Using paypal-js integration with PM2 in On, gives errors and closes paypal purchase window.
when I use npm start instead of PM2 the integration works fine, and I can access the purchase window, dont know where the problem is!
I am quite new to react-native and was following youtube tutorial for learning purposes. I have created basic react-native app with expo init FirstProject. Everything is working fine but when I run npm start, development server does not open on new tab. In every tutorial when npm start is run, it starts development server like this development server. Thats not case for me, I have tried several solutions but none has worked me. I haven't changed any file at all, so I hope there is no purpose of sharing my App.js as it is default. I don't get any errors, but still development server doesn't open in new tab. This is what I get: My terminal after I run npm start. Help would be greatly appreciated.
The Web UI is no longer part of the expo-cli, it was removed in version 6.0.0. You are most likely watching tutorials that are using versions prior to that release.
If you would like to read more, here is the official post from Expo:
I'm trying to develop a Hubspot's Click to Call app to use by my PBX.
I've already studied the Calling Extension SDK guide and made a simple poc that works into my localhost by npm (npm start).
Now I'm trying to move into production test evinroment so, into remote server, I've basic copyed the project files and binded it by Hubspot App registration.
Unfortunatelly, when I run the app on my Hubspot TestAccount, I see (in the browser console) that it requires a "./bin/index_combined.js" file. It isn't into my npm directory and npm compiles it for me only when I run "npm start" command...(local scenario).
So how to use my Click2Call app by remote without npm ? or how to produce an index_combined.js good for remote scenario?
App is working fine. Also working fine on Emulator and my mobile phone. But the problem is that it is not showing this page on my browser. Open Image
I created this project in react native, Using following commands.
expo init DoneWithIt
choses a Manage workflow with blank template
When I type "npm start" in terminal (using VS code terminal)
it shows Open Image
It is not opening in browser like this
Open Image
Have you tried opening your browser manually at localhost and port 19000? Or simply press "w" in the same terminal after it starts so it opens for you the browser as you can see in the second image.
The Web UI is now deprecated in favor of a more advance terminal interface:
To me the "w" option is grey out but I can still run it and it will let me know that some dependencies are missing. I try to install them but it doesn't succeed. I guess just made sure that the Web UI will not work anymore.
You will see the below error if the 'w' option is grayed out or if the 'w' doesn't work,
It looks like you're trying to use web support but don't have the required dependencies installed.
Please install react-native-web#~0.18.9, react-dom#18.1.0, #expo/webpack-config#^0.17.2 by running:
npx expo install react-native-web#~0.18.9 react-dom#18.1.0 #expo/webpack-config#^0.17.2
If you're not using the web, please ensure you remove the "web" string from the platform's array in the project Expo config.
install the mentioned packages and re-start the app(npm start).
Enter w, this should work.
The reason why the application is not giving you the web browser ability is because you're missing some packages. Thus far this is the version that's support out there. Try and run this code below:
npx expo install react-native-web#~0.18.9 react-dom#18.1.0 #expo/webpack-config#^0.17.2
I'm working on a React app in VSCode that's running on localhost:3000. I can visit the app in the browser. If I try to do ctrl+c in the terminal, an empty line is written but the app is still accessible. I need to close the app for some changes I'm planning to make. What's the best way to do this?
I am developing a react app, when I run npm run start it will not respond in the browser. (this only started happening last night, and only with this specific app. All my other projects work fine)
In windows terminal it shows a successful compile with no errors, but the localhost:3000 browser (after loading for 5 mins) shows an alert window, and it makes my computer very slow.
I uninstalled react-spring, which was the latest dependency I had installed, but it made no difference.
Any ideas or any additional info I should provide?