get (pubg, freefire, jawaker) player name by id - api

i have website for mobile games services
i need api for (get player name by his ID in each game)
the games ( pubg, freefire, jawaker . . .)
i know that there is no official api for any of this games
but at the same time this (api or service) is exist
and i saw it in some websites
so can anyone tell me how to do this given that there is no official api ??

If you provided that website you can track the requests that's going out and in from the page using Developer tool network
Checkout this:


Google People API: Get contact by a specific group

I am migrating our code from Google Contacts API to Google People API as Google Contacts API will be deprecated soon, but I noticed new People APIs are simple to compare with the old Contacts API.
How I can find a contact for a specific group?
f.e. getContactByGroupId
Assuming that you meant getContactGroupById instead of getContactByGroupId, you can retrieve a specific contact group in People API by calling:
Further info:
In this case, you have to provide the resourceName instead of the contact id. If you don't know how to get the former, consider taking a look at this answer.
If you are using Apps Script, you can enable the Advanced People Service and do something like this:

How To Play Specified Google Play Music Resources (Albums) via Sonos API

I have ~300 vinyl records which I want to attach RFID tags to so I can place one on an RFID reader and trigger playback of the album on my home Sonos (using Google Play Music).
Is there a way to load a specified resource from a service into a group? I was able to follow through the Postman tutorial, and was maybe thinking that I could set up each album as a Sonos Favorite and load that, but I'm looking around and see that there is a (very low) limit on how many favorites you can have, so this doesn't seem like a workable solution anymore. I've been digging around the APIs and can't quite find what I'm looking for in the Control API.
Ideally I'd have each RFID tag contain something along the lines of artist name, album name, and some Google-Play-Music-specific album ID, which I can use to load the album into a fixed Sonos Group queue. If there's a better approach, however, I'm also all ears.
The Sonos API doesn't offer a way to load and play content from another service (other than commands in the favorites namespace) unless that service provides an interface to get the Sonos IDs without authentication. An alternative is to host your own files and build a SMAPI server or use a mediaUrl to your audio file in the track.
See the SMAPI sample server and Tracks in the cloud queue in Play audio (cloud queue) for details.

Detect a user's current song in Spotify api

I was wondering if it was possible to detect what song a user is listening to from his/her current active device via the spotify web api.
I know this is an old question, but there is a new beta API endpoint available that supplies this information. It does have some bugs that I've noticed though.
Stations only: If you change stations, you have to restart Spotify to get the API endpoint to update and continue updating.
According to bug reports, it lags behind 20 to 30 minutes at random. I haven't had that problem, so it may be fixed.
This is not possible using the web API. If you're writing a Mac app, you can use the Spotify Desktop Client's AppleScript API to access the current track. If the user is scribbling to, you can use's APIs. Otherwise, this data is not accessible.

API key invalid or not approved by Google

I'm currently upgrading one of my websites from the old system to HTML5 and I have some problems with the Google Maps JavaScript API v3. To fetch data from their API, you must have an key - of course - but it's here I have the problem.
The problem is that even if I have an correct key that I have added on their Google APIs Console I'm getting "Permission Denied" all the time, followed by an alert window that say that I don't have an real API key or it's not approved to Google Maps JavaScript API v3.
I have turned on "Google Maps API v3" in "Services" on Google APIs Console and payed the "bill" but that didn't help at all as proved. I'm using this URL to their API:{MY_KEY}&sensor=false and I have readed their documentions very carefully and I'm currently out of ideas.
Do you know what's wrong here? Have I missed something or what?
In the absence of a link to check...
You can have more than one Project (dropdown, top left in the Console), and each key is tied to a project. Maps v3 must be enabled for the right project.
The seqence should be:
Choose project from the dropdown (or create one)
Choose the services required by that project
Choose collaborators if any
Set up the access keys for that project. You can have more than one key per project and specify the domains the keys can be used on.
Set up billing if you need it.
The menu on the left is set out in a logical order.

Does Amazon have an API for searching products on their site for mashing up?

I'd like to use the Amazon product set as part of another product. Ideally we would be using the images and IDs on a mobile app as a unique identifier for products in our app.
Does such a thing exist? Is this within the usage guidelines of the API? If so, what are the requirements for our application.
Unfortunately Amazon's TOS does not permit usage of their Product Advertising API (the one with product info and images) in mobile device applications.