What pattern to use to generate UUID when storing a model in Laravel 9? - laravel-9

I want to use a UUID as a part of a URL:
Where in my controller should I generate this UUD?
class BookController extends Controller
public function store(BookStoreRequest $request)
$this->authorize('create', Book::class);
$validated = $request->validated();
$validated['identifier'] = (string) Str::uuid();
$book = Book::create($validated);
Above results in the error:
SQLSTATE Field 'identifier' doesn't have a default value
This assume that the value for identifier wasn't passed correctly?

Solution is to add a boot function to the model:
public static function boot()
static::creating(function ($model) {
$model->identifier = Str::uuid();


How to get the default $id from another table using laravel model relationship?

I am facing the problem whereby I don't know the syntax of letting the id of my property model equals to property_id value in property_doc table.
In PropertyDoc model
public function property()
return $this->belongsTo(Properties::class, 'property_id');
In Properties model
public function property_id()
return $this->hasMany(PropertyDoc::class, 'property_id');
In PropertyController
public function StoreInfoProperty(Request $request)
$propertyInfo = new PropertyDoc;
$propertyInfo->property_id = $property_id;
I am stuck at retrieving the default id value in properties database to be equal to the property_id in property_docs database. Thank you.
You should change the naming of the relationship, see my example below:
In Properties model
public function propertyDocs()
return $this->hasMany(PropertyDoc::class, 'property_id', 'id');
In PropertyDoc model
public function property()
return $this->belongsTo(Properties::class, 'property_id', 'id');
In controller
public function StoreInfoProperty(Request $request)
$propertyDoc = PropertyDoc::with(['property'])->where('...logic here');
$property_id = $propertyDoc->property->id;
hope can help you and happy coding !

PHP Youshido GraphQL issue with nested fields

I am using version v1.4.2.18. The library can be found here: https://github.com/Youshido/GraphQL
I am trying to accomplish the following:
query {
articleSummary(id:1) {
article {
I have an ArticleSummaryField.php:
class ArticleSummaryField extends AbstractField
public function build(FieldConfig $config)
$config->addArgument('id', new NonNullType(new StringType()));
public function getType()
return new ArticleSummaryType();
public function resolve($value, array $args, ResolveInfo $info)
return [
'title' => 'test title',
'body' => 'test body',
'article' => $args['id']
Then the ArticleSummaryType.php:
class ArticleSummaryType extends AbstractObjectType
public function build($config)
->addField('title', new StringType());
->addField('body', new StringType());
->addField('article', new ArticleField());
Then the ArticleField.php has the getType method return the ArticleType which has the id field.
However what i am getting is an error:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method ArticleField::getNullableType() in .../vendor/youshido/graphql/src/Execution/Processor.php on line 135
What seems to be happening is that when $targetField->getType() on line 135 in src/Execution/Processor.php is called its returning the ArticleField class, not the ArticleType class.
I would expect that to return the class as declared in the 'getType' method on the ArticleField class.
Am i going about this wrong for nesting fields? Or is there a bug in the library?
To accomplish this you only pass the Field class as the first argument.
class ArticleSummaryType extends AbstractObjectType
public function build($config)
->addField('title', new StringType());
->addField('body', new StringType());
->addField(new ArticleField());
Then in the field class you can override getName to set the name for the field as needed or it will use the class name as the field name.

