Ubuntu unavaliable install redis-stack-server - redis

according to https://redis.io/docs/stack/get-started/install/linux/, I am trying to install redis-stack on my ubuntu machine with ppa:
curl -fsSL https://packages.redis.io/gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/redis-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/redis-archive-keyring.gpg] https://packages.redis.io/deb $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/redis.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install redis-stack-server
However with error:
E: Unable to locate package redis-stack-server
So, I am trying to download linux binary file to machine, still error:
$ ./bin/redis-stack-server
Starting redis-stack-server, database path ./var/db/redis-stack
./bin/redis-server: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.1.0.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


singularity returns a permission denied

I would like to build a singularity container for an application shipped via AppImage. To do so, I build the following def file:
Bootstrap: docker
From: debian:bullseye-slim
apt-get update -y
apt-get install -y wget unzip fuse libglu1 libglib2.0-dev libharfbuzz-dev libsm6 dbus
cd /opt
wget https://www.ill.eu/fileadmin/user_upload/ILL/3_Users/Instruments/Instruments_list/00_-_DIFFRACTION/D3/Mag2Pol/Mag2Pol_v5.0.2.AppImage
chmod u+x Mag2Pol_v5.0.2.AppImage
exec /opt/Mag2Pol_v5.0.2.AppImage
I build the container using singularity build -f test.sif test.def command. The build runs OK but when running the sif file using ./test.sif I get an /.singularity.d/runscript: 3: exec: /opt/Mag2Pol_v5.0.2.AppImage: Permission denied error. Looking inside the container using a singularity shell command shows that the /opt/Mag2Pol_v5.0.2.AppImage executable belongs to root. I guess that it is the source of the problem but I do not know how to solve it. Would you have any idea ?

