MassTransit with RabbitMQ: When is a message moved to the error queue - rabbitmq

I am using RabbitMQ version 3.0.2 & I see close to 1000 message in Error queue. I want to know
At what point messages are moved to the error queues?
Is there a way to know why a certain message is being moved to an error queue?
Is there any way to move message from error queue to normal queue?
Thank you

a) they fail to deserialize or b) the consumer throws an exception processing that message five times
Not really... If you peek at the message in the queue, the payload headers might contain a note but I don't think we did that. If you turn logging on (NLog, log4net, etc) you should be able to see the exceptions in your log. You'll have to correlate message ids at that point to figure out exactly why.
There is no built in way via MassTransit. Mostly because there doesn't seem to be a great, generic way to handle this. Everyone wants some process around this. Dru did create a BusDriver app (in the main MT source repo) that could be used to move messages back to the exchange in question. This default behaviour is there so you at least know things have been failing if you don't put in the infrastructure to handle it.

To add to Travis' answer, During my development I found some other reasons for messages going onto the error queue:
The published message type has no consumer
A SAGA and a consumer are expecting the same concrete message type. Even if you try and differentiate using "Accepts" and ".Selected", both a SAGA and a Consumer should not be programmed to receive the same message type.


Is there a way to handle messages directly from the Rebus error queue

Currently I have an IErrorHandler implementation dealing with messages going to the Rebus error queue. That handler then publishes messages to a saga that throttles output to a Slack notification channel. I think there may be an easier way to do this though. I would like to have the saga implement an IHandleMessages against messages from the Rebus error queue itself. Is that possible? Currently, we have the FleetManager process enabled and for my custom IErrorHandler to work it has to dual publish errors both to the error queue and to FleetManager using the FleetManager API options. This allows my IErrorHandler to be called so I can publish a custom message to start the slack saga and also feeds FleetManager with the data it needs. The problem with my approach is that the Rebus error queue just grows with data I no longer care about. So I guess my question is: is there a way to handle those Rebus error queue messages? Or perhaps even better, is there a simple way to make those error queue messages go away once I know I have them in my saga?
Note: the reason for the saga and to not simply use a FleetManager Slack web hook is to notify based on custom count thresholds of errors, rather than for every error encountered.
I think I just realized one approach I could take, which is to still use my custom IErrorHandler, yet not actually handle the poison message so that it never makes it to the error queue regardless. Instead I would just publish my custom message that is handled by the saga.

RabbitMQ: how to handle unwanted duplicate un-ack message after connection lost?

In my app(multiple instances), we occasionally see the case where connection is lost between my app and rabbitmq due to network issues(my app and rabbitmq are both alive), then after connection is recovered(re-established) we will receive messages that are unacked.
This creates an issue for us, because my app wasn't dead, and it is still processing the same message it received before, but now the message is redeivered, and it causes the app to process the message again (which can be fatal to us).
Since the app has multiple instances, it is not easy for an instance to check if another instance is processing the same message at the same time. We can't simply filter out redelivered message, because we need this feature to handle instance/app crashes/re-deployments.
It doesn't seem that there is an api to tell rabbitmq when to not redeliver unacked messages.
So what is the recommended practice to handle this situation ?
The general solution for such scenario is to make the consumers handle the messages in an idempotent manner . Generally what I do is from the producer side ( in case there is no unique identifier in the message body ) I add an attribute idempotencyId to the message body which is a guid and on the consumer side for each message this id is validated against the stored value in database , any duplicates are rejected.
This approach also works for messages which might be shoveled from another cluster or if in a same cluster multiple instances of consumers are listening then too this approach guarantee one time processing.
Would suggest to go over the RabbitMQ Reliability Guide here
Yeah, exactly-once delivery is not something RabbitMQ is good at. In fact, I'd say you should probably not be using it for these kinds of problems. Honestly, the only way to truly fix this is to use distributed transactions or locking.
Anyway, you could turn the problem on its head by ack'ing the message as soon as the consumer gets it, before it starts working on it. That would avoid the RabbitMQ-related duplication issue at least. This is at-most-once delivery.
Of course, it means that if the consumer crashes, the message is lost forever. So you need to persist the message right before you ack it so you can recover it later and also the consumer should remove it once it's complete.
Considering that crashes are rare, you can then have a single dedicated process that just works on those persisted messages. Or for that matter, handle them manually.
Just be aware that you are pushing the duplication problem in front of you, because the consumer might fail to remove the persisted message after it's done working with it anyway, but at least you have the option to implement it however you want.
Storage in this case could be anything from files, a RDBMS or something like ZooKeeper or Redis to lock/unlock in-flight messages.

