnect ?
this->readPos = 0;
if (this->readPos < pMessageHeader->messageLength)
asyncReadNextMessage(pMessageHeader->messageLength - this->readPos);
MessageType messageType = (MessageType)pMessageHeader->messageType;
case MessageType::LOG_ON:
LogOn* pLogOn = (LogOn*)pMessageHeader;
printf("LOG_ON message sessionId=%u, isClient0=%u\n", pLogOn->sessionId, pLogOn->isClient0);
this->isClient0 = pLogOn->isClient0;
this->pSession = getSession(pLogOn->sessionId);
if (this->isClient0)
this->pSession->pClient0 = this;
this->pSession->pClient1 = this;
case MessageType::TEXT_MESSAGE:
TextMessage* pTextMessage = (TextMessage*)pMessageHeader;
if (nullptr != pSession)
if (this->isClient0)
if (nullptr != pSession->pClient1)
pSession->pClient1->writeSocket((uint8_t*)pTextMessage, pTextMessage->header.messageLength);
if (nullptr != pSession->pClient0)
pSession->pClient0->writeSocket((uint8_t*)pTextMessage, pTextMessage->header.messageLength);
this->readPos = 0;
if (true == this->useTLS)
this->socketSSL->async_read_some(asio::buffer(this-> + this->readPos, messageSize), readMessageLambda);
this->socket->async_read_some(asio::buffer(this-> + this->readPos, messageSize), readMessageLambda);
class SSLRelayServer
static SSLRelayServer* pSingleton;
asio::io_context ioContext;
asio::ssl::context sslContext;
std::vector<std::thread> workerThreads;
asio::ip::tcp::acceptor* pAcceptor;
asio::ip::tcp::endpoint* pEndpoint;
bool useTLS;
Session* sessions[setup::maxSessionsNum];
SSLRelayServer() : pAcceptor(nullptr), pEndpoint(nullptr), sslContext(asio::ssl::context::tlsv13_server)//sslContext(asio::ssl::context::sslv23)
this->useTLS = false;
this->pSingleton = this;
//this->sslContext.set_options(asio::ssl::context::default_workarounds | asio::ssl::context::no_sslv2);
this->sslContext.set_password_callback(std::bind(&SSLRelayServer::getPrivateKeyPEMFilePassword, this));
static SSLRelayServer* getSingleton()
return pSingleton;
std::string getPrivateKeyPEMFilePassword() const
return "";
void addClientSocket(asio::ip::tcp::socket& socket)
ClientSocket* pClientSocket = new ClientSocket(socket); // use smart pointers
void addSSLClientToken(asio::ssl::stream<asio::ip::tcp::socket>&sslSocket)
ClientSocket* pClientSocket = new ClientSocket(sslSocket); // use smart pointers
void handleAccept(asio::ip::tcp::socket& socket, const asio::error_code& errorCode)
if (!errorCode)
if (true == socket.is_open())
asio::ip::tcp::no_delay no_delay_option(true);
void handleAcceptTLS(asio::ip::tcp::socket& socket, const asio::error_code& errorCode)
if (!errorCode)
if (true == socket.is_open())
asio::ip::tcp::no_delay no_delay_option(true);
asio::ssl::stream<asio::ip::tcp::socket> sslStream(std::move(socket), this->sslContext);
catch (asio::system_error e)
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
catch (std::exception e)
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
catch (...)
