I've been using SSMS for some time and never had to use brackets [] around table names. Yesterday I obtained my new laptop asset and on the new install/version (18.12.1) I now need to add the brackets for it to recognize the objects. What setting is there that eliminates this?
Thank you!
Not sure what the setting is but I copied the
file from the old laptops sql server management studio folder.
I am try to migrate from access 2003 to 2016 When I am importing my objects everything is fine. Only,on the process of importing 3 tables, I am getting this error.
System resource exceeded
They are big tables too.
There is no hotfix for access 2016, Total table quantity around 100 tables
If you help me I really appreciate
Found solution here:
In short:
task manager/processes tab, find msaccess, right click and select set affinity.... option. I had 6 CPUs ticked (0 to 5). I un-ticked them all and just ticked the 0 CPU.
Since currently there is no hot fix for 2016 version you have to merge either to 2010 or 2013. Then you can try merging to 2016.
Please check this link:
Not sure if this will help you, but I've managed to resolve this error by wrapping fields referenced in the WHERE clause with Nz e.g.
instead of
WHERE ReportDate = Date
WHERE Nz(ReportDate,ReportDate) = Date
It's strange but it seems to work for me, I've found the issue is often related to indexed fields, so I always add it to those fields first
We're using two schemas in our project (dbo + kal).
When we are trying to create a view with the following SQL statement, Visual Studio shows as an error in the error list.
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[RechenketteFuerAbkommenOderLieferantenView]
r.Id as RechenkettenId,
[kal].[Rechenkette] r
[kal].[RechenketteTerm] rTerm ON rTerm.RechenketteId = r.Id
[kal].[Basisrechenkette] br ON rTerm.BasisrechenketteId = br.Id
[kal].[Rechenkettenschema] rs ON rs.Id = br.Id
r.RechenkettenTyp = 0
The error message looks like this:
SQL71501: Computed Column: [dbo].[RechenketteFuerAbkommenOderLieferantenView].[AbkommenId] contains an unresolved reference to an object. Either the object does not exist or the reference is ambiguous because it could refer to any of the following objects:
[kal].[Basisrechenkette].[r]::[AbkommenId], [kal].[Rechenkette].[AbkommenId], [kal].[Rechenkette].[r]::[AbkommenId], [kal].[Rechenkettenschema].[r]::[AbkommenId] or [kal].[RechenketteTerm].[r]::[AbkommenId].
Publishing the view and working is just fine, but its quite annoying to see the error message all the time when building our project having all the serious errors get lost in the shuffle of those sql errors.
Do you have any idea, what the problem might be?
I just found the solution. Although I can't read your (what appears to be German) enough to know if you're referring to system views, if so, a database reference to master must be provided. Otherwise, adding any other required database references should solve the problem.
This is described here for system views: Resolve reference to object information schema tables
and for other database references.
Additional information is provided here: Resolving ambiguous references in SSDT project for SQL Server
For me I was seeing SQL71501 on a user defined table type. It turned out that the table type's sql file in my solution wasn't set as build. As soon as I changed the build action from None to Build, the error dissapeared.
I know this is an old question but it was the first one that popped up when searching for the error.
In my case the errors were preventing me from executing the SqlSchemaCompare in Visual Studio 2017. The error however was for a table/index of a table that was not part of the solution any more. A simple clean/rebuild did not help.
A reload of the visual studio solution did the trick.
We have a project that contains a view that references a table valued function in another database. After adding the database reference that is required to resolve the fields used from the remote database, we were still getting this error. I found that the table valued function was defined by using "SELECT * FROM ..." which was old code created by someone not familiar with good coding practices. I replaced the "*" portion with the enumerated fields needed and compiled that function, then re-created the dacpac for that database to capture the resulting schema, and incorporated the new dacpac as the database reference. Woo Hoo! the ambiguous references went away! Seems that SSDT engine cannot (or does not) always have the ability to reach down into the bowels of the referenced dacpac to come back with all the fields. For sure, the projects I work on are normally quite large, so I think it makes sense to give the tools all the help you can when asking them to validate your code.
Although this is an old topic, it is highly ranked on search engines, so I will share the solution that worked for me.
I faced the same error code with a CREATE TYPE statement, which was in a script file in my Visual Studio 2017 SQL Server project, because I couldn't find how to add a user-defined type specifically from the interface.
The solution is that, in Visual Studio, there are many programmability file types, other than the ones you can see through a right-click > Add. Just select New Element and use the search field to find the element you are trying to create.
From the last paragraph of the blog post Resolving ambiguous references in SSDT project for SQL Server, which was linked in the answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/33225020/15405769 :
In my case, when I double clicked the file and opened it I found that
one of the references to ColumnX was not using the two part name and
thus SSDT was unable to determine which table it belonged to and
furthermore whether the column existed in the table. Once I added the
two part name. Bingo! I was down to no errors!
In my case, I got this error when I was trying to export the datatier application. The error was related to the link on a database user. To solve the problem, you need to log in to the server with read rights on system users.
In my case I just double click on the error and it will take me to the exact error on procedure and I noticed that table column is deleted or renamed but in SP its still using the old column name.
If you build an SSDT project you can get an error which says:
“SQL71502: Function: [XXX].[XXX] has an unresolved reference to object [XXX].[XXX].”
If the code that is failing is trying to use something in the “sys” schema or the “INFORMATION_SCHEMA” schema then you need to add a database reference to the master dacpac:
Add a database reference to master:
Under the project, right-click References.
Select Add database reference….
Select System database.
Ensure master is selected.
Press OK.
Note that it might take a while for VS to update.