Unable to load Odoo 12 in browser after insllation via sh script

Hi I install odoo 12 in cloud-server in Ubuntu 18.04.3 (LTS) x64 using below script command
Download my installation script from Github and copy it locally:
sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Yenthe666/InstallScript/12.0/odoo_install.sh
Edit the file and modify the parameters that you'd like to change:
sudo nano odoo_install.sh
Tip: If you'd like the enterprise version you should set IS_ENTERPRISE to True instead of false.
3. Make the file executable:
sudo chmod +x odoo_install.sh
Execute the script and wait a few minutes for Odoo to install:
After installation i run command sudo service odoo-server start.
I check the status server is running and active.
But when i try to access in browser
Unable to connect
Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at
the standard binding of odoo is:
bind = ''
you might change this to, but i do not recommend such alike.
You will want to have e.g. nginx to upstream
to a real webserver e.g. nginx:
upstream odoo {
server; # for a web port socket (we'll use this first)
upstream odoo-chat {
I have a better solution that can be helpful to others.
I have just modified the existing script and it works like a charm.
I modified Yenthe Van Ginneken script
Change requirements libraries installation process.
Add new python libraries and modified specific versions of python libraries.
Change the npm install process.
# Script for installing Odoo on Ubuntu 14.04, 15.04, 16.04 and 18.04 (could be used for other version too)
# Author: Yenthe Van Ginneken
# Modified by: Shahid Raza
# This script will install Odoo on your Ubuntu 16.04 server. It can install multiple Odoo instances
# in one Ubuntu because of the different xmlrpc_ports
# Make a new file:
# sudo nano odoo-install.sh
# Place this content in it and then make the file executable:
# sudo chmod +x odoo-install.sh
# Execute the script to install Odoo:
# ./odoo-install
#OE_USER is your system user change name according your system
# The default port where this Odoo instance will run under (provided you use the command -c in the terminal)
# Set to true if you want to install it, false if you don't need it or have it already installed.
# Set the default Odoo port (you still have to use -c /etc/odoo-server.conf for example to use this.)
# Choose the Odoo version which you want to install. For example: 12.0, 11.0, 10.0 or saas-18. When using 'master' the master version will be installed.
# IMPORTANT! This script contains extra libraries that are specifically needed for Odoo 12.0
# Set this to True if you want to install the Odoo enterprise version!
# set the superadmin password
### WKHTMLTOPDF download links
## === Ubuntu Trusty x64 & x32 === (for other distributions please replace these two links,
## in order to have correct version of wkhtmltopdf installed, for a danger note refer to
## https://github.com/odoo/odoo/wiki/Wkhtmltopdf ):
# Update Server
echo -e "\n---- Update Server ----"
# add-apt-repository can install add-apt-repository Ubuntu 18.x
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
# universe package is for Ubuntu 18.x
sudo add-apt-repository universe
# libpng12-0 dependency for wkhtmltopdf
sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/ xenial main"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
# Install PostgreSQL Server
echo -e "\n---- Install PostgreSQL Server ----"
sudo apt-get install postgresql -y
echo -e "\n---- Creating the ODOO PostgreSQL User ----"
sudo su - postgres -c "createuser -s $OE_USER" 2> /dev/null || true
# Install Dependencies
echo -e "\n--- Installing Python 3 + pip3 --"
sudo apt-get install git python3 python3-pip build-essential wget python3-dev python3-venv python3-wheel libxslt-dev libzip-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev python3-setuptools node-less libpng12-0 gdebi -y
echo -e "\n---- Install python packages/requirements ----"
sudo pip3 install Babel
sudo pip3 install chardet
sudo pip3 install decorator
sudo pip3 install docutils
sudo pip3 install ebaysdk
sudo pip3 install feedparser
sudo pip3 install gevent
sudo pip3 install greenlet
sudo pip3 install html2text
sudo pip3 install Jinja2
sudo pip3 install lxml
sudo pip3 install Mako
sudo pip3 install MarkupSafe
sudo pip3 install mock
sudo pip3 install num2words
sudo pip3 install ofxparse
sudo pip3 install passlib
sudo pip3 install Pillow
sudo pip3 install psutil
sudo pip3 install psycopg2-binary
sudo pip3 install pydot
sudo pip3 install pyldap
sudo pip3 install pyparsing
sudo pip3 install PyPDF2
sudo pip3 install pyserial
sudo pip3 install python-dateutil
sudo pip3 install pytz
sudo pip3 install pyusb
sudo pip3 install qrcode
sudo pip3 install reportlab
sudo pip3 install requests
sudo pip3 install suds-jurko
sudo pip3 install vatnumber
sudo pip3 install vobject
sudo pip3 install Werkzeug==0.11.15
sudo pip3 install XlsxWriter
sudo pip3 install xlwt
sudo pip3 install xlrd
sudo pip3 install pypiwin32
sudo pip3 install libsass==0.12.3
echo -e "\n---- Installing nodeJS NPM and rtlcss for LTR support ----"
sudo apt-get install -y npm
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
sudo npm install -g less less-plugin-clean-css
sudo apt-get install -y node-less
# Install Wkhtmltopdf if needed
if [ $INSTALL_WKHTMLTOPDF = "True" ]; then
echo -e "\n---- Install wkhtml and place shortcuts on correct place for ODOO 12 ----"
#pick up correct one from x64 & x32 versions:
if [ "`getconf LONG_BIT`" == "64" ];then
sudo wget $_url
sudo gdebi --n `basename $_url`