std::cout << "Other exception" << std::endl;
void startAccept()
auto acceptHandler = [this](const asio::error_code& errorCode, asio::ip::tcp::socket socket)
handleAccept(socket, errorCode);
auto tlsAcceptHandler = [this](const asio::error_code& errorCode, asio::ip::tcp::socket socket)
handleAcceptTLS(socket, errorCode);
if (true == this->useTLS)
bool run(uint32_t servicePort, uint32_t threadsNum, bool useTLS)
this->useTLS = useTLS;
this->pEndpoint = new asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(asio::ip::tcp::v4(), servicePort);
this->pAcceptor = new asio::ip::tcp::acceptor(ioContext, *pEndpoint);
for (uint32_t threadIt = 0; threadIt < threadsNum; ++threadIt)
this->workerThreads.emplace_back([&]() {
#ifdef WINDOWS
SetThreadDescription(GetCurrentThread(), L"SSLRelayServer worker thread");
this->; }
return true;
Session* getSession(uint32_t sessionId)
if (nullptr == this->sessions[sessionId])
this->sessions[sessionId] = new Session();
return this->sessions[sessionId];
SSLRelayServer* SSLRelayServer::pSingleton = nullptr;
Session* getSession(uint32_t sessionId)
SSLRelayServer* pServer = SSLRelayServer::getSingleton();
Session* pSession = pServer->getSession(sessionId);
return pSession;
class Client
asio::ssl::context sslContext;
std::shared_ptr<asio::ip::tcp::socket> socket;
std::shared_ptr<asio::ssl::stream<asio::ip::tcp::socket>> socketSSL;
asio::io_context ioContext;
bool useTLS;
bool isClient0;
uint32_t readDataIt;
std::vector<uint8_t> readBuffer;
std::thread listenerThread;
Client() : sslContext(asio::ssl::context::tlsv13_client)//sslContext(asio::ssl::context::sslv23)
using asio::ip::tcp;
using std::placeholders::_1;
using std::placeholders::_2;
sslContext.set_verify_callback(std::bind(&Client::verifyCertificate, this, _1, _2));
this->readDataIt = 0;
bool verifyCertificate(bool preverified, asio::ssl::verify_context& verifyCtx)
return true;
void listenerRunner()
#ifdef WINDOWS
if (this->isClient0)
SetThreadDescription(GetCurrentThread(), L"listenerRunner client0");
SetThreadDescription(GetCurrentThread(), L"listenerRunner client1");
while (1==1)
asio::error_code errorCode;
size_t transferred = 0;
if (true == this->useTLS)
transferred = this->socketSSL->read_some(asio::buffer(this-> + this->readDataIt, sizeof(MessageHeader) - this->readDataIt), errorCode);
transferred = this->socket->read_some(asio::buffer(this-> + this->readDataIt, sizeof(MessageHeader) - this->readDataIt), errorCode);
this->readDataIt += transferred;
if (0 != errorCode.value())
this->readDataIt = 0;
if (this->readDataIt < sizeof(MessageHeader))
MessageHeader* pMessageHeader = (MessageHeader*)this->;
if (pMessageHeader->messageLength > setup::maxMessageSize)
bool resetSocket = false;
while (pMessageHeader->messageLength > this->readDataIt)
printf("readDataIt=%u, threadId=%u\n", this->readDataIt, GetCurrentThreadId());
//message not complete
if (true == this->useTLS)
transferred = this->socketSSL->read_some(asio::buffer(this-> + this->readDataIt, pMessageHeader->messageLength - this->readDataIt), errorCode);
transferred = this->socket->read_some(asio::buffer(this-> + this->readDataIt, pMessageHeader->messageLength - this->readDataIt), errorCode);
this->readDataIt += transferred;
if (0 != errorCode.value())
MessageType messageType = (MessageType)pMessageHeader->messageType;
switch (messageType)
case MessageType::TEXT_MESSAGE:
TextMessage* pTextMessage = (TextMessage*)pMessageHeader;
printf("TEXT_MESSAGE: %s\n", pTextMessage->data);
this->readDataIt = 0;
void run(uint32_t sessionId, bool isClient0, bool useTLS, uint32_t servicePort)
this->useTLS = useTLS;
this->isClient0 = isClient0;
if (useTLS)
socketSSL = std::make_shared<asio::ssl::stream<asio::ip::tcp::socket>>(ioContext, sslContext);
socket = std::make_shared<asio::ip::tcp::socket>(ioContext);
asio::ip::tcp::resolver resolver(ioContext);
