What is the equivalent of apt-key in yum? - yum

I am following a tutorial that can be found here to set up a headless selenium scraper on an ec2 instance:
The tutorial I am using seems to assume an ubuntu distro whereas the ec2 instance I am using is an AWS AMI. As such apt-get is not available to me and instead I use yum to install things.
The first step of the installation process is the following:
wget -q -O - "https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub" | sudo apt-key add -
When I do this I get the following, to be expected error on my AWS AMI instance:
sudo: apt-key: command not found
I was wondering what the equivalent command would be without using apt, apt-get, or apt-key but instead using yum. I have blindly tried the following but they did not work:
wget -q -O - "https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub" | sudo yum add -
wget -q -O - "https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub" | sudo yum-key add -

Below is from an article on Baeldung which I think answers this questions properly:
Adding a repository in YUM is a manual operation, which consists in creating a file with the .repo extension under the folder /etc/yum.repos.d.
The file must contain all the information about the custom repository that we are connecting to.
Let’s try adding the AdoptOpenJDK repository:
# /etc/yum.repos.d/adoptopenjdk.repo
baseurl=http://adoptopenjdk.jfrog.io/adoptopenjdk/rpm/centos/7/$(uname -m)
In APT, though, things are quite different. The GPG key of the repository must be downloaded and added to the APT keyring with apt-key add:
wget -qO - https://adoptopenjdk.jfrog.io/adoptopenjdk/api/gpg/key/public | sudo apt-key add -
Then, at this point, the repository can be added through add-apt-repository –yes followed by the URL:
add-apt-repository --yes https://adoptopenjdk.jfrog.io/adoptopenjdk/deb/
Contrary to YUM, all the repositories are saved in a single file,

Add the repo and then import the repo GPG key
sudo wget -o /etc/yum.repos.d/reponame.repo <repo url>
sudo rpm --import <key url>
yum repolist


How to install debug symbols for libc++ on Ubuntu?

How to install debug symbols for libc++ on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS?
Right now I'm having to resort to compile everything with -fstandalone-debug.
I was looking for the same thing starting yesterday and today found this wiki link:
add the sources for their debug symbol packages
echo "deb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com $(lsb_release -cs) main restricted universe multiverse
deb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com $(lsb_release -cs)-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com $(lsb_release -cs)-proposed main restricted universe multiverse" | \
sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ddebs.list
import the signing key for said packages
sudo apt install ubuntu-dbgsym-keyring
update your package list to include the new ones
sudo apt-get update
now you can install *-dbgsym packages, I found which libc++ package I had installed like so:
apt list --installed | grep libc++
I had libc++1-11. I checked that the -dbgsym package existed brutishly like so:
sudo apt search libc++ | grep -P 'libc\+\+.*dbgsym'
And of course installed the one I needed:
sudo apt install libc++1-11-dbgsym
I got a hint at the right solution from the final comment in this thread: https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=24202

Installing kubectl

Iam getting a message as No package kubectl available while installing kubectl
I have followed the documentation mentioned here
for CentOS VERSION="7 (Core)" , Linux kernel version = 3.10.0-862.14.4.el7.x8
cat <<EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/kubernetes.repo
yum search kubectl
yum install -y kubectl
when it is executing the command yum search kubectl it is giving the following logs
yum -y search kubectl
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, ovl
Determining fastest mirrors
* base: mirror.ancl.hawaii.edu
* epel: fedora-epel.mirrors.tds.net
* extras: centos-distro.1gservers.com
* updates: centos.mirror.lstn.net
Retrieving key from https://packages.cloud.google.com/yum/doc/yum-key.gpg
Importing GPG key 0x.......(some value):
Userid : "Google Cloud Packages RPM Signing Key <gc-team#google.com>"
Fingerprint: xxxx xxxx ... (some value)
From : https://packages.cloud.google.com/yum/doc/yum-key.gpg
Retrieving key from https://packages.cloud.google.com/yum/doc/rpm-package-key.gpg
=============================== Matched: kubectl ===============================
kubernetes-client.x86_64 : Kubernetes client tools
$ yum install -y kubectl
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, ovl
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: mirror.ancl.hawaii.edu
* epel: fedora-epel.mirrors.tds.net
* extras: centos-distro.1gservers.com
* updates: centos.mirror.lstn.net
No package kubectl available.
Error: Nothing to do
I think it is not retrieving the key from "https://packages.cloud.google.com/yum/doc/rpm-package-key.gpg"
The package is clearly available from that repository, so we just need to check your configuration to make sure we can install it.
<package pkgid="3d5dd3e6a783afcd660f9954dec3999efa7e498cac2c14d63725fafa1b264f14" name="kubectl" arch="x86_64"><version epoch="0" ver="1.15.0" rel="0"/><file>/usr/bin/kubectl</file></package>
Source: https://packages.cloud.google.com/yum/repos/kubernetes-el7-x86_64/repodata/filelists.xml
I would first check that A)/etc/yum.repos.d/kubernetes.repo actually exists, and B) that the contents match, i.e., via cat /etc/yum.repos.d/kubernetes.repo.
Next, both of the commands below can be used to search for the kubectl package.
# Using search
yum search kubectl
# Using grep
yum list | grep kubectl
For importing the GPG key for use with yum, see the following answer:
Try with this:
cat <<EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/kubernetes.repo
setenforce 0
yum install -y kubelet kubeadm kubectl
You may also try to install a specific version by executing: yum install -y kubelet-<version> kubectl-<version> kubeadm-<version>
Always make sure your versions satisfy dependency requirements.
If you have some older versions, uninstall them first.
You may also consider using kubeadm init.
Please let me know if that helped.
Ideally it should work with kubernetes.repo file also but it didn't work in my case. So installed using below steps from the official documentation and it was successful.
curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/v1.15.0/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl
chmod +x ./kubectl
sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

