Use image instead of map as background in react-native-maps - react-native

I've used ImageOverlay component provided by react-leaflet to use an image as a map. And then adding markers on it.
I want to implement something similar in react-native. I'm using react-native-maps library. It has the marker feature as in react-leaflet but I'm not able to use an image as background. It tried using overlay component provided by react-native-maps but it didn't work. Is there any way to implement it using react-native-maps or using any other library in react-native ?


Using custom gif as a loading icon within <ActivityIndicator> using react-native

I am currently attempting to code an app in react native for an android device. I have created a custom loading component and am using the to show a loading icon.
But, I want to use a custom gif loading icon that contains my app's colours. I have looked but I cannot seem to find anything, is it possible to do this?
react native does not support gif feature in its raw form. However, in order to reach what you want and use gifs in the application, you can take a look at the accepted answer on the subject;
How do I display an animated gif in React Native?
Then all you need to do is to use Image component instead of ActivityIndicator. And passing the relevant gif information to the image component.

Is there a way to use SVG animation based on SMIL in React Native?

I'm writing a mobile application using React Native, and we have a bunch of nice animations done in SVG, by using so-called SMIL commands inside this SVG(tags like "animate" etc).
I was trying to find a way to use those animations but to my knowledge none of the libraries that I was able to find(including react-native-svg, react-native-svg-animations) able to do that.
I also checked this link: which claim to transform SVG code to JSX, and it said that:
"/* SVGR has dropped some elements not supported by react-native-svg: style, animate */"
Is there anyone who was able to find efficient way to run these animations on React Native?
Thanks in advance!

custom event to check if the style image is missing in react native mapbox gl maps

I am using react-native-mapbox-gl/maps extensively in my react native app and I wanted to add dynamic style icons to the chart style.
The javascript mapbox library has a nice event called styleimagemissing with which we can check which image for a style is missing and construct it.
Is there something similar in the react-native mapbox gl library?
In other words, I would line to achieve something like this using the react native mapbox-gl library.
This is implemented in react native mapbox gl 8.0 and later. See Images#onImageMissing

React native Library to take bitmap

I am Working on react native camera library to taking bitmap.
For example, when we capture a image it return image path, height, width etc.
Instead of these i need bitmap.
The best way to achieve what you're looking to do is likely going to be to use the Native UI Components API for iOS and Android to implement a custom native image view that applies the effects you are looking for.
React Native doesn't give the option of accessing access the raw bitmap data of the React Native (aka. RCTImage) component.

Using Konovajs with react-native

How can I use konvajs library with react native. If not, is there any other library which allows defining canvas object declaratively for react native?
React native doesn't use an html5 view, it render native code so you wouldn't be able to use konvasjs, take a look at react-native-canvas, and see if it fits what you need.