Phalcon query builder can't get joined table data

I have 2 table 'sanpham' and 'danhmuc'. I use phalcon query builder to get data from 2 tables.
$laytin = $this->modelsManager->createBuilder()
->where('sanpham.sosanpham = '.$id.'')
$breadcrumbs = array('/' => Tool::getTranslation()->_('trangchu'),"/Loai-san-pham/".$laytin->tendep."/".$laytin->sodanhmuc => $laytin->tendanhmuc,'' => $laytin->tieudesanpham );
The query runs, but $laytin->tendep, $laytin->sodanhmuc, $laytin->tendanhmuc in 'danhmuc' table doesn't display. Every column in 'sanpham' table (such as: $laytin->tieudesanpham) displays properly.
You can add specific columns with:
$this->modelsManager->createBuilder()->columns('danhmuc.tend‌​ep, danhmuc.sodanhmuc')
With this method you will have to add each column you want in your output. QueryBuilder docs.
Another method is to query the Sanpham model.
For example:
class Sanpham extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Model
public static function findSomething($something)
// this is your actual query, it replaces the queryBuilder
return self::query()
->where('sanpham.sosanpham = :id:', ['id' => $something])
->innerJoin('danhmuc', 'sanpham.danhmuc = danhmuc.sodanhmuc')
public function initialize()
// define the relation to danhmuc
$this->belongsTo('danhmuc', 'danhmuc', 'sodanhmuc');
class Danhmuc extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Model
public function initialize()
// there are other options besides "hasMany", like "hasOne".
// this is your relation to sanpham
$this->hasMany('sodanhmuc', 'sanpham', 'danhmuc');
class YourController extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Controller
public function testAction()
// get your first record in Sanpham matching "12345"
$sanpham = Sanpham::findSomething(12345);
// from your Sanpham object, get the related danhmuc object.
// this works because we defined the relations (belongsTo and hasMany)
$danhmuc = $sanpham->getRelated('danhmuc');
// now you have access to the values of danhmuc via the $danhmuc variable
$breadcrumbs = [
'/' => Tool::getTranslation()->_('trangchu'),
"/Loai-san-pham/" . $danhmuc->tendep => $danhmuc->tendanhmuc,
'' => $danhmuc->tieudesanpham,
Check the Phalcon model docs for more info on this.

Laravel Testing Error

I just started with learning how to test within Laravel. I came across some problems though..
I'm testing my controller and want to check if a View has a variable assigned.
My controller code:
class PagesController extends \BaseController {
protected $post;
public function __construct(Post $post) {
$this->post = $post;
public function index() {
$posts = $this->post->all();
return View::make('hello', ['posts' => $posts]);
And my view contains a foreach loop to display all posts:
#foreach ($posts as $post)
Last but not least my test file:
class PostControllerTest extends TestCase {
public function __construct()
// We have no interest in testing Eloquent
$this->mock = Mockery::mock('Eloquent', 'Post');
public function tearDown()
public function testIndex() {
$this->app->instance('Post', $this->mock);
$this->call('GET', '/');
Now comes the problem, when I run "phpunit" the following error appears:
ErrorException: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
Any ideas why phpunit returns this error?
Your problem is here:
$this->post->all() (which is what you're mocking) should return an array, and that's what your view expects. You're returning a string.
should take care of the error you have, though you'll then get an error of the "Getting property of non-object" type.
You could do this:
$mockPost = new stdClass();
$mockPost->id = 1;
You should mock the view as well:
public function testIndex() {
$this->app->instance('Post', $this->mock);
View::shouldReceive('make')->with('hello', array('posts', 'foo'))->once();
$this->call('GET', '/');

Cast route parameter in Nancy is always null

I have a Nancy module which uses a function which expects as parameters a string (a captured pattern from a route) and a method group. When trying to pass the parameter directly it will not compile as I "cannot use a method group as an argument to a dynamically dispatched operation".
I have created a second route which attempts to cast the dynamic to a string, but this always returns null.
using System;
using Nancy;
public class MyModule : NancyModule
public MyModule()
//Get["/path/{Name}/action"] = parameters =>
// {
// return MyMethod(parameters.Name, methodToBeCalled); // this does not compile
// };
Get["/path/{Name}/anotherAction"] = parameters =>
return MyMethod(parameters.Name as string, anotherMethodToBeCalled);
public Response MyMethod(string name, Func<int> doSomething)
return Response.AsText(string.Format("Hello {0}", name));
public int methodToBeCalled()
return -1;
public int anotherMethodToBeCalled()
return 1;
Tested with the following class in a separate project:
using System;
using Nancy;
using Nancy.Testing;
using NUnit.Framework;
public class MyModuleTest
Browser browser;
public void SetUp()
browser = new Browser(with =>
public void Can_Get_View()
// When
var result = browser.Get("/path/foobar/anotherAction", with => with.HttpRequest());
// Then
Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, result.StatusCode);
Assert.AreEqual("Hello foobar", result.Body.AsString()); //fails as parameters.Name is always null when cast to a string
You can find the whole test over on github
I've had similar issues when using 'as' so I tend to use explicitly cast it:
return MyMethod((string)parameters.Name, anotherMethodToBeCalled);
Also I think there was a bug raised with the casing on parameters, but I think it's better to keep them lowercase:
Your code works for me with upper case and lowercase, using the explicit cast.