React-Redirect to external link with react-router-dom or <a> Tag - react-native

I am building a react blog app, I am using a functional component where I will be using some internal and external links both. For the internal links I am using Link from react-router-domwhich is working fine but for the external link I am not able to decide will an Link from react-router-dom works, which directs to the path of the external URL or an <a> tag should be fine.

The purpose of using react-router-dom is to navigate to application routes by making changes in the DOM and not reloading the whole page. This scenario is applicable to internal links.
When coming towards external links. It is something that is not the part of our application. We cannot render it our application context. So, a solution to that is using an a tag for external links.

Link is basically a wrapper of an tag with a lot of upside functionalities like,
A can know when the route it links to is active and
automatically apply an activeClassName and/or activeStyle when given
either prop.
The will be active if the current route is either the linked
route or any descendant of the linked route.
To have the link be active only on the exact linked route, use
instead or set the onlyActiveOnIndex prop.
Read the rest at
You can use the anchor tag if you plain something plain. use Link for ease of use.


Are links in Polaris embedded app supposed to not change url path?

I'm using Next.js with Polaris (from following their guide here). Using Link component imported from either Polaris or Next.js is not updating the url in the embedded app.
While the url path doesn't change, the view does change correctly (i.e. the component for the new path does render). Same result with breadcrumbs and url prop for ResourceList.
Is this expected behavior?
Ended up figuring this out after many variations of trying to make links work correctly.
Answer: no, that's not expected behavior and links should change url path for Shopify embedded apps.
For Polaris, in order to make links change the URL you will need to install this library (#shopify/react-shopify-app-route-propagator). There is enough instructions on the page to figure out how to install it.
Important note on library usage: AppProvider had to be in the parent component for this.context.polaris.appBridge to work correctly. All the logic for context needed to be in a child component. This issue might've been unique to just my case, but maybe not.

How do I navigate to another page within my Elm application?

How do I navigate to another page within my Elm application?
Specifically, I am trying to navigate from the Home page to the Contributor page.
The Contributor page is located under my Domain folder.
The file structure is below:
- Home.elm
- Domain
- Contributor.elm
I thought I could do something like this:
a [href "Domain/Contributor.elm"] [text "click me!"]
or this:
a [href "Domain/Contributor.html"] [text "click me!"]
However, neither of these paths work.
The app that I'm working on is NOT a SPA.
You are using elm-live, which is a development server. It targets a single Elm source file as its entry point, so unless your Elm code is built as a single page application, you won't be able to do any navigation to another file (though there is nothing wrong with hard-coding href links that link elsewhere).
elm-live is also only for development. You wouldn't want to run it on a production server.
If you are trying to avoid a SPA and would rather have each Elm file represent the complete functionality for a single page, perhaps you could go with the default functionality of elm make, which generates an HTML file that contains inline javascript compiled from Elm code. This is, in essence, what drives the website. If you look at the source code, you'll see the html generated by the default elm make command, compiled against each Elm file "page" of the application.
On the other hand, if you are trying to build a SPA, #Bill's answer is a good starting point.
I don't believe you can do the sort of navigation you are trying to do within an Elm app without building a SPA. You are attempting to use the HTML href attribute to navigate. That attribute needs to be a real URL. Without using something like the Elm navigation package, you wont's have support for multiple routes.
Simple navigation in Elm is fairly straightforward. I wrote a blog post on this subject.
Also, here is the github repo that demonstrates the work in this post.

How to render a jade block(section) using links?

I was hoping someone had any insight on this basic approach. Sample scenario:
I have a dashboard template with menu links a(href "/page") and I want to click the links to render a different section/view on the template. I used block content...but does it need a specific route?
If I understand correctly, you want to update the content of the page on click of the link without the page getting refreshed.
In that case, no you can't do it using block content.
The purpose of block content is to apply inheritance in your templates.
The typical use of block content would be creating a layout and then creating more specific page from the layout. This is what the official documentation says.
The reason why you cannot do it because, jade is server side templating library. This resolves the block content on server. Once rendered in client, the html looses all the information that was specific to jade (which is obvious because its an html afterall).
What you can do here is
Create a /page.jade and make a ajax call to a service. That service should return an already compiled html string. Since you are using jade, you can easily use jade.compile(source, options) to template / generate html.
Jade API documentation here

Additional pages with SPA

I'm creating a SPA app using Durandal and I would like to include a credit card payment facility. The guys that I'm looking at requires you to give return URLs to success, cancel and a view other pages, is that possible?
To me it would be breaking the 'single page' part of SPA, but is it possible? Could I do it all in a window?
Disclaimer: I don't know Durandal, but you would solve this in an SPA using either "hashbang URIs" or actually re-serving the SPA in your webserver for the requested return URI and adjusting the content using the same technique as hangbash URIs but using history.pushstate/history.popstate instead, see here:
A more general article from Google is available here that covers the same principle:
This "works" because SPAs are SPAs only in that the browser requests a new HTML document from the server once (or in your case, twice), the SPA should still be updating the history and address-bar state of the UA as the user navigates the application, just as though it were a regular multi-page application.
A great example of this is GitHub's source navigator: Try here ( ) and navigate the repository, observe that the contents of the file-listing change as does the address bar, but your browser doesn't reload the whole page... yet if you copy+paste the (modified) address bar address into a new browser window, you get the same page back.
I looked into doing credit card processing from a SPA and the best option I had found was Stripe. They supply a javascript file that looks like it would work, I never implemented it on my project due to time constraints so I can't confirm that it works but it looked very promising.
IFRAMEs are quite good for this sort of thing. You can use jQuery to hook an event handler to the page load event and this will tell you when the other end has responded. Load the 3rd party page into the IFRAME and serve response pages on the URLs you provide to the service provider. As mentioned by others you can use routes to identify the response pages. The IFRAME will stop the round-tripping from mucking up your application state and in fact it is possible to put script in your response pages that dot-notates its merry way up the DOM and into your app.

link to another controller with hot towel and durandal

I am developing an mvc4 app with multiple spa's.
I am using the hot towel template for my spa.
What I want to do is have a anchor link within my views for a spa go to the index action for another controller, so my users can exit one spa and open another. Not all actions will start a spa some are regular mvc style pages.
I have put code like like the following in my spa html pages:
Navigate to another controller
This will change the url in the browser but always reloads the default html page for the spa. If I hit the refresh button in the browser then if will go to the proper page.
I have been able to put a target on the anchor tag of _parent or _top like:
Navigate to another controller
and it will navigate to the new controller page.
I believe it is something in the durandal framework that is preventing the spa from navigating to the second controller, but since I am just starting to work with this, I am stumped as what I need to change. I think there should be a better way than using the target in the anchor tag, or is that the best option.
I hope that I have understood you correctly. I believe this behaviour is caused my Sammy.js (which the durandal router is currently based on). The default behaviour of Sammy is to hijack all links and process them as regards to the SPA itself.
I didn't like this behaviour for the website I am working on and needed links to other MVC web pages to be possible from within the SPA. What I really wanted is for regular links to just work and hash links to be interpreted as a link to another view within the SPA. So '/controller/action' would go to another web page and '#moduleId' would go to another durandal V/VM.
I found this Sammy option that works for me and set it in my main.js
// This stops Sammy from hijacking regular links
Sammy.Application.prototype.disable_push_state = true;