A failure to decode a rabbit message fails the reactive Reactive Messaging - readiness check - rabbitmq

I've encountered a problem when using small rye reactive messaging with Quarkus, for a rabbit MQ incoming handler.
The message being published to rabbit has a json content type, and the method signature of the handling code is written accordingly:
public void processEvent(final JsonObject payload)
However, in the event that the message body contains bad json, that cannot be parsed successfully, this method is never invoked and a io.vertx.core.json.DecodeException is thrown, when handling the failure this calls into the io.smallrye.reactive.messaging.providers.extension.HealthCenter.reportApplicationFailure() which then means the healthcheck endpoint will product a DOWN response. The app in question runs in k8s, so the pod gets restarted, but the new instance will pick up on the same message and produce the same. The only way to deal with the issue seems to be manually remove the bad message from the queue.
Looking in the docs https://quarkus.io/guides/rabbitmq-reference#health-reporting it suggests that a failed message should be nacked and the failure-strategy should handle it, but it seems because the message isn't being parsed properly, it isn't getting as a far as the processing, the the failure strategy isn't being called.
I'm actually not certain if this is the intended behaviour in this circumstance, if I can do something about it or if it genuinely is a bug - using Quarkus 2.12.0.
My expectation is that it should be possible to handle this circumstance in some way without causing the health check to fail and dequeueing the message so that the bad message isn't picked up again and again.


Is there a way to handle messages directly from the Rebus error queue

Currently I have an IErrorHandler implementation dealing with messages going to the Rebus error queue. That handler then publishes messages to a saga that throttles output to a Slack notification channel. I think there may be an easier way to do this though. I would like to have the saga implement an IHandleMessages against messages from the Rebus error queue itself. Is that possible? Currently, we have the FleetManager process enabled and for my custom IErrorHandler to work it has to dual publish errors both to the error queue and to FleetManager using the FleetManager API options. This allows my IErrorHandler to be called so I can publish a custom message to start the slack saga and also feeds FleetManager with the data it needs. The problem with my approach is that the Rebus error queue just grows with data I no longer care about. So I guess my question is: is there a way to handle those Rebus error queue messages? Or perhaps even better, is there a simple way to make those error queue messages go away once I know I have them in my saga?
Note: the reason for the saga and to not simply use a FleetManager Slack web hook is to notify based on custom count thresholds of errors, rather than for every error encountered.
I think I just realized one approach I could take, which is to still use my custom IErrorHandler, yet not actually handle the poison message so that it never makes it to the error queue regardless. Instead I would just publish my custom message that is handled by the saga.

How to handle network time-out exception with rabbit mq while sending messages asynchronously using spring-amqp library

I have written a program which requires multiple queues interaction - means consumer of one queue writes message to another queue and same program has consumer to take action on that queue.
Problem: How to handle network time-out issues with queue while sending messages asynchronously using spring rabbit ampq library?or RabbitTemplate.send() function must throw an exception if there are network issues.
Currently, I have implemented RabbitTemplate.send() that returns immediately and working fine. But, If network is down, send function returns immediately, doesn't throw any exception and client code assumes success. As a result, i have in-consistent state in DB that message is successfully processed. Please note that call to send function is wrapped inside transactional block and goal is if queue writing fails, DB commit must also rollback. I am exploring following solutions but no success:
Can we configure rabbitTemplate to throw run-time exception if any network connectivity issue so that client call is notified? Please suggest how to do this.
Shall we use synchronous SendAndReceive function call but it leads to delay in processing? Another problem, observed with this function, my consumer code gets notification while sendAndReceive function is still blocked for writing message to queue. Please advise if we can delay notification to queue unless sendAndReceive function is returned. But call to SendAndReceive() was throwing an amqp exception if network was down which we were able to capture, but it has cost associated related to performance.
My application is multi-threaded, if multiple threads are sending message using sendAndReceive(), how spring-amqp library manages queue communication? Does it internally creates channel per request? If messages are delivered via same channel, it would impact performance a lot for multi-threaded application.
Can some-one share sample code for using SendAndReceive function with best-practices?
Do we have any function in spring-amqp library to check health of RabbitMQ server before submitting send function call? I explored rabbitTemplate.isRunning() but not getting proper result. If any specific configuration required, please suggest.
Any other solution to consider for guaranteed message delivery or handle network time-out issues to throw runtime exceptions to client..
As per Gary comment below, I have set: rabbitTemplate.setChannelTransacted(true); and it makes call sync. Next part of problem is that if I have transaction block on outer block, call to RabbitTemplate.send() returns immediately. I expect transaction block of outer function must wait for inner function to return, otherwise, ii don't get expected result as my DB changes are persisted though we enabled setChannelTransacted to true. I tried various Transaction propagation level but no success. Please advise if I am doing anything wrong and review transactional propagation settings as below
public void notifyQueueAndDB(DBRequest dbRequest) {
logger.info("Updating Request in DB");
//Below is call to RabbitMQ library
mqService.sendmessage(dbRequest); //If sendMessage fails because of network outage, I want DB commit also to be rolled-back.
MQService defined in another library of project, snippet below.
#Transactional( propagation = Propagation.NESTED)
private void sendMessage(......) {
rabbitTemplate.send(this.queueExchange, queueName, amqpMessage);
}catch (Exception exception) {
throw exception
Enable transactions so that the send is synchronous.
Use Publisher confirms and wait for the confirmation to be received.
Either one will be quite a bit slower.

