Bixby Developer Studio keeps asking me to login - authentication

When I first launched Bixby Developer Studio, it greeted me with a startup screen with a Login button. I clicked on it and it opened a login page in my browser. I logged in that page using my Samsung developer account. The login was successful and a pop-up appeared asking me if I will allow the page to launch Developer Studio (which was already open at that point). I allowed it, but nothing happened; Developer Studio was still showing the startup screen.
I restarted the application but it again showed me that startup screen with the login button. If I click on the login button, it will just take me again to the login page in the browser. And then nothing would happen if I login again.

I'd suggest verifying if your browser is configured to accept cookies. If that information is verified and the problem still exists, there might be additional information in the ide.log file that can provide more insight
To get that information, follow these steps:
Note the time when you begin the next steps.
Go through the login process until you hit the point of failure.
From the IDE menu, click on Help -> Create Diagnostics Report. This
will popup a dialog that will point you to the location of the
diagnostics report, by default this location is
Unzip the diagnostics report and look at the ide.log file for any
errors at the time of login.
Feel free to post the errors here or if you prefer, you can open a ticket with Bixby Support too.

There are a couple of points you could work on here -
In this case, I suggest you to keep the browser open in the background while clicking on the login button. I was facing the same issue and somehow it worked for me like this. This has been an issue on a Windows machine. On a Mac this problem is not faced till now.
You could restart the Bixby studio itself for logging in again.
Also, I suggest removing the browser cookies as told by shahnawaz above.
Do let us know if this still persists !

Thank you all for your suggestions. For some reason, it just started working right after I received dozens of Windows updates (it's been a few days since I logged in to my Windows account as I have been using Linux; I rarely use my Windows account now and I wish Bixby Studio was available in Linux too). So, I actually haven't tried any of your suggestions yet. Thanks again, anyways!


Git authentication not opening VSCode as "other user"

To set the scene: I work in a highly restricted SOE. I can only sign in as a standard user, but have administrative access through "Run as other user" or "Run as administrator".
When trying to setup GitHub access, VSCode running as administrator opens an authentication window in a browser that then wants to re-open VSCode. The issue is, reopening VSCode in this manner only opens as the standard user, not running as administrator. This happens connected to the internet through the work network, and via hotspot.
I am NOT permitted to sign-in directly as administrator.
My colleague has told me there used to be a way to sign in by copying and pasting a token directly into VSCode, but this appears to no longer be an option.
Is there another way to authenticate GitHub with VSCode, other than the web-based sign-in?
I was able to work around this some time ago by getting a Personal Access Token working.
The environment I'm forced to work in made even this difficult, but got there eventually.

Google Signin with IE11 & Edge not working

I'm trying to add Google Signin to our login page. I've followed the code supplied by Google, as well as a GitHub project that I used for code example. Both work perfect on Chrome, FireFox, Safari, but I can't get it to work on IE11 or Edge.
The GitHub project is at This project uses Google's newer, however I've also tried as suggested in another post. Neither work.
I added a data-onfailure function to the button, and get an error "popup_blocked_by_browser" even though the popup blocker is turned off in the browser. Even though I get this popup error, I do get a popup that asks which Google account to use, but when I choose one, I get the "The webpage your are viewing is trying to close the window" message. If I choose Yes, the window closes, but I don't get logged in.
Anyone have any advice for getting this to work in IE or Edge?
I ran into this problem on IE 11 with Windows 10.
I fixed it and then it happened again after receiving Windows Updates - annoying!
Here is what fixed it for me; it was an IE Setting.
Go to:
IE -> Internet Options -> Security
Check "Apply" and then "OK" To exit.
IE Settings Screen Shot
Finally, restart IE.

Worklight Application Center just keeps reloading

I just installed Worklight 6.1 Application Center (running on WebSphere When I load up the "Application Center" the page does a non-stop reloading/refreshing of the screen. I've tried Chrome and Internet Explorer. Has anyone seen this and know what's causing it?
Ok so figured it out. Was strange. After the install I opened up the Worklight application center from the server and remotely. It went right into the web app without a login. On the top right it says "unknown user sign out", but I couldn't click on sign out. I guess it somehow had me logged in after install but not really. After awhile I guess it finally timed out maybe, because eventually I loaded it and was at a login prompt and on login it worked fine.
So if you have this problem, it's because you're not really logged in. Possibly restart the service or wait till it times out.
Or go to the /appcenterconsole/login.html directly to login.

Selenium - Handling modal (Child Browser) window in Microsoft Dynamics CRM

I am trying automate Microsoft Dynamics CRM application using Selenium RC, I am unable to handle the modal(child browser) windows. Every time Selenium clicks to open modal window ( selenium.selectWindow("windowName")) I am getting the following error.
There was an unexpected Alert! [A Microsoft Dynamics CRM window was
unable to open, and may have been blocked by a pop-up blocker. Please
add this Microsoft Dynamics CRM server to the list of sites your
pop-up blocker allows to open new windows:
As per the research I tried to add the sever site to trusted sites and also added the site to popup blocker allow list but no gains.
Please direct to me right way of handling it
For some reason Microsoft Dynamics CRM thinks it cannot open the popup window, so it wants to show an alert indicating that. Selenium sees the alert and since it is not expected (you didn't call getAlert()), so the next selenium action (which is selecting the window if I understand correctly) fails.
Maybe you need to wait for the window to actually appear before selecting it?
Check what happens if you set a breakpoint just before the selectWindow() and step through it.
Also try the same steps manually. Do they work?
Remember that selenium uses its own default profile for browsers, so your popup blocker settings may not get through. Which browser is this?
What you can do is accept the popups in the Internet Security, and un-mark the Browse in Secure mode. Close your browser.
Then try it in FireFox and after that do it in Internet Explorer again.

Windows Live ID Continue Button Broken

We have a production web application that uses Windows Live ID as its authentication mechanism. For several months now, it has been working great. However, in early August, we suddenly started experiencing a serious problem...
If the user is already signed into Windows Live (via our app in another window, or a different Windows Live app) and navigates to our site, a continue button appears. It says "You're already signed in", and lets the user click Continue and be redirected to our site. In early August, this continue button stopped working. You click it and it does nothing. We didn't change anything in our code, and lo and behold we're not the only ones experiencing this problem:
It's clearly a bug in Microsoft's page. What we need is a workaround - our customers quite literally can't get to our app if they are already signed into Windows Live. They have to go to a different website, sign out and then go back to ours. You can imagine that this is a pain, and makes us think twice about using Windows Live as an auth mechanism.
Pending Microsoft's bugfix, we are dead in the water and having to explain this to customers. We are looking for workarounds and working on our own.. our current solution is, 'Make sure you're not signed into Windows Live when you go to our web app.' Less than ideal. Any ideas?
This has been fixed by Microsoft.