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf /usr/bin
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltoimage /usr/bin
echo "Wkhtmltopdf isn't installed due to the choice of the user!"
echo -e "\n---- Create ODOO system user ----"
sudo adduser --system --quiet --shell=/bin/bash --home=$OE_HOME --gecos 'ODOO' --group $OE_USER
#The user should also be added to the sudo'ers group.
sudo adduser $OE_USER sudo
echo -e "\n---- Create Log directory ----"
sudo mkdir /var/log/$OE_USER
sudo chown $OE_USER:$OE_USER /var/log/$OE_USER
# Install ODOO
echo -e "\n==== Installing ODOO Server ===="
sudo git clone --depth 1 --branch $OE_VERSION https://www.github.com/odoo/odoo $OE_HOME_EXT/
if [ $IS_ENTERPRISE = "True" ]; then
# Odoo Enterprise install!
echo -e "\n--- Create symlink for node"
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
sudo su $OE_USER -c "mkdir $OE_HOME/enterprise"
sudo su $OE_USER -c "mkdir $OE_HOME/enterprise/addons"
GITHUB_RESPONSE=$(sudo git clone --depth 1 --branch $OE_VERSION https://www.github.com/odoo/enterprise "$OE_HOME/enterprise/addons" 2>&1)
while [[ $GITHUB_RESPONSE == *"Authentication"* ]]; do
echo "------------------------WARNING------------------------------"
echo "Your authentication with Github has failed! Please try again."
printf "In order to clone and install the Odoo enterprise version you \nneed to be an offical Odoo partner and you need access to\nhttp://github.com/odoo/enterprise.\n"
echo "TIP: Press ctrl+c to stop this script."
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------"
echo " "
GITHUB_RESPONSE=$(sudo git clone --depth 1 --branch $OE_VERSION https://www.github.com/odoo/enterprise "$OE_HOME/enterprise/addons" 2>&1)
echo -e "\n---- Added Enterprise code under $OE_HOME/enterprise/addons ----"
echo -e "\n---- Installing Enterprise specific libraries ----"
sudo pip3 install num2words ofxparse
sudo npm install -g less
sudo npm install -g less-plugin-clean-css
echo -e "\n---- Create custom module directory ----"
sudo su $OE_USER -c "mkdir $OE_HOME/custom"
sudo su $OE_USER -c "mkdir $OE_HOME/custom/addons"
echo -e "\n---- Setting permissions on home folder ----"
sudo chown -R $OE_USER:$OE_USER $OE_HOME/*
echo -e "* Create server config file"
sudo touch /etc/${OE_CONFIG}.conf
echo -e "* Creating server config file"
sudo su root -c "printf '[options] \n; This is the password that allows database operations:\n' >> /etc/${OE_CONFIG}.conf"
sudo su root -c "printf 'admin_passwd = ${OE_SUPERADMIN}\n' >> /etc/${OE_CONFIG}.conf"
sudo su root -c "printf 'xmlrpc_port = ${OE_PORT}\n' >> /etc/${OE_CONFIG}.conf"
sudo su root -c "printf 'logfile = /var/log/${OE_USER}/${OE_CONFIG}.log\n' >> /etc/${OE_CONFIG}.conf"
if [ $IS_ENTERPRISE = "True" ]; then
sudo su root -c "printf 'addons_path=${OE_HOME}/enterprise/addons,${OE_HOME_EXT}/addons\n' >> /etc/${OE_CONFIG}.conf"
sudo su root -c "printf 'addons_path=${OE_HOME_EXT}/addons,${OE_HOME}/custom/addons\n' >> /etc/${OE_CONFIG}.conf"
sudo chown $OE_USER:$OE_USER /etc/${OE_CONFIG}.conf
sudo chmod 640 /etc/${OE_CONFIG}.conf
echo -e "* Create startup file"
sudo su root -c "echo '#!/bin/sh' >> $OE_HOME_EXT/start.sh"
sudo su root -c "echo 'sudo -u $OE_USER $OE_HOME_EXT/openerp-server --config=/etc/${OE_CONFIG}.conf' >> $OE_HOME_EXT/start.sh"
sudo chmod 755 $OE_HOME_EXT/start.sh
# Adding ODOO as a deamon (initscript)
echo -e "* Create init file"
cat <<EOF > ~/$OE_CONFIG
# Provides: $OE_CONFIG
# Required-Start: \$remote_fs \$syslog
# Required-Stop: \$remote_fs \$syslog
# Should-Start: \$network
# Should-Stop: \$network
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Enterprise Business Applications
# Description: ODOO Business Applications
# Specify the user name (Default: odoo).
# Specify an alternate config file (Default: /etc/openerp-server.conf).
# pidfile
# Additional options that are passed to the Daemon.
[ -x \$DAEMON ] || exit 0
[ -f \$CONFIGFILE ] || exit 0
checkpid() {
[ -f \$PIDFILE ] || return 1
pid=\`cat \$PIDFILE\`
[ -d /proc/\$pid ] && return 0
return 1
case "\${1}" in
echo -n "Starting \${DESC}: "
start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile \$PIDFILE \
--chuid \$USER --background --make-pidfile \
--exec \$DAEMON -- \$DAEMON_OPTS
echo "\${NAME}."
echo -n "Stopping \${DESC}: "
start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile \$PIDFILE \
echo "\${NAME}."
echo -n "Restarting \${DESC}: "
start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile \$PIDFILE \
sleep 1
start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile \$PIDFILE \
--chuid \$USER --background --make-pidfile \
--exec \$DAEMON -- \$DAEMON_OPTS
echo "\${NAME}."
echo "Usage: \$NAME {start|stop|restart|force-reload}" >&2
exit 1
exit 0
echo -e "* Security Init File"
sudo mv ~/$OE_CONFIG /etc/init.d/$OE_CONFIG
sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/$OE_CONFIG
sudo chown root: /etc/init.d/$OE_CONFIG
echo -e "* Start ODOO on Startup"
sudo update-rc.d $OE_CONFIG defaults
echo -e "* Starting Odoo Service"
sudo su root -c "/etc/init.d/$OE_CONFIG start"
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Done! The Odoo server is up and running. Specifications:"
echo "Port: $OE_PORT"
echo "User service: $OE_USER"
echo "User PostgreSQL: $OE_USER"
echo "Code location: $OE_USER"
echo "Addons folder: $OE_USER/$OE_CONFIG/addons/"
echo "Start Odoo service: sudo service $OE_CONFIG start"
echo "Stop Odoo service: sudo service $OE_CONFIG stop"
echo "Restart Odoo service: sudo service $OE_CONFIG restart"
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"