(Note this was copied verbatim from the stack overflow question with my screenshots added: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18096029/unresolved-reference-to-obj… - I will explain more if you get past the tldr but it is quite exciting! )
I like this question on stack overflow as it has a common issue that anyone who has a database project that they import into SSDT has faced. It might not affect everyone, but a high percentage of databases will have some piece of code that references something that doesn't exist.
The question has a few little gems in it that I would like to explore in a little more detail because I don't feel that a comment on stack overflow really does them justice.
If we look at the question it starts like this:
If you're doing this from within Visual Studio, make sure that the file is set to "Build" within the properties.
I've had this numerous times and it really gets me everytime. SQL Build is case sensitive even though your collation isn't. Check the case is correct in agreement with the object and schema names that are referenced!
I am trying to generate some insert scripts using the SQL Server 2008 Script Wizard. Upon generating the scripts, I get the following error:
"The selected database contains foreign keys that create a cycle. Publishing data only is not supported for databases with cyclical foreign key relationships."
I've attempted to disable and remove all constraints in the database. The error is still occurring. Is there any way to get around this? Possibly make SQL ignore the constraints while generating the scripts.
On the Wizard page where you choose the radio button to select All Database Objects or Specific Objects, make sure to select All Database Objects. For some reason the tool needs something in there to generate even if you just want the table insert script.
Once I changed that radio button to All Database Objects, and selected the Advanced option to generate Type of script = Data Only, it worked all the way through.
I had the same problem as the OP. Then I tried again, this time in the advanced options, for the "types of data to script" option, I selected "schema and data" rather than data only. Then it worked for me without complaining about cyclical keys.
I was having the same issue, and I discovered today that you can use SQL Server Management Studio 2012 against a 2008 R2 DB and you won't get the error:
Sql Server Scripting Data Only: Workaround for CyclicalForeignKeyException?
Saving to file vs. to a new Query editor window seems to make it work for me on Management Studio 2008 :\
First off IMHO HLGEM's response is a bit cavalier--there are valid reasons at times to have cyclic references.
That said I think the script generator is hyper-sensitive. It seems to think just about any PK/FK pair is "cyclic" and I ended up having to use a copy of my database from which I'd stripped all keys to get the export to get beyond the "cyclical" error. A script like the following can help you drop keys globally but of course be careful!
'ALTER TABLE ' + object_name(parent_obj) + ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' + [name]
AS Script
from sysobjects where xtype IN ('F')
[I didn't write this. See http://www.sqlteam.com/forums/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=46682]
Further the tool is pretty useless in terms of feedback since its report doesn't provide enough detail to narrow down where the supposed cyclical references exist.
Finally I found the tool to be pretty flaky in that I get random timeouts. One other observation that I haven't researched extensively is I think the tool may require you to start from scratch after the cyclical error to clear it's cache since I see different behavior when I use Previous button vs. starting afresh.
You can export the data by setting the script option - "Script Check Constraints" to False
Sorry this will not work :(
You will have to determine which table is causing the issue.
I was getting the same error because I didn't had a table selected in the object list (one big table I wanted to create in another script). Selecting all of the tables solved the problem.
PD: Maybe a little bit late, but searching CyclicalForeignKeyException gets first in Google.
Is there a way to do this if an unsaved tab gets accidentally closed?
I was able to recover a query I was working on after accidentally closing the tab. If you actually ran the query, it should be in SQL Server's query cache. Query the query cache and order the results by creation date. More info on the SQL Server query cache:
Modify a query like this one (found at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee343986(v=SQL.100).aspx)
SELECT cp.objtype AS PlanType,
OBJECT_NAME(st.objectid,st.dbid) AS ObjectName,
cp.refcounts AS ReferenceCounts,
cp.usecounts AS UseCounts,
st.text AS SQLBatch,
qp.query_plan AS QueryPlan
FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans AS cp
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(cp.plan_handle) AS qp
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(cp.plan_handle) AS st;
to get your desired result. The "st.text" column will have the query that was run on the database server.
I also found at MSDN website that it is not possible to recover these files, but I would give a try to this (it worked for me):
Take a look in the folder C:\Users\YOURUSERIDHERE\Documents\SQL Server Management Studio\Backup Files\Solution1 and choose files for date when machine restarted or crash happened. SQLBlog.com
Take a look in the folder C:\Users\”[your username goes here]“\AppData\Local\Temp\ (this wasn't work for me because my .sql files had 0KB and .tmp files had something, but I couldn't find the way to 'extract' code from these .tmp files). Suppose that sometimes can be helpful, depending on reason of system reboot/crash. ayesamson.com
I'm not sure that there is, but using TimeSnapper can be a help to show what was previously in the window.
I don't believe so. I checked on the msdn website and there's a thread about this and the answer is no.
Navigate to My Documents\SQL Server Management Studio Express\Backup Files\Solution1 you will find the Recovered backlogs.This is the only solution.
1.Take a look in the folder C:\Users\YOURUSERIDHERE\AppData\Local\temp, then sort files by date modified and pick the last .sql that has a size greater than 0 bytes. That worked for me.
Unfortunately SSMS currently does not have the Undo Closed Tab feature. I have created the following Connect Item so Microsoft will hopefully add this in a future version: https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/Feedback/Details/1044403
Hi I am having a problem, accessing a remote index server catalog. The name of the server has - in it, so i put the index catalog name as:
i.e num.num.num.num\name of catalog
or an-example-server
I get the following error when using an ole data connection to pull results from the index:
"Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 39"
I tried putting single quotes and &qoute; with no luck - anyone have idea?
PS. This Microsoft Index Server Question!
I found the answer or certainly a solution. By adding an A record on the domain (with a friendly name), I managed to talk to the remote catalog without any problems. :)