asio::ip::tcp::resolver::results_type endpoints = resolver.resolve(asio::ip::tcp::v4(), "", std::to_string(servicePort));
asio::ip::tcp::no_delay no_delay_option(true);
if (true == useTLS)
asio::ip::tcp::endpoint sslEndpoint = asio::connect(socketSSL->lowest_layer(), endpoints);
asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint = asio::connect(*socket, endpoints);
this->listenerThread = std::thread(&Client::listenerRunner, this);
LogOn logOn;
logOn.isClient0 = isClient0;
logOn.sessionId = sessionId;
const uint32_t logOnSize = sizeof(logOn);
if (true == useTLS)
size_t transferred = asio::write(*socketSSL, asio::buffer(&logOn, sizeof(LogOn)));
size_t transferred = asio::write(*socket, asio::buffer(&logOn, sizeof(LogOn)));
uint32_t counter = 0;
while (1 == 1)
std::string number = std::to_string(counter);
std::string message;
if (this->isClient0)
message = "Client0: " + number;
message = "Client1: " + number;
TextMessage textMessage;
textMessage.header.messageLength += message.size() + 1;
if (this->useTLS)
size_t transferred = asio::write(*socketSSL, asio::buffer(&textMessage, sizeof(TextMessage)));
transferred = asio::write(*socketSSL, asio::buffer(message.c_str(), message.length() + 1));
size_t transferred = asio::write(*socket, asio::buffer(&textMessage, sizeof(TextMessage)));
transferred = asio::write(*socket, asio::buffer(message.c_str(), message.length() + 1));
void clientTest(uint32_t sessionId, bool isClient0, bool useTLS,
uint32_t servicePort)
#ifdef WINDOWS
if (isClient0)
SetThreadDescription(GetCurrentThread(), L"Client0");
SetThreadDescription(GetCurrentThread(), L"Client1");
Client client;, isClient0, useTLS, servicePort);
while (1 == 1)
void SSLRelayTest()
SSLRelayServer relayServer;
const uint32_t threadsNum = 1;
const bool useTLS = true;
const uint32_t servicePort = 777;, threadsNum, useTLS);
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
const uint32_t sessionId = 0;
threads.emplace_back(clientTest, sessionId, true, useTLS, servicePort);
threads.emplace_back(clientTest, sessionId, false, useTLS,servicePort);
for (std::thread& threadIt : threads)
What this sample does ?
It runs SSL relay server on localhost port 777 which connects two clients and allows exchanging
of text messages between them.
When I run that sample server returns error "errorCode= 167772441, message=decryption failed or bad record mac (SSL routines)" in void "asyncReadNextMessage(uint32_t messageSize)"
I found out this is caused by client which reads and writes to client SSL socket from separate threads (changing variable useTLS to 0 runs it on normal socket which proves that it is SSL socket problem).
Apparently TLS is not full-duplex protocol (I did not know about that). I can't synchronize access to read and write with mutex because when socket enters read state and there is no
incoming message writing to socked will be blocked forever. At this thread Boost ASIO, SSL: How do strands help the implementation?
someone recommended using strands but someone else wrote that asio only synchronizes not concurrent execution of read and write handles which does not fix the problem.
I expect that somehow there is a way to synchronize read and write to SSL socket. I'm 100% sure that problem lies in synchronizing read and writes to socket because when I wrote example with read and write to socket done by one thread it worked. However then client always expects that there is message to read which can block all write if there is not. Can it be solved without using separate sockets for reads and writes ?
Okay I figured it out by writting many diffrent samples of code including SSL sockets.
When asio::io_context is already running you can't simply schedule asio::async_write or asio::async_read from thread which is not
associated with strand connected to that socket.