I would like to set up rfc5766-turn-server in Ubuntu 14.04, can anyone give me the set of steps listed all together ? I am doing it in AWS EC2

I have tried to install and set up rfc5766-turn-server in AWS EC2 but unable to do it as I do not see a proper flow of work or command line for that, can someone help me about this ? I need to set it up in Ubuntu 14.04
do an ssh login to your ec2 instance, then run the below commands for installing and starting the turn server.
commands for installing turnserver:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install make gcc libssl-dev libevent-dev wget -y # for installing modules required by turn server
mkdir ~/turn && cd ~/turn # creating temp directory
wget turnserver.open-sys.org/downloads/v3.2.5.9/turnserver- # downloading the TURN source code
tar -zxvf *.gz # extract
cd turn*
sudo make install # installing the rfc5766
cd ../.. && rm -rf turn # cleaning up
command for starting the TURN server:
turnserver -a -o -v -n -u user:root -p 3478 -L INT_IP -r someRealm -X EXT_IP/INT_IP
your ip, internal ip = EXT_IP, INT_IP
desired port for listening: 3478
single credential username:password = user:root
realm: someRealm
in your WebRTC app, you can use trun server like:
url: 'turn:user#EXT_IP:3478',
credential: 'root'

How to use Couchbase 3.0+ for tests in Travis

I need to know how to make couchbase 3.0.+ work in a Travis context.
I have been able to start a Couchbase 2.0 on a Travis context but the 3.0.+ does not seem to actually start (the service daemon on linux says it is started but netstat does not find the web console on port 8091 but the bucket interface is running on 8092, the java-sdk cannot use it).
Here is the script I have tried using in my .travis.yml
- sudo wget -O/etc/apt/sources.list.d/couchbase.list http://packages.couchbase.com/ubuntu/couchbase-ubuntu1204.list
- sudo wget http://packages.couchbase.com/ubuntu/couchbase.key && sudo cat couchbase.key
| sudo apt-key add -
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install libcouchbase2 libcouchbase-dev
- sudo wget http://packages.couchbase.com/releases/3.0.2/couchbase-server-enterprise_3.0.2-ubuntu12.04_amd64.deb
- sudo dpkg -i couchbase-server-enterprise_3.0.2-ubuntu12.04_amd64.deb
- sudo service couchbase-server restart
- /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli cluster-init -c --cluster-username=Administrator --cluster-password=password --cluster-ramsize=512
PS: I know Travis instances are only 3GB but the couchbase doc do mention that it can run on 1GB ... I have not been able to find instructions on how to achieve that.

how to configure gearmand with libdrizzle on linux?

I have been trying to work with persistent job queues of gearman. When I try to use libdrizzle like-
gearmand -q libdrizzle --libdrizzle-host= --libdrizzle-user=gearman --libdrizzle-password=secret --libdrizzle-db=some_db --libdrizzle-table=gearman_queue --libdrizzle-mysql
It gives me error like-
gearmand: unknown option libdrizzle-host
Also a strange thing is that when I do man gearmand it does not have the libdrizzle options. What should I do? I want the persistent queues in mysql. I had tried using gearman_udf_mysql but it did not work too. I have posted the problem. see Where does mysql save the path for gearman mysql udf files?
Gearman must be compiled with libdrizzle/mysql support. You can check if it's been compiled in by running the command gearmand --help or on older versions man gearmand.
If libdrizzle/mysql support is available, you will see the Drizzle/Mysql options in the help. If it's not there, you will need to recompile gearmand. Here are the commands to install Gearman 1.1.12 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (tested on a clean Vagrant precise64 box):
vagrant#precise64:~$ sudo apt-get update
vagrant#precise64:~$ sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev gperf libevent-dev uuid-dev libmysqld-dev
vagrant#precise64:~$ wget https://launchpad.net/gearmand/1.2/1.1.12/+download/gearmand-1.1.12.tar.gz
vagrant#precise64:~$ tar zxvf gearmand-1.1.12.tar.gz
vagrant#precise64:~$ cd gearmand-1.1.12/
vagrant#precise64:~/gearmand-1.1.12$ ./configure
At this point, look for the following lines at the end of the ./configure output, which indicates Mysql support is installed:
* Building with libdrizzle yes
* Building with libmysql yes
Then continue with the installation:
vagrant#precise64:~/gearmand-1.1.12$ make
vagrant#precise64:~/gearmand-1.1.12$ sudo make install
Gearmand is now configured with libdrizzle and will store jobs in a Mysql database.