Using Sagas with Recoverabilty

We are having an issue with recovery for messages originating from Sagas.
When a Saga sends a message for processing, the message handler can sometimes fail with an exception. We currently use a try/catch and when an exception is thrown, we "Reply" with a failed message to the Saga. The issue with this approach is that Recoverability retries don't happen since we are handling the error in the message handler.
My thought was to add custom logic to the pipeline and if the Command message implements some special Interface, the custom logic would send a failed message response to the Saga if an exception occurs (after the retries fails), but I'm not sure where to plug into the pipeline that would allow me to send messages after retries fails.
Is this a valid approach? If not, how can I solve for Saga to Handler failure messages after retries?
You can use immediate dispatch to not wait for a handler to complete.
However, I would like to suggest an alternate approach. Why not create a Timeout in the saga? If the reply from the processing-handler isn't received within a certain TimeSpan, you take an alternate path. The processing-handler gets 5 minutes and if it doesn't respond within 5 minutes, we do something else. If it still responds after 6 minutes, we know we've already taken the alternate path (use a boolean flag or so and store that inside the saga data) and put aside the reply that arrived too late.
If you want to start a discussion based on this, check our community platform.

How does the 'Publisher returns" happen/work in Spring AMQP?

I am working on RabbitMQ integration. I have a microservice which receives messages from other services. I am currently looking into how to handle messages which encounter exceptions during processing.
The scenario could be:
ServiceA sends message to engine's queue.
Engine processes the message received.
During processing, engine encountered an exception (say a NullPointerException)
Engine returns the message to ServiceA for reprocessing
ServiceA holds the message until the exception in the engine is resolved (resending to engine can be manually triggered)
I bumped into Spring AMQP documentation about Publisher Returns but I could not totally grasp the context. I would like to know how this works and if this could be a solution to address above item #4. Or is there other solution for this?
Thank you in advance!
For #4 on your list the solution is quite simple - don't acknowledge the message automatically, rather then when the processing is finished. In that way -
if the client (subscriber) dies (for whatever reason) during processing of the message then that message is re-queued (so sent to ServiceA for reprocessing in your case).
If you want to explicitly re-queue the message you could do negative acknowledgment (search for it here).
In any case of re-queuing (manual or automatic) you should be careful that the single message that causes subscribers to die doesn't end up being processed forever by subscriber(s), that is - make sure that the exception that happened during processing was a random and not a guaranteed event. Example for this would be a message containing invalid XML - you process it, see it's invalid, handle the exception and re-queue, but then again another (or the same) subscriber gets it, and handles the same exception since the content of the message and the XML inside it didn't change and so on...

MassTransit with RabbitMQ: When is a message moved to the error queue

I am using RabbitMQ version 3.0.2 & I see close to 1000 message in Error queue. I want to know
At what point messages are moved to the error queues?
Is there a way to know why a certain message is being moved to an error queue?
Is there any way to move message from error queue to normal queue?
Thank you
a) they fail to deserialize or b) the consumer throws an exception processing that message five times
Not really... If you peek at the message in the queue, the payload headers might contain a note but I don't think we did that. If you turn logging on (NLog, log4net, etc) you should be able to see the exceptions in your log. You'll have to correlate message ids at that point to figure out exactly why.
There is no built in way via MassTransit. Mostly because there doesn't seem to be a great, generic way to handle this. Everyone wants some process around this. Dru did create a BusDriver app (in the main MT source repo) that could be used to move messages back to the exchange in question. This default behaviour is there so you at least know things have been failing if you don't put in the infrastructure to handle it.
To add to Travis' answer, During my development I found some other reasons for messages going onto the error queue:
The published message type has no consumer
A SAGA and a consumer are expecting the same concrete message type. Even if you try and differentiate using "Accepts" and ".Selected", both a SAGA and a Consumer should not be programmed to receive the same message type.