How to create dynamic route in Nuxt? - vue.js

By default, nuxt adds a route for each page in pages.
I want to make when going to the page e.g. project.local/id/ec29cjsa5fas512ik, the user goes to a page template and the Vue receives this ec29cjsa5fas512ik id from the url so it can make proper API calls later.

You can make a dynamic page in Nuxt2 with the following file, eg.
then you'll have a path like /details/:id.
More info can be found here:


Preloading webchunks based on route in VueJs

When I build my VueJs application, it automatically imports the app.js and chunk-vendor.js files with the preload attribute. This is great as it speeds up the page load time of my application.
I've looked at #vue/preload-webpack-plugin and I can see that I can preload specific webchunks or assets. This has the effect of preloading those files on all routes.
The thing I would really like to do is preload webchunks based on the initial route that is loaded (the first route the user visits).
Lets say I have two routes; home and accounts. Both of these routes are lazy loaded. When a user opens /home as their first page, I would like to preload the js and css webchunks related to the homepage. If the user initially opens the /accounts page, I would like to preload the webchunks related to the accounts page.
Its not possible to use wildcards in preload statements, so I know I can't do this statically.
Any ideas of how this could work? Has anyone heard of such a project being suggested elsewhere?
EDIT: Something I tried as an experiment was injecting preload headers into my index.html file using the beforeRouteEnter method. Whilst I could see the preload header in my DOM, I found that browsers did not observe the header in time, so the image I was experimenting with was not pre-loaded. In any case, this wouldn't have worked for a dynamically named file, but useful to know.
With SSR it is possible and framework like Nuxt does it automatically, because it builds separate html file for each route. So this html can be "tailored" for this specific route and include/preload all the code route needs...
Without SSR it much harder. #vue/preload-webpack-plugin works by injecting preload links into the index.html at build time and since there is only one index.html for a whole app, you can't make it route dependent (with this plugin). So what Vue CLI does is prefetching all the async chunks by default (clearly preferring speed over bandwidth usage)
I can imagine a solution in the form of Webpack plugin, which replaces preload-webpack-plugin and instead of generating preload/prefetch links at build time just generates some inline script with the map of "route name => chunk name" (some well defined naming convention would be needed) that would inject the links dynamically to the DOM base on the current URL. But even with my "googling skills" I wasn't able to find anything like that...

Vuejs dynamic Vi18n base url

How can you set a dynamic base url using the vi18n as a base so the link would look like <host>/<vi18n>/, so when the user changes the locale it will be displayed on the url, however if i refresh the page with the url like <host>/<vi18n>/ it results to a page not found but it works when refreshing a <host>/. I also used a service-worker for it to work offline.

React-Redirect to external link with react-router-dom or <a> Tag

I am building a react blog app, I am using a functional component where I will be using some internal and external links both. For the internal links I am using Link from react-router-domwhich is working fine but for the external link I am not able to decide will an Link from react-router-dom works, which directs to the path of the external URL or an <a> tag should be fine.
The purpose of using react-router-dom is to navigate to application routes by making changes in the DOM and not reloading the whole page. This scenario is applicable to internal links.
When coming towards external links. It is something that is not the part of our application. We cannot render it our application context. So, a solution to that is using an a tag for external links.
Link is basically a wrapper of an tag with a lot of upside functionalities like,
A can know when the route it links to is active and
automatically apply an activeClassName and/or activeStyle when given
either prop.
The will be active if the current route is either the linked
route or any descendant of the linked route.
To have the link be active only on the exact linked route, use
instead or set the onlyActiveOnIndex prop.
Read the rest at
You can use the anchor tag if you plain something plain. use Link for ease of use.

ASP.Net Core route template behaviour

I've seen in some sample code that a route template ("{id:int}") on top of razor page causes the links to that page to use another pattern:
instead of
My question is how manages to change all the links to that pattern, does it know about that page before rendering it?
Does it collaborate with other pages when processing a page?
When the application first starts, a collection of attribute routes are built. The routes are built for any Razor file with an #page directive in the root Pages folder, and for any other routes that have been defined via PageRouteConventions.
When you use the Url helper to generate links, or the anchor tag helper (which uses the Url helper behind the scenes), the link that gets generated is based on the attribute route that was built for the page that you pass to the helper.
In attribute routing, route parameters are added as segments in the URL, which is why the values are not appended as query string values. If you prefer query strings, don't declare route values as part of the #page directive.
Run the dotnet publish -c Release command and take a look inside the bin/Release folder.
You will not find your .cshtml files with html in them. What happaned where did all the html go? And how does this relate to the question?
You gotta remember that cshtml will endup being your regular ol' c# and all that fancy razor templating syntax end's up being c#. This process has many names and transpilation is one of them performed by transpilers.
Okey so now that we can safely assume that when you have a Index.cshtml file it will get populated in to some sort of an object, let's call it RazorPage.cs this will just store all the configuration for this page. Now let's say this index page is living in a folder called Home now we can have a dictionary Dictionary<string, RazorPage> and let's say that the key will be "/Home/Index". Following along based on transpiled #page "{id:int}" syntax, it might generate a template string for the route and store that in the RazorPage in a RouteTemplate parameter.
So when you use asp-page tag helper it will find the correct RazorPage and it can know the template for the url, populating it with the values you provided.
I haven't seen the actual implementation this is just my guess.
My question is how manages to change all the links to that pattern, does it know about that page before rendering it?
Yes it knows everything about the page at run time. Most likely the services.AddMvc() service takes care of loading in all the razor pages / views / controllers, at startup.
Does it collaborate with other pages when processing a page?
Highly likely no, unless you mean components/layouts/partials. It will however struggle to resolve a page if you have identical route for 2 pages.

Implementing top-level dynamic paging with VueJS

I'm trying to build a simple web app with VueJS. Until now, I've been able to follow the documentation.
My Problem
I want to implement a generic page template that fetches the page metadata from my database.
However, pages are at the top-level of the navigation (/), so I can't use Vue route parameters to dynamically fetch the content from my database, because some of the pages have their own templates.
What I've Considered...
I've considered doing the following to get around the problem:
Implementing top-level parameter like this...
{ path: '/:slug', component: User }
..but this doesn't work for some reason.
Using a slot in the page component for the custom content, and just creating a new component for every page, but I want to stay DRY.
...but I don't want to have to create a new component for every page.
My Question
How do you implement top-level paging with a database backend in VueJS? Am I missing something simple here?