Unity hub not log in in when i try to log in - authentication

unity hub dose not login in when I try to log in.
I font have actual unity installed yet and I am not the administrator on this computer.
when I press the login button it takes me the unity ID website and then I sign in and it takes me back the hub. after it loads for a while it says "Something went wrong. Please sign in again."
can anyone please help, thanks
I have tried clearing my chrome browser cash
restarting both my computer and the hub.


Jitsi "cannot connect to the conference" after authentication has been enabled

I installed my own Jitsi instance on Ubuntu, following the docs using the official packages. That worked like a charm. But I don't want to have a completely open instance, so I followed https://github.com/jitsi/jicofo#secure-domain to require a login to create a conference.
As far as I can tell, I followed exactly the docs, but after restarting Jitsi I cannot create a conference anymore. I see the following behavior:
Private URL: I get a message, that the conference has not been started and a "I am the host" button. If I push the button, I'm asked for the credentials. Doing so I get the following error message: "Oops! Something went wrong and we couldn't connect to the conference: connection.GET_SESSION_ID_ERROR"
Public URL: Browser asks for permission to use mic and camera. Then I see the Jitsi UI but camera and mic disabled. Looks like a "waiting mode".
The original installation docs mentions some log files for debugging. I checked them, but did not found anything that would be helpful or suspicious to me.
Update: If I enter wrong credentials, I get a message that they are wrong. So obviously the checking of the credentials is working.
Any idea how to solve / debug this would be appriciated.
I had the same problem and found the error at last. My domain is like "jitsi.domain.com". I created a user:
and I got an error message that the host is not activated. Only after several trials I realised that the user has to be named

unable to login into weblogic console

I'm weblogic newbie, trying to abandon it ASAP, but that's not possible for now, so I have to resolve this. Maybe following is completely normal and trivial. I don't know. Please advice.
I had working weblogic 12.1.3 on 2 PCs for months. But suddenly, I cannot log into admin console on neither of them. I enter username/pass from password store, and it's not accepted. While at the same time intellij idea successfully logs in and deploys app using same pass. OK, fair enough, we reset pass, using:
and update password in intellij settings. Good. Intellij idea is in again, I cannot login. Nothing in logs, neither application, nor server logs.
I cannot login regardless if I start weblogic via intellij run configuration of from bash.
OK, lets try reinstall weblogic. No change.
Weblogic is up and running, app deployed to it, and is responsive. When accessing console URL, it gets printed, that app is being deployed, but I still cannot access it. Cleared caches/cooking etc. nothing. No logs, no error response. Nothing.
Responses to "failed"(?) login on urls j_security_check, console and console/ are http status 302 (moved temporarily). Not sure if it's ok or not, well say I'd expect 401/403, but maybe 302 is valid weblogic response for denied authentication. I don't know.
Any idea?
What you can do is to check web storage and try to clear it. But the most clear way is to use different browser. Or use your current browser in private mode. Also in firefox you can create different profile and use it for this specific purposo.

Bixby Developer Studio keeps asking me to login

When I first launched Bixby Developer Studio, it greeted me with a startup screen with a Login button. I clicked on it and it opened a login page in my browser. I logged in that page using my Samsung developer account. The login was successful and a pop-up appeared asking me if I will allow the page to launch Developer Studio (which was already open at that point). I allowed it, but nothing happened; Developer Studio was still showing the startup screen.
I restarted the application but it again showed me that startup screen with the login button. If I click on the login button, it will just take me again to the login page in the browser. And then nothing would happen if I login again.
I'd suggest verifying if your browser is configured to accept cookies. If that information is verified and the problem still exists, there might be additional information in the ide.log file that can provide more insight
To get that information, follow these steps:
Note the time when you begin the next steps.
Go through the login process until you hit the point of failure.
From the IDE menu, click on Help -> Create Diagnostics Report. This
will popup a dialog that will point you to the location of the
diagnostics report, by default this location is
Unzip the diagnostics report and look at the ide.log file for any
errors at the time of login.
Feel free to post the errors here or if you prefer, you can open a ticket with Bixby Support too.
There are a couple of points you could work on here -
In this case, I suggest you to keep the browser open in the background while clicking on the login button. I was facing the same issue and somehow it worked for me like this. This has been an issue on a Windows machine. On a Mac this problem is not faced till now.
You could restart the Bixby studio itself for logging in again.
Also, I suggest removing the browser cookies as told by shahnawaz above.
Do let us know if this still persists !
Thank you all for your suggestions. For some reason, it just started working right after I received dozens of Windows updates (it's been a few days since I logged in to my Windows account as I have been using Linux; I rarely use my Windows account now and I wish Bixby Studio was available in Linux too). So, I actually haven't tried any of your suggestions yet. Thanks again, anyways!

How can I register my WP device in dev account?

I have trouble with registration WP8.1 device to developer account. My account is active. Device early was active, but I reset phone (Nokia 620) and after that Developer tools don't active this phone.
In list (in dev acc) this phone was remove.
after I press "register" show this window:
and that's all. Second window close after few seconds and register process don't finish. Please help :)
Make sure your computer have internet connection. I had similar issue when network proxy was configured incorrectly .
Also try after clearing internet explorer cached content (history,password,cookies etc.)

Worklight Application Center just keeps reloading

I just installed Worklight 6.1 Application Center (running on WebSphere When I load up the "Application Center" the page does a non-stop reloading/refreshing of the screen. I've tried Chrome and Internet Explorer. Has anyone seen this and know what's causing it?
Ok so figured it out. Was strange. After the install I opened up the Worklight application center from the server and remotely. It went right into the web app without a login. On the top right it says "unknown user sign out", but I couldn't click on sign out. I guess it somehow had me logged in after install but not really. After awhile I guess it finally timed out maybe, because eventually I loaded it and was at a login prompt and on login it worked fine.
So if you have this problem, it's because you're not really logged in. Possibly restart the service or wait till it times out.
Or go to the /appcenterconsole/login.html directly to login.