Having trouble creating dynamic SKU's on liquid code in shopify - dynamic

Hi im having trouble trying to make an img src change number(sku) dynamically based on which product i have selected. - its a bit difficult when i dont have access to the base HTML and only liquid code and templates.
(see screenshot 1)
I need help with creating a codestring that makes the SKU=(number) dynamic - so that it changes the SKU based on what product i have selected on the website.
So that if i select product A it becomes sku=productA
and if i select product B it becomes sku=productB
I hope someone can help.
Kind Regards Alexander
I tried putting in all the SKU's with , in between. and that didnt work

If you are in the product page you should be able to use {{ current_variant.sku }} to dynamically show the SKU in the src.


Showing different price on category page and single product page in variable product in bigcommerce

Showing different price on category page and single product page in variable product in bigcommerce. I just want to show the lowest price on category page.
This is the category page: https://hilineelectronics.com/portable-audio/. In the first product price is showing $112.99 and after checking it quick view and single product page it is showing $83.99. I want $83.99 (varibale amount) amount there.
How can we do this? Any variable or code for this?
Thanks in advance.
Go to your CategoryProductsItem.html check the code
<em class="p-price">%%GLOBAL_ProductPrice%%</em>
Is there %%GLOBAL_ProductPrice%% call same or different with product details page.
<span class="ProductPrice VariationProductPrice">%%GLOBAL_ProductPrice%%</span>
Compare both files global varriable.
The second way makes the backup and of the files and then revert it to the original.

How to extract full prices with scrapy?

Hi i am trying to scrap e-commerce page, but cant get prices.
I have page with this lines:
<span class="price">255,<sup>99</sup>€</span>
<span class="price">255 €</span>
But i can't extracts all price to one line.
I tried:
But it ignores text in <sup> tag...
What i am doing wrong? please help.
You need to add another slash before text. So it addresses ALL nodes.
You should put double splash instead of single one.
This statement returns all text under the specified tag as list object.
Note that the returned list may have some useless elements just like empty or return carriage character.
So you can use regex if you want extract only price information.
The currency symbol was ignored.
Finally if you want get 255.99 from the page
You get all products first.
Final code:
products = response.xpath('//*[#class="catalog-table"]//td')
for prod in products:
price = ''.join(prod.xpath('//span[#class="price"][1]//text()').re(r'[\d.,]+')).replace(",",".")
print price
Check source HTML. There is in the source:
I was searching for the same question for the whole day and find this answer perfect for this

Shopify: Filtering collections by custom filter

I'm new with liquid and ruby, but I would like to create a custom filter in a collection, to filter by metafields. I already have:
A dropdown in the collection.liquid, with the values I would like to filter for.
When selecting a filter, it goes to a link like: https://myshop.myshopify.com/collections/my-collection/my-filter . Basically it is like the tags, but with my filter instead
However, since it is a custom filter and not a tag, I get no results. I'm wondering where is the query that displays all the products (or filters) is in the code. I know that it depends on the theme, but I'm using the default theme: launchpad-star.
Not sure if I could do it this way or with a link like: https://myshop.myshopify.com/collections/my-collection?filter_by=my-filter , in which case, I would also need where should the logic go.
I've looked at the forums already and found two closed tickets with no responses: https://ecommerce.shopify.com/c/ecommerce-design/t/using-metafields-to-create-filter-drop-downs-in-collection-liquid-187513 and https://ecommerce.shopify.com/c/ecommerce-design/t/using-metafields-to-create-filter-drop-downs-in-collection-liquid-134401 .
Thanks in advance
Probably not the best solution, but this is what I did to solve the problem:
I changed to the second option of the url, so when a user selects an option in the combobox, it is sent to a URL like: myshop.myshopify.com/collections/my-collection?filter_by=my-filter
In product-grid-item.liquid, I'm getting the metafield value of the product and displaying it as a class, and hide all the products as default. In the collection.liquid I read with javascript the value of the parameter (filter_by) and remove the "hide" class of the products with the value of the filter_by as class, so it gets displayed.
I feel that it is not very clean, but it is working as expected. Problems with this solution:
* Not displaying all the products and then filtering them
* I need to display all the products to avoid pagination, which could be a big problem if I have a lot of products.
If anyone could post a better solution, welcome!.

In Shopify, am i able to change the display of variants title?

my variants title is “pack/4 bottles:4/PK”
“4/PK” is needed for shipping company to catch specific item.
However, it looks ugly when "4/PK" is displayed on page
Is there a way to hide it? Which liquid template should i touch?
Should I use
where should i put this code?
While this sounds more like something that should be assigned as an option for your variants instead of in the title, you can hide the part of the variants title that you don't want via using split and first
split can be used to split a string (in this case your variant.title) into an array based on a set delimiter to divide it.
So you could do something only the lines of
{{variant.title | split: ':' | first }}
In your case, the output of the above would be: pack/4 bottles.
As for which liquid templates you will need to edit this into ... it will depend on your store. However some common areas would be:
I highly recommend you read the the shopify liquid documents Here
Also, make sure to make a backup theme before doing any liquid changes in your theme that you are unsure of.
Hope this helps!

Getting product's tags in Prestashop

I'm new to Prestashop and I'm really struggling with it. The lack of a good documentation is a really disadvantage ans sometimes I fell like trying Magento or something like that.
Anyway, I'm trying to make a product page display a info ONLY if that product is tagged with a certain tag. I've searched for about 3 hours all over internet but couldn't find anything that solved this issue.
How can I do it? Could any of you guys please gimme a direction?
BTW, I'm using 1.5
if you use prestashop 1.5 you need
//this is your prooduct id that you get it from your url
//the you use it to return all of your tags of this product with this id product
//but this return two array for example: array(array(tags))
$productTags =Tag::getProductTags($id_product);
//add this code return array(tags) ;
you can look inside the Product class. For example: Tag::getProductTags($id_product) function