Share Blog On facebook Laravel - laravel-8

In my laravel Project, from the blog details page, I am just copying the URL and pasting it to my Facebook profile. Here, the post only shows the domain and the web title like the attached image.
But I want this image like, there need a post title and post short desc. I am attaching a photo like that. How can I do it in laravel??


LinkedIn - Og image showing in Link Inspector, but not in posts

When I post any blog post URL from my website to LinkedIn, the defined og image does not pull through: see screenshot here
However, when I view it in LinkedIn's post inspector it shows the image pulling through correctly:
Additionally, the og image DOES pull through correctly on Facebook: see screenshot here
Has anyone else run into this issue? What was your fix?

DNN 2sxc blog sharing parent page's meta title and description

We are having a problem with Facebook share not showing the correct picture, meta title and description.
Ex. is showing meta title and description of the parent page.
When we view the source for each of these two pages everything looks correct meta, og:graph, twitter card, but the sharer on the page (AddThis) is still not pulling the right stuff.
When we tried it out on the Facebook debugger page it is showing the correct meta, but sharing from the page (by clicking on AddThis) is still pulling the parent page meta.
Did anyone have this issue?
Could it be that we missed something in the blog app settings?
We figured this out.
We had a serverside script in our default.aspx file writing the canonical links. That was causing the issue. As soon as it was removed the facebook sharer was working fine. Great blog module!

How to pass the custom title, description and Image to google plus button like facebook share button

I one of my project I am using the sharing buttons for multiple article. I need the link share urls for facebook, twitter and google plus.
To Facebook I can pass every parameter (title,image, description) to share URL. using following code[title]=<?php echo $title;?>&p[summary]=<?php echo $summary;?>&p[url]=<?php echo $url; ?>&&p[images][0]=<?php echo $image;?>'
But For google plus I can pass only two parameters. (url and lang code). You can check the documentation here.
google share link api
Google itself crawl the webpage and take the title, description and image from webpage.
I am loading content through javascript so when crawler came page web page. It is not able to collect the information.
You can find answer for you question by visiting below url:
Google+ share with custom text and thumbnail
Here is the url you could do after 3 years

Google+ badge on websites

I am trying to put a Google+ badge on my recently created websites at When I copy the code and paste it into the HTML box actually nothing happens.
What am I doing wrong?
You can use to insert a Google+ Badge into your Google Sites pages using a custom gadget:
Get your Google+ profile ID, which you can get from the URL of your profile. The ID would be 123456789012345678901 for this URL: or would be +LarryPage for this URL:
Edit the page that you want to add the badge
Choose Insert-> ...More gadgets...
Search for G+ Badge.
Paste your profile ID into the G+ ID field.
Configure additional options as necessary for your page. You might need to adjust dimensions of the gadget container to get the badge to work well in your site.
Gadgets have limitations, this might not work perfectly but its probably the best way to get a badge onto your page.
There is a configuration tool for the Google+ Badge that you can find at
The key points are that you need to add the HTML as a widget and include the JavaScript tag--which is the same JavaScript that loads any of our Google+ attributes.
I also made a 3 minute video explaining these steps last year, which you can view at

Google share button, is it possible to share content from one URL and link back to another?

Example an online learning application that you want to share your results which are behind a logged in part of your site. So you add a public URL to your site for google to fetch the content (img, description, title):
But then when someone views the post and sees the shared content and clicks the link to the site it goes to:
The only way I can think of is redirecting the user to once they land on the shared URL.
Is there an official way or better way to do this?
No, but there is a work around.
The URL that you share is used for both the snippet and place users are sent when they click.
However, you can put or OpenGraph markup on these pages that describes the content behind the login wall. This will allow you to specify a title, description and thumbnail. You can read more about configuring your snippet on Google Developers.