backuping centos 6.5 to centos 8 server - backup

I wanted to know if there is a way to full backup a centos 6.5 along with its applications and configuration and use it on a centos 7 server without messing up the configuration.


Tomcat - SSL certificate configure

I want to setup SSL certificate on tomcat, specification of my server:
OS: ubuntu 18.04 LTS
tomcat: 9.0.31
java: 1.8.0_242
I have these files:
I want to run tomcat on port 443 although I Know I can change port by using server.xml file.
By using the above files I can easily setup ssl in apache, But my question is which type of file format I should have in order to setup ssl in tomcat server and if I need some other format then how should I convert these files ?
Question is pretty unclear, but I assume what you're trying to do is run Tomcat standalone, not with Apache Httpd as a proxy. In that case, the easiest and best thing to do is to upgrade to a modern version of Java. Java 9 and later support PKCS12, which is easier than using JKS, so you should upgrade, either to 11 (the current LTS release) or 14 (current release).
Once that is done, you can use this tool to generate a CSR and save a key and help set up your configuration. It might be easier than doing this by editing files.

I cannot start Apache Web Server using XAMPP 7.2.26-0 on MacOS Mojave Version 10.14.5

I could install successfully XAMPP 7.2.26-0 on MacOS Mojave Version 10.14.5. The problem is that I cannot start Apache:
In the server events, I see this:
Starting Apache Web Server...
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/apache2/scripts/ : httpd started
Starting Apache Web Server...
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/apache2/scripts/ : httpd started
Stopping all servers...
Stopping MySQL Database...
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/mysql/scripts/ : mysql stopped
Restarting all servers...
Starting MySQL Database...
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/mysql/scripts/ : mysql started at port 3306
Starting Apache Web Server...
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/apache2/scripts/ : httpd started
Starting ProFTPD...
Exit code: 8
Checking syntax of configuration file
proftpd config test fails, aborting
2020-01-07 11:33:11,210 Jaimes-MacBook-Pro.local proftpd[24257]: warning: unable to determine IP address of 'Jaimes-MacBook-Pro.local'
2020-01-07 11:33:11,211 Jaimes-MacBook-Pro.local proftpd[24257]: error: no valid servers configured
2020-01-07 11:33:11,211 Jaimes-MacBook-Pro.local proftpd[24257]: fatal: error processing configuration file '/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/etc/proftpd.conf'
Do think think this is caused by an IP address conflict or something else?
Since I am not interested in ProFTPD, I am only trying to start Apache Web Server and this is what I see in the server events:
Starting Apache Web Server...
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/apache2/scripts/ : httpd started
That would make me think that Apache Web Server started successfully. Nonetheless, I still see its status as "Stopped".
See below the configurations that I have for Apache Web Server. I have not changed anything. I am using the default configurations.
Add to your hosts file: Jaimes-MacBook-Pro.local
I installed Uniform Server Zero (a Portable WAMP Server) on Windows instead. Thank you.

How to copy ssl certificate from centOS 7 to windows?

I have copied ssl certificate from te ELK server, set up on cent OS 7, with this command
scp /etc/pki/tls/certs/logstash-forwarder.crt user#client_server_private_address:/tmp
but then how should I place it into the Windows 2012 r2?
You can directly copy the .crt file with sudo vi from the centOS to your windows destination folder, i.e. inside beats file

httpd with SSL doesn't start in RHEL 6.3

I'm running 4 servers with the same config:
RHEL Server 6.3
Apache 2.2.15
In 3 servers, the SSL configuration it's working, but in the last serv, i've got the next error:
Unable to configure verify locations for client authentication.
This is my ssl.conf
Thanks in advance
Solved, just follow this steps.

Installing httpd-2.4.3 in RHEL 5.3

I have installed httpd-2.4.3 on RHEL 5.3. I followed the basic installation which later then it runs on
/usr/local/bin/apachectl restart -f /usr/local/conf/httpd.conf
I can access locally (just use telnet localhost 80) , but i cannot access from remote using my browser or telnet port 80 from other server.
adding port 80 to IPtables, - done
httpd services is running - checked
Thanks for the reply.
Check your /etc/selinux/config is enable or not.