So when there is:
asio::async_write(*this->socketSSL, asio::buffer(pBuffer, bufferSize), asio::bind_executor(readWriteStrand,writeMessageLambda));
but thread which is executing is not running from readWriteStrand strand then it should be written as:
asio::post(ioContext, asio::bind_executor(readWriteStrand, [&]() {asio::async_read(*this->socketSSL, asio::buffer( + this->readDataIt, messageSize), asio::bind_executor(readWriteStrand, readMessageLambda)); }));
How to pass custom buffer to windows runtime methods
I am trying to pass my custom buffer to WinRT objects that take IBuffer as argument. Here is what I have so far; static const uint32_t ARRAY_SIZE = 4096; struct ArrayBuffer : implements<ArrayBuffer, IBuffer, winrt::impl::IBufferByteAccess> { uint32_t Capacity() const { return ARRAY_SIZE; } uint32_t Length() const { return length; } void Length(uint32_t value) { if (value > ARRAY_SIZE) throw hresult_invalid_argument(); length = value; } int32_t __stdcall Buffer(uint8_t** value) { *value = &data[0]; return 0; } private: uint32_t length = 0; uint8_t data[ARRAY_SIZE]; }; I am trying to use it like this; fire_and_forget WebSocketServer::readLoop(StreamSocket socket) { IBuffer buffer = make<ArrayBuffer>(); auto istream = socket.InputStream(); while (true) { try { co_await istream.ReadAsync(buffer, ARRAY_SIZE, InputStreamOptions::None); } catch (hresult_error const& ex) { hresult hr = ex.code(); hstring message = ex.message(); } if (buffer.Length() == 0) break; buffer.Length(0); } } However, I am getting hresult_no_interface exception when I call ReadAsync method.
Port not bound SystemC (E112)
I am trying to implement a producer (master) speaking to a memory element (slave) through the memory controller (which implements the interface simple_mem_interface). Note: Some functions details and include statements are not fully mentioned in the code attached. Searching for bugs in the code. Adding debugging tools to find the fault in Write Enable Port. binding.cpp int sc_main(int argc, char* argv[]) { sc_signal<unsigned int> d_out,d_in,address_d; sc_signal<bool> wen, ren, ack; sc_clock ClkFast("ClkFast", 100, SC_NS); sc_clock ClkSlow("ClkSlow", 50, SC_NS); Memory_Controller Controller1 ("Controller"); d_out = Controller1.data_mem_read; ren.write(Controller1.REN); ack.write(Controller1.ack); d_in.write(Controller1.data_write); address_d.write(Controller1.address); wen.write(Controller1.WEN); producer P1("Producer"); P1.out(Controller1); P1.Clk(ClkFast); Memory_module MEM("Memory"); MEM.Wen(wen); MEM.Ren(ren); MEM.ack(ack); MEM.Clock(ClkSlow); MEM.data_in(d_in); MEM.data_out(d_out); MEM.address(address_d); sc_start(5000, SC_NS); return 0; Memory_controller.h #define MEM_SIZE 100 #include <interface_func.h> class Memory_Controller : public sc_module, public simple_mem_if { public: // Ports sc_in <unsigned int> data_mem_read{ "Data_Read_from_Memory" }; sc_out<bool> REN { "Read_Enable" }; sc_out<bool> WEN { "Write_Enable" }; sc_out <bool> ack{ "ACK_Bool" }; sc_out<unsigned int> address{ "Memory_Address" }, data_write{ "Data_Written_to_Memory" }; // constructor Memory_Controller(sc_module_name nm) : sc_module(nm) { // Creating a 2 dimentional array holding adresses and data WEN.write(false); REN.write(false); ack.write(false); } ~Memory_Controller() //destructor { } bool Write(unsigned int address_i, unsigned int datum) // blocking write { WEN.write(true); REN.write(false); data_write.write(datum); address.write(address_i); if (ack == true) return true; else return false; } bool Read(unsigned int address_i, unsigned int& datum_i) // blocking read { WEN.write(false); REN.write(true); datum_i=data_mem_read; address.write(address_i); if (ack == true) return true; else return false; } void register_port(sc_port_base& port, const char* if_typename) { cout << "binding " << << " to " << "interface: " << if_typename << endl; } }; Memory.h #define MEM_SIZE 100 #include "interface_func.h" class Memory_module : public sc_module { public: sc_in<bool> Wen,Ren; sc_in <unsigned