Crystal installation on WSL fails

I'm following the current crystal installation docs, my installation stops at the first moment and give the error:
gpg: connecting dirmngr at '/tmp/apt-key-gpghome.4GKHZljOFL/S.dirmngr' failed: IPC connect call failed
gpg: keyserver receive failed: No dirmngr
I've already installed dirmngr.
First of all, you need to remove crystal.list from sources directory to install from start manually.
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/crystal.list
And then:
curl -s "https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x09617FD37CC06B54" | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb https://dist.crystal-lang.org/apt crystal main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/crystal.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install crystal

What is the equivalent of apt-key in yum?

I am following a tutorial that can be found here to set up a headless selenium scraper on an ec2 instance:
The tutorial I am using seems to assume an ubuntu distro whereas the ec2 instance I am using is an AWS AMI. As such apt-get is not available to me and instead I use yum to install things.
The first step of the installation process is the following:
wget -q -O - "https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub" | sudo apt-key add -
When I do this I get the following, to be expected error on my AWS AMI instance:
sudo: apt-key: command not found
I was wondering what the equivalent command would be without using apt, apt-get, or apt-key but instead using yum. I have blindly tried the following but they did not work:
wget -q -O - "https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub" | sudo yum add -
wget -q -O - "https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub" | sudo yum-key add -
Below is from an article on Baeldung which I think answers this questions properly:
Adding a repository in YUM is a manual operation, which consists in creating a file with the .repo extension under the folder /etc/yum.repos.d.
The file must contain all the information about the custom repository that we are connecting to.
Let’s try adding the AdoptOpenJDK repository:
# /etc/yum.repos.d/adoptopenjdk.repo
baseurl=http://adoptopenjdk.jfrog.io/adoptopenjdk/rpm/centos/7/$(uname -m)
In APT, though, things are quite different. The GPG key of the repository must be downloaded and added to the APT keyring with apt-key add:
wget -qO - https://adoptopenjdk.jfrog.io/adoptopenjdk/api/gpg/key/public | sudo apt-key add -
Then, at this point, the repository can be added through add-apt-repository –yes followed by the URL:
add-apt-repository --yes https://adoptopenjdk.jfrog.io/adoptopenjdk/deb/
Contrary to YUM, all the repositories are saved in a single file,
Add the repo and then import the repo GPG key
sudo wget -o /etc/yum.repos.d/reponame.repo <repo url>
sudo rpm --import <key url>
yum repolist

