How can i make a button resize itself to fit the entire text. Currently i have a CollectionView that gets populated with buttons with text from a collection. The issue i have is that the button does not expand to fit the text and for all buttons generated, the width is identical. Is it possible to make each button size itself just to fit in the text within it?
<CollectionView x:Name="TagsView"
<GridItemsLayout Orientation="Horizontal" />
<Button Text="{Binding Name}"
What it looks like at the moment:
Firstly, if you want to make a button resize itself to fit the entire text, you need to set propeties HorizontalOptions and VerticalOptions of this button like below:
HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand"
And then,you should add a LinearItemsLayout with Horizontal Orientation like below:
<LinearItemsLayout Orientation="Horizontal" />
We have a ListView bound to a List of objects of a type called Trial. Each Trial has a property, called Pictures, that is a List of objects of a type, Picture, that represents an image and some metadata. We are using a horizontal CollectionView within the ListView item template to display thumbnails of the images, if any. The problem is in getting a little space between the images. We've tried setting a Margin property value on the Image in the CollectionView item template, but the images are still appearing right next to each other as seen in the illustration.
This is the XAML describing the ListView:
<ListView x:Name="trialsListView"
ItemsSource="{Binding .}"
<StackLayout Padding="20">
Text="{Binding Prompt}"
BackgroundColor="{Binding TrialType, Converter={StaticResource TrialTypeToColorConverter}}"
Padding="5" />
<Label Text="{Binding Response}" />
BindingContext="{Binding Pictures}"
ItemsSource="{Binding .}"
HeightRequest="{Binding Count, Converter={StaticResource PicturesCountToHeightConverter}}">
Source="{Binding PictureName, Converter={StaticResource PictureNameToImageSourceConverter}}"
Margin="10" />
And this is an example of output (from an iOS device):
I suppose we can enclose the Image in a Frame or some layout, but that feels like a 90s web hack. Surely there is a right way to get some spacing without resorting to adding screen elements? What do I not yet understand here?
I work on a Xamarin.Forms app that will contain a page with 2 CollectionView items:
an horizontal CollectionView that will display events
a vertical CollectionView that will display posts
I would like that the first list is progressively hidden as soon as the user starts to scroll on the second list.
We can found this behaviour on a sample from Syncfusion: but they use a SfRotator as control for the horizontal list:
I've tried to reproduce the same behaviour on my page, but it doesn't work as expected. My horizontal list is not hidden until I scroll vertically on this first list itself. If I scroll on the second vertical list, the first list is still visible:
My XAML looks like this:
<RefreshView x:DataType="vm:NewsViewModel"
IsRefreshing="{Binding IsRefreshing}"
Command="{Binding RefreshCommand}">
<StackLayout Padding="16" Spacing="16">
<CollectionView x:Name="EventsListView"
ItemsSource="{Binding Events}"
<LinearItemsLayout Orientation="Horizontal"
ItemSpacing="20" />
<ctrl:ShadowFrame BackgroundColor="Red">
<StackLayout x:DataType="model:Event" >
<Label Text="{Binding Name}" />
<Image Source="{Binding Image}" />
<CollectionView x:Name="NewsListView"
ItemsSource="{Binding News}"
<LinearItemsLayout Orientation="Vertical"
ItemSpacing="20" />
<StackLayout x:DataType="model:News">
<Label Text="{Binding Description}" />
<Label Text="{Binding Date}" />
<Image Source="{Binding Image}" />
=> Is there a way to achieve this?
Quick reminder that you Shouldn't use Scrollable Elements inside other Scrollable Element, it usually breaks how both work, Quoting:
Xamarin doesn't recommend using the ListView, WebView, or ScrollView
inside a ScrollView. Microsoft Xamarin.Forms Official Documentation
says that ScrollViews should not be nested. In addition, ScrollViews
should not be nested with other controls that provide scrolling, like
ListView and WebView.