int> address, data_in ; sc_in<bool> Clock; sc_out <unsigned int> data_out; sc_out <bool> ack; bool fileinput = false; ifstream myfile; unsigned int item [MEM_SIZE]; Memory_module() { } void Write() // blocking write { while (true) { wait(); if (Wen==true) { if (address >= MEM_SIZE || address < 0) { ack=false; } else { item[address]=data_in; ack=true; } } } } void Read() // blocking read { while (true) { wait(); if (Ren) { if (address >= MEM_SIZE || address < 0) ack=false; else { data_out.write(item[address]); ack=true; } } } } SC_CTOR(Memory_module) { SC_THREAD(Read); sensitive << Clock.pos(); SC_THREAD(Write); sensitive << Clock.pos(); } }; interface_func.h class simple_mem_if : virtual public sc_interface { public: virtual bool Write(unsigned int addr, unsigned int data) = 0; virtual bool Read(unsigned int addr, unsigned int& data) = 0; }; After debugging the SystemC binder.cpp code, the following error arises: (E112) get interface failed: port is not bound : port 'Controller.Write_Enable' (sc_out)
You cannot drive your unconnected ports in the Memory_Controller constructor. If you want to explicitly drive these ports during startup, move these calls to a start_of_simulation callback: Memory_Controller(sc_module_name nm) : sc_module(nm) {} void start_of_simulation() { WEN.write(false); REN.write(false); ack.write(false); }
Connection between two Indy UDP Servers
I'm using RAD Studio 10.2 with two instances of TIdUDPServer from Indy 10. I run my program on Windows 10 and check the counters of sent and received packages, but there are no packages received. At the same time, I see through Wireshark that they come to the PC, but the second TIdUDPServer does not receive the packages. Why? Here is my code: //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <vcl.h> #pragma hdrstop #include "Unit1.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma package(smart_init) #pragma resource "*.dfm" TForm1 *Form1; typedef struct { char Data[10000]; } struct_Buffer; int i = 0; int n = 0; int k = 0; int TxSize = 1400; char TxData; struct_Buffer TxBuffer; AnsiString ServerIP1 = ""; AnsiString ServerIP2 = ""; TBytes Buffer; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- __fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner) : TForm(Owner) { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TMyQueueProc1 : public TCppInterfacedObject<TThreadProcedure> { private: int m_counter; TIdBytes m_bytes; public: TMyQueueProc1(int ACounter, const TIdBytes &AData) : m_counter(ACounter), m_bytes(AData) {} INTFOBJECT_IMPL_IUNKNOWN(TInterfacedObject); void __fastcall Invoke() { Form1->Label1->Caption = "Rx " + IntToStr(m_counter); } }; void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender) { try { TIdSocketHandle *SocketHandle_Server = Form1->IdUDPServer1->Bindings->Add(); SocketHandle_Server->IP = ServerIP1; SocketHandle_Server->Port = 4004; Form1->IdUDPServer1->Active = true; } catch(Exception *ex) { ShowMessage("IdUDPServer1 start error!"); } try { TIdSocketHandle *SocketHandle_Echo = Form1->IdUDPServer2->Bindings->Add(); SocketHandle_Echo->IP = ServerIP2; SocketHandle_Echo->Port = 4004; Form1->IdUDPServer2->Active = true; } catch(Exception *ex) { ShowMessage("IdUDPServer2 start error!"); } Timer1->Interval = 100; Timer1->Enabled = true; Label3->Caption = "IdUPDServer1: " + ServerIP1; Label4->Caption = "IdUDPServer2: " + ServerIP2; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::Timer1Timer(TObject *Sender) { TxData++; if (TxData == 255) TxData = 0; for (k = 0; k < TxSize; k++) TxBuffer.Data[k] = TxData; Buffer = RawToBytes(&TxBuffer.Data[0], TxSize); Form1->IdUDPServer1->SendBuffer(ServerIP2, 4004, Buffer); n++; Label2->Caption = "Tx " + IntToStr(n); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::IdUDPServer2UDPRead(TIdUDPListenerThread *AThread, const TIdBytes AData, TIdSocketHandle *ABinding) { i++; TThread::Queue(NULL, _di_TThreadProcedure(new TMyQueueProc1(i, AData))); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PubSubClient & ArduinoJSON - Arduino passing char to digitalWrite