Mosquitto Auth Plugin with Openssl issue on raspberry pi

I have first created a user for mosquitto:
sudo adduser --system -no-create-home mosquitto
Then I installed some dependencies:
sudo apt-get install libc-ares-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libmysqlclient-dev
Then I installed mosquitto:
wget http://mosquitto.org/files/source/mosquitto-1.3.5.tar.gz //download mosquitto-1.3.5
tar xvzf mosquitto-1.3.5.tar.gz //unzip tar file
Then cd mosquitto-1.3.5
Then I put config.mk in edit mode using
sudo nano config.mk
Then I searched for SRV by pressing Ctrl + W
Changed With_SRV:=no
Ctrl + O followed by Enter to save
Ctrl + X to exit out of file
Now I need to install Openssl to build mosquitto.
So I installed Openssl using this command:
wget http://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.0c.tar.gz
Download md5 file to generate md5 code
wget http://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.0c.tar.gz.md5
Generate md5sum
md5sum openssl-1.0.0c.tar.gz
Generate md5 code
cat openssl-1.0.0c.tar.gz.md5
if both code matches than we have downloaded the file completely
unzip the tar file
tar -xvzf openssl-1.1.0c.tar.gz 54. cd openssl-1.1.0c
Configure the openssl before compiling it
./config --prefix=/usr/local/openssl --openssldir=/usr/local/openssl
Compile openssl
Install Openssl
sudo make install
The above line gives error, so the below line of code:
sudo make install_sw
Verify if openssl was installed successfully
/usr/local/openssl/bin/openssl version //get the version number of openssl
Come out of the directory and go to the directory of mosquitto:
cd mosquitto-1.3.5
Install another dependency of mosquitto
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
Compile Mosquitto
sudo make
Install Mosquitto:
sudo make install
download mosquitto auth plugin from github
git clone https://github.com/jpmens/mosquitto-auth-plug.git
Download hiredis
git clone https://github.com/redis/hiredis.git
Go to hiredis directory and compile it and install it
cd hiredis
sudo make install
Go to mosquitto auth plugin directory
cd mosquitto-1.3.5
cd mosquitto-auth-plug
Copy the contents of config.mk.in to config.mk
cp config.mk.in config.mk
Open config.mk in edit mode
sudo nano config.mk
Change these lines of code:
MOSQUITTO_SRC = /home/pi/mosquitto-1.3.5
OPENSSLDIR = /usr/local/openssl
Save the file and come out of it
Ctrl + O followed by Enter then
Ctrl + X to exit
Then I try to compile mosquitto-auth-plug:
At this time I get this error:
Selected backends: MySQL
Using mosquitto source dir: /home/pi/mosquitto-1.3.5
OpenSSL install dir: /usr/local/openssl
If you changed the backend selection, you might need to 'make clean' first
CFLAGS: -I/home/pi/mosquitto-1.3.5/src/ -I/home/pi/mosquitto-1.3.5/lib/ -fPIC -Wall -Werror -DBE_MYSQL -I/usr/include/mysql -DBIG_JOINS=1 -fno-strict-aliasing -g -DNDEBUG -I/src -DDEBUG=1 -I/usr/local/openssl/include
LDFLAGS: -L/home/pi/mosquitto-1.3.5/lib/
LDADD: -L/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf -lmysqlclient -lpthread -lz -lm -ldl -L/usr/local/openssl/lib -lcrypto -lmosquitto
cc -I/home/pi/mosquitto-1.3.5/src/ -I/home/pi/mosquitto-1.3.5/lib/ -fPIC -Wall -Werror -DBE_MYSQL `mysql_config --cflags` -I/src -DDEBUG=1 -I/usr/local/openssl/include -c -o cache.o cache.c
cache.c: In function ‘sha_hash’:
cache.c:48:3: error: implicit declaration of function ‘EVP_MD_CTX_new’ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]
EVP_MD_CTX *mdctx = EVP_MD_CTX_new();
cache.c:48:23: error: initialization makes pointer from integer without a cast [-Werror]
EVP_MD_CTX *mdctx = EVP_MD_CTX_new();
cache.c:53:3: error: implicit declaration of function ‘EVP_MD_CTX_free’ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]
cc1: all warnings being treated as errors
<builtin>: recipe for target 'cache.o' failed
make: *** [cache.o] Error 1
So, I removed openssl-1.0.0c and installed openssl-1.1.0c version
Then compiling of mosquitto-auth-plug is done successfully
Then move the files as follows:
sudo mv auth-plug.so /etc/mosquitto
sudo mv /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf.example /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
edit mosquitto .conf file
sudo nano /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
Press Ctrl + W to search
search for auth_plugin and write below mentioned commands after the second occurance of auth_plugin
auth_plugin /etc/mosquitto/auth-plug.so
auth_opt_backends mysql
auth_opt_redis_host localhost
auth_opt_redis_port 12885
auth_opt_host localhost
auth_opt_port 3306
auth_opt_dbname HAC
auth_opt_user mqtt_user
auth_opt_pass ###YOUR_PASSWORD###
auth_opt_userquery SELECT pw FROM mqtt_users WHERE username = '%s'
auth_opt_superquery SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mqtt_users WHERE username = '%s' AND super = 1
auth_opt_aclquery SELECT topic FROM mqtt_acls WHERE (username = '%s') AND (rw >= %d)
auth_opt_anonusername AnonymouS
Then save the file by presssing Ctrl + O and then Enter
To exit out of the file press Ctrl + X
Then when I run this command:
/usr/local/sbin/mosquitto -c /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
I get the following error:
1486888881: mosquitto version 1.3.5 (build date 2017-02-11 22:22:57+0000) starting
1486888881: Config loaded from /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf.
1486888881: Error: Unable to load auth plugin "/etc/mosquitto/auth-plug.so".
Can anybody help me please?
I have already wasted 4 days in searching a solution of this error.
I have uninstalled mosquitto and installed its latest version. Still getting the same error but its more descriptive this time. Now it says:
mosquitto version 1.4.10 (build date 2017-02-13 22:22:57+0000) starting
Config loaded from /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf.
Error: Unable to load auth plugin "/etc/mosquitto/auth-plug.so".
Load Error: /etc/mosquitto/auth-plug.so: Undefined Symbol: EVP_MD_CTX_reset