How does the 'Publisher returns" happen/work in Spring AMQP?

I am working on RabbitMQ integration. I have a microservice which receives messages from other services. I am currently looking into how to handle messages which encounter exceptions during processing.
The scenario could be:
ServiceA sends message to engine's queue.
Engine processes the message received.
During processing, engine encountered an exception (say a NullPointerException)
Engine returns the message to ServiceA for reprocessing
ServiceA holds the message until the exception in the engine is resolved (resending to engine can be manually triggered)
I bumped into Spring AMQP documentation about Publisher Returns but I could not totally grasp the context. I would like to know how this works and if this could be a solution to address above item #4. Or is there other solution for this?
Thank you in advance!
For #4 on your list the solution is quite simple - don't acknowledge the message automatically, rather then when the processing is finished. In that way -
if the client (subscriber) dies (for whatever reason) during processing of the message then that message is re-queued (so sent to ServiceA for reprocessing in your case).
If you want to explicitly re-queue the message you could do negative acknowledgment (search for it here).
In any case of re-queuing (manual or automatic) you should be careful that the single message that causes subscribers to die doesn't end up being processed forever by subscriber(s), that is - make sure that the exception that happened during processing was a random and not a guaranteed event. Example for this would be a message containing invalid XML - you process it, see it's invalid, handle the exception and re-queue, but then again another (or the same) subscriber gets it, and handles the same exception since the content of the message and the XML inside it didn't change and so on...

Multiple acknowledge for the same delivery tag

In my project I saw that there is a chance of acknowledging the same delivery tag twice. When this happens, the consumer gets unbound from the queue and no further messages come to the consumer (Observed using the RabbitMQ management dashboard).
How can I check that a given delivery tag has already been acknowledged? Is there a recommended way to handle such scenario using the RabbitMQ API?
I tried to avoid acknowledging twice in my code but unfortunately it is not possible due to some design issues.
As the AMQP protocol reference is pretty clear about this:
A message MUST not be acknowledged more than once. The receiving peer MUST validate that a non-zero delivery-tag refers to a delivered message, and raise a channel exception if this is not the case. ...
A quick test reveals that, at least in current versions, this does not cause a consumer to stop working, but that behavior might be implementation-dependent.
In short, you would have to review your design to avoid this situation.

How do I clean messages in the queue if producer is down

I'm using ActiveMQ and I would like to know how to solve this specific case.
When the consumer is down, the producer sends a message to the queue. The message will remain in the queue until the consumer is running to consume it.
Now imagine I shutdown the producer, the message will STILL remain in the queue. Now i run the consumer and it will try to consume that message, but won't be able to reply back to the producer since its down.
I would like to solve this problem by cleaning the messages if the producer is out.
The ActiveMQ Broker cleans the Queue after stopping. I would like to do the same for the messages of a respective producer.
Based on what I understand now from your question and additional comments I propose to add a Message Property to your messages to identify the Producer, and write a small utility that uses a Message Selector to read all messages matching the Producer from the queue. You can run that utility straight after the Producer is stopped (or crashes), and that should quite accurately do what you want to achieve.
EDIT: although primarily focused on EE, the Sun/Oracle JavaEE Tutorial contains a very good chapter on general JMS programming that starts off with standalone producers and consumers. The accompanying source code bundle can be downloaded here, the ready to comoile samples in that bundle should get you started very quickly.
You can solve it a couple of ways. One is to set a TTL on the message so it goes away. The other is to connect via JMX and purge the Queue or remove the specific message using a selector statement or with the Message's specific MessageId value.
See this article for some hints.