And this is what happening:
The ScrollView isn't actually scrolling, the Vertical CollectionView is the one giving the Illusion that the page is scrolling, meaning that the Horizontal one is always on top.
How to fix it?
To fix this, you should remove the Vertical CollectionView and use some kind of Repeater View, this Post will guide you on how to achieve it.
i'm using the textblock to display the content,but for the long content, it just cut off and not display the content fully while i'm sure that the i filled the content string. Pls show me where my code is wrong. Thanks
Link of the my screen:
my xaml code :
<Grid x:Name="ContentPanel" Grid.Row="1" Margin="12,0,12,0">
<!-- <phone:WebBrowser VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Name="webBrowser1" /> -->
<ListBox Name="Listbox_DetailPage">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Content}"
Style="{StaticResource PhoneTextNormalStyle}"
I executed the code shared and it seems to wrap text as shown in the screen shot below.
The screenshot you shared seems to have vertical cropping of the text as well. For that, we can set the ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility to 'Auto' with proper Height given.
Also, for your additional knowledge or may be future use, here are some stackoverflow questions which explains the text 'NOT WRAPPING' issue for StackPanel
TextBlock TextWrapping not wrapping inside StackPanel
TextBlock TextWrapping not wrapping
actually, i fixed it.Because of the limitation of sing UI: 4096px limit of size. So there is a need to split the long content in the more than one TextBlock or you can create a scrollabe textbock as here
I started off with a Grouped Items Page template and have my data displaying in groups. I added some margins around these items to improve spacing, but now when I hover over these items, the margin area shows as highlighted. I'm sure this is an easy one for xaml gurus. Please assist!!
Here's my markup:
<!-- ******************* here is my margins ******************* -->
<Border BorderBrush="LightGray" BorderThickness="2" Margin="0,0,20,20">
<Grid HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="390" Height="190">
<ImageBrush ImageSource="/Assets/default.png" Stretch="None"/>
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalAlignment="Top">
<Image VerticalAlignment="Top" Stretch="None" Source="{Binding ImageUrl}" Margin="10,10,0,0"/>
<StackPanel MaxWidth="270">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Summary}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Brand}" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Detail}" TextWrapping="Wrap" />
Your ItemTemplate just populates over the existing style template for the GridViewItem Style which if you look in the default template shown in that link you'll see a Rectangle named "PointerOverBorder" which is shown (via the VisualStateManager) in the PointerOver state with its Fill set to ListViewItemPointerOverBackgroundThemeBrush.
You could go into the template (right-click, edit template) and remove it, or add your margins, or make it transparent or a number of options. Or could just overwrite the brush resource on the instance to be transparent or something kind of like;
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="ListViewItemPointerOverBackgroundThemeBrush" Color="Transparent" />
Hope this helps.
I'm relatively new to XAML and Windows Phone development.
I have a ListBox that display a text block. Everything works fine when I just have the ListBox inside a grid, including the scrolling. I wanted the user to be able to collapse the ListBox if they wanted more space on the page to look at other elements, so I surrounded the ListBox with an ExpanderView. Once I did that though, the ListBox won't scroll down anymore. If I try to scroll down, it acts as if I am trying to scroll up and "squishes" the text vertically. If I try to scroll up, it also "squishes" the text vertically, but that is the expected behavior for scrolling up.
Here is the relevant part of my XAML code:
<toolkit:ExpanderView Header="Chatlog" x:Name="chatlogExpander" FontSize="24" VerticalAlignment="Top" Grid.Row="2">
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding chatlog}" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" Grid.Row="2">
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical"/>
<TextBlock x:Name="ChatBlock" TextWrapping="Wrap">
<Run Text="{Binding player}" Foreground="{Binding color}" FontSize="24" FontWeight="Bold"/><Run Text="{Binding text}" Foreground="{Binding color}" FontSize="24"/>
I appreciate any help you guys can give me!
I tried an example with your code and after specifying a Height for the ListBox, it started to scroll fine.