File is uploaded with blob name - testing

I faced with a problem in autotest: any file is uploaded as 'blob', no matter one file is uploaded or some of them at the same moment.
I used
.setFilesToUpload("input[type=file]", [
Manually everything works as expected.
Moreover, I have the same functionality in another section and it works ok with the same code.


How to open a disk file with Capacitor?

I'm saving a file by running the following code with Capacitor:
path: fileName,
data: content,
directory: FilesystemDirectory.Documents,
//encoding: FilesystemEncoding.UTF8
Now, I would like to open it (it's a pdf). However, I don't see anything in FileSystem documentation about how to achieve that? I'm missing a FileOpener function.
The goal is that it gets opened with whichever pdf app the user has in the phone.
I'm using Vuejs.
I hope that this is helpful to you, a package for capacitor to read pdf.

react-native-webp loads some wep images but not all

I am using this module react-native-webp to load webp images on ios. However, I am not seeing the images from s3 load. Using an image found from google search, works fine. There are absolutely no logs whatsoever to help debug the issue!
This is an example url that doesn't load:
And this here is one that's loading just fine!
Can't find a reason for either to not work. I thought it might have to do with the image size but a smaller version doesn't help either. Here's a smaller variant:
Please give path images to HTTPS or just do following settings in xcode and clean rebuild app
The main problem is Apple can't load HTTP images without settings.

Getting content length is not supported in Yii EAjaxUpload

I am using Yii EAjaxUpload extension to upload files. I am facing a problem during uploading image. 'Getting content length is not supported'. In console It is showing the error "…KEN=077cb06478a3c70e40a2a01dc4cb1a94a6ff96ec&qqfile=518164-backgrounds.jpg". In php.ini 'upload_max_filesize' and 'post_max_size' both are 100MB. File is already uploaded to the destination folder but the uploading procedure fails each time. Please help.

Safari Push Notifications - Verifying hashes in manifest.json failed even though correct

I have created a push package with the appropriate files as per the Apple spec for APNS. This manifest file represents all of the files that are present:
"icon.iconset/icon_128x128.png": "78609fcff69688f969a38f957ac2f10fc79d6732",
"icon.iconset/icon_128x128#2x.png": "78609fcff69688f969a38f957ac2f10fc79d6732",
"icon.iconset/icon_16x16.png": "d348589e2cf37d8f23940f8545afe75a2e98b4ac",
"icon.iconset/icon_16x16#2x.png": "d348589e2cf37d8f23940f8545afe75a2e98b4ac",
"icon.iconset/icon_32x32.png": "e4418a1c5f2ecfbb702961515aaa65d5449b1c53",
"icon.iconset/icon_32x32#2x.png": "e4418a1c5f2ecfbb702961515aaa65d5449b1c53",
"website.json": "45be9c4a6f1bf96e27a9eecab219304b35c5ac24"
I have manually checked the sha1 values on the CLI and they are all correct, along with the file locations. And yet I still get this error back from Safari each time I try to get permission:
{ '{"logs":': { '"Verifying hashes in manifest.json failed"]': '' } }
Which is not valid JSON either. Any ideas why this would be failing?
I recently implemented push notifications through pushwoosh. They automatically created the package for me and I checked how they done it. The only difference between mine manifest file and your is a back slash before the normal slash. Maybe it could do the difference for you. Copy and paste this code in your manifest (I have already added your SHA1 values):
I created a small ruby script for generating these manifests based on the code in
Copy the script into a directory containing an icon.iconset directory and your website.json. Then you can run ruby gen_manifest.rb inside that directory and the script will write the manifest.json. At the very least it may be a sanity check to see that everything is correct. The script is here:
If you don't have any ruby experience, comment back and I can walk you through it. is undefined in chrome extension

I'm developing a Google Chrome extension, and have been working on one for a while. So it's been installed for a while, and I updated the manifest file to include the "storage" permission and reloaded the extension. However, when I try it in the console, is undefined. I restarted Chrome and still nothing.
My manifest file looks like this:
... snip ...
"permissions": [
I could reinstall the application, but I'm hesitant, since: Will it be the same for the existing users of the extension? It says in the documentation that the permission won't show any warnings or temporarily block the extension for adding more permissions.
My question is mainly, how will the existing users of my extension be affected? Will they get a warning and have the extension disabled until they actively enable it? Or is it just a local develpment issue?
Your manifest looks fine. Did you reload your extension after making the change?
I pasted your manifest permissions into a new extension and called:
And recieved the following:
Note "local" and "sync", the two types of storage available to the extension.