I am not sure how to pass the values in the function in order to be used within the digitalWrite functions. I'm getting the following error: error: cannot convert 'String' to 'uint8_t' {aka unsigned char}' for argument '1' to 'void digitalWrite(uint8_t, uint8_t)' pubsub callback void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) { Serial.print("New message on ["); Serial.print(topic); Serial.print("] "); Serial.println(""); char s[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Serial.print((char)payload[i]); s[i]=payload[i]; } StaticJsonBuffer<500> jsonBuffer; JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(s); if (!root.success()) { Serial.println("parseObject() failed"); } String relay = root["relay"]; // "relayOne" int time = root["timestamp"]; // 1351824120 String trigger = root["trigger"]; // "ON" // Feel free to add more if statements to control more GPIOs with MQTT commander(relay, trigger); } commander function void commander(String relay, String trigger) { if(trigger == "ON"){ Serial.print("Turning "); Serial.println(relay); Serial.println(" on"); digitalWrite(relay, HIGH); } else if(trigger == "OFF"){ Serial.println(relay); digitalWrite(relayOne, LOW); Serial.print("TRIGGERED!"); } else { // turn all the LEDs off: for (int pin = 0; pin < relayPinCount; pin++) { digitalWrite(relayPins[pin], LOW); } } Serial.println(); }
void commander(String relay, String trigger) { uint8_t pinNo; if ( relay == "relayOne" ) { pinNo = RELAY_1_PIN; } else if ( relay == "anotherRelay" ) { pinNo = OTHER_RELAY_PIN; } else if ( ... ) { ... } else { return; } if(trigger == "ON"){ Serial.print("Turning "); Serial.println(relay); Serial.println(" on"); digitalWrite(pinNo, HIGH); } else if(trigger == "OFF"){ Serial.println(relay); digitalWrite(pinNo, LOW); Serial.print("TRIGGERED!"); } else { // turn all the LEDs off: for (int pin = 0; pin < relayPinCount; pin++) { digitalWrite(relayPins[pin], LOW); } } Serial.println(); }
Getting error c2280 at my Update function (at if ( specifically)
I'm having an error doing the Update when checking if(, the error is C2280. The error says: "Enemy &Enemy::operator =(const Enemy &)': attempting to reference a deleted function. Project: Avoidance Game File:xutility Game.cpp: void Game::Init() { int i = 0; while(i< Game::Enemies) { srand(time(NULL)); Game::vector.push_back(Enemy(0, (rand()% (int)Console::WindowWidth), (rand() % (int)Console::WindowHeight), rand()%1500/1000.0f)); i++; } GameOver = false; Paused = false; } void Game::GameMenu() { cout << "1. Start Game\n2. Instructions\n3. Close Game\nChoose an option:"; } void Game::Instructions() { Console::Clear(); cout << "Left arrow = left (duh)\nRight arrow = right (surprise)\nSpace Bar = Shoot\nEsc = Close Game\nP Key = Pause\n "; system("pause"); } void Game::fire(Player a) { a.mX; } void Game::Run() { while (!GameOver) { if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE)) { GameOver = true; } else if (GetAsyncKeyState((int)'P')) { Paused = !Paused; } } } void Game::Update() { if (!Paused) { mPlayer.Update(); for (int i = 0; i < Game::Enemies; i++) {; if ( { Game::vector.erase(Game::vector.begin() + i); i--; Game::Enemies--; } } } } Game.h: #pragma once #include "stdafx.h" #include "targetver.h" #include <vector> class Enemy; class Game { int Enemies = 30; bool Paused; bool GameOver; int Score; Player mPlayer = Player(); std::vector<Enemy> vector; public: void Init(); void GameMenu(); void Instructions(); void fire(Player a); void Run(); void Update(); }; Enemy.h: class Enemy { enum Enemy_type {NormalEnemy}; Game game; float mX; float mY; float speed; Enemy_type type; public: bool alive; Enemy(int type, int x, int y, float _speed) { switch (type) { case 0: type = Enemy_type::NormalEnemy; break; } mX = (float)x; mY = (float)y; speed = _speed; alive = true; } float GetX() { return mX; } float GetY() { return mY; } bool alivez() { return alive; } void Kill() { alive = false; } void Update(); void Draw(); };