awk does not get multiple matches in a line with match - awk

AWK has the match(s, r [, a]) function which according to the manual is capable of recording all occuring patterns into array "a":
...If array a is provided, a is cleared and then elements 1 through n are filled with the portions of s that match the corresponding parenthesized subexpression in r. The 0'th element of a contains the portion of s matched by the entire regular expression r. Subscripts a[n, "start"], and a[n, "length"] provide the starting index in the string and length respectively, of EACH matching substring.
I expect that the following line:
echo 123412341234 | awk '{match($0,"1",arr); print arr[0] arr[1] arr[2];)'
prints 111
But in fact "match" ignores all other matches except the first one.
Could please someone tell me please what is the proper syntax here to populate "arr" with all occurrences of "1"?

match only finds first match and stops there. You will have to run match in a loop or else use this way where we use split input on anything this is not 1:
echo '123412341234' | awk -F '[^1]+' '{print $1 $2 $3}'
Or using split in gnu-awk:
echo '123412341234' | awk 'split($0, a, /1/, m) {print m[1] m[2] m[3]}'

I would harness GNU AWK patsplit function for that task following way, let file.txt content be
awk '{patsplit($0,arr,"1");print arr[1] arr[2] arr[3]}' file.txt
gives output
Explanation: patsplit is function which allows you to get similar effect to using FPAT variable, it does put all matches of 3rd argument into array provided as 2nd argument (clearing it if is not empty) found in string provided as 1st argument. Observe that 1st finding does goes under key 1, 2nd under 2, 3rd under 3 and so on (there is nothing under 0)
(tested in GNU Awk 5.0.1)

If sub is allowed then you can do a substitution here. Try following awk code once.
awk '{gsub(/[^1]+/,"")} 1' Input_file

patsplit() is basically same as wrapping the desired regex pattern with a custom pair of SEPs before splitting, which is what anysplit() is emulating here, while being UTF-8 friendly.
echo "123\uC350abc:\uF8FF:|\U1F921#xyz" |
mawk2x '{ print ("\t\f"($0)"\n")>>(STDERR)
anysplit($_, reFLEX_UCode8 "|[[-_!-/3-?]",___=2,__)
for(_ in __) { if (!(_%___)) {
printf(" matched_items[ %2d ] = # %-2d = \42%s\42\n",
} } } END { printf(ORS) }'
matched_items[ 2 ] = # 1 = "3썐"
matched_items[ 4 ] = # 2 = "::"
matched_items[ 6 ] = # 3 = "🤡#"
In the background, anysplit() is nothing all that complicated either :
xs3pFS is a 3-byte string of \301\032\365 that I assumed would be extremely rare to show up even in binary data.
gsub(patRE, xs3pFS ((pat=="&")?"\\":"") "&" xs3pFS,_)
gsub(xs3pFS "("xs3pFS")+", "",_)
return split(_, ar8, xs3pFS)
By splitting the input string in this manner, all the desired items would exist in even-numbered array indices, while the rest of the string would be distributed along odd-numbered indices,
somewhat similar to the 2nd array i.e. 4th argument in gawk's split() and patsplit() for the seps, but difference being that both the matches and the seps, whichever way you want to see them, are in the same array.
When you print out every cell in the array, you'll see :
_SEPS_[ 1 ] = # 1 = "123"
[ 2 ] = # 1 = "썐"
_SEPS_[ 3 ] = # 2 = "abc"
[ 4 ] = # 2 = "::"
_SEPS_[ 5 ] = # 3 = "|"
[ 6 ] = # 3 = "🤡#"
_SEPS_[ 7 ] = # 4 = "xyz"


How to return 0 if awk returns null from processing an expression?

I currently have a awk method to parse through whether or not an expression output contains more than one line. If it does, it aggregates and prints the sum. For example:
might be the one-liner where it DOESN'T yield any information. Then,
echo "$someexpression" | awk '
NR>1 {a[$4]++}
for (i in a) {
printf "%d\n", a[i]
this will yield NULL or an empty return. Instead, I would like to have it return a numeric value of $0$ if empty. How can I modify the above to do this?
Nothing in UNIX "returns" anything (despite the unfortunately named keyword for setting the exit status of a function), everything (tools, functions, scripts) outputs X and exits with status Y.
Consider these 2 identical functions named foo(), one in C and one in shell:
C (x=foo() means set x to the return code of foo()):
foo() {
printf "7\n"; // this is outputting 7 from the full program
return 3; // this is returning 3 from this function
x=foo(); <- 7 is output on screen and x has value '3'
shell (x=foo means set x to the output of foo()):
foo() {
printf "7\n"; # this is outputting 7 from just this function
return 3; # this is setting this functions exit status to 3
x=foo <- nothing is output on screen, x has value '7', and '$?' has value '3'
Note that what the return statement does is vastly different in each. Within an awk script, printing and return codes from functions behave the same as they do in C but in terms of a call to the awk tool, externally it behaves the same as every other UNIX tool and shell script and produces output and sets an exit status.
So when discussing anything in UNIX avoid using the term "return" as it's imprecise and ambiguous and so different people will think you mean "output" while others think you mean "exit status".
In this case I assume you mean "output" BUT you should instead consider setting a non-zero exit status when there's no match like grep does, e.g.:
echo "$someexpression" | awk '
NR>1 {a[$4]++}
for (i in a) {
print a[i]
exit (NR < 2)
and then your code that uses the above can test for the success/fail exit status rather than testing for a specific output value, just like if you were doing the equivalent with grep.
You can of course tweak the above to:
echo "$someexpression" | awk '
NR>1 {a[$4]++}
if ( NR > 1 ) {
for (i in a) {
print a[i]
else {
print "$0$"
exit 1
if necessary and then you have both a specific output value and a success/fail exit status.
You may keep a flag inside for loop to detect whether loop has executed or not:
echo "$someexpression" |
awk 'NR>1 {
for (i in a) {
p = 1
printf "%d\n", a[i]
if (!p)
print "$0$"

gsub for substituting translations not working

I have a dictionary dict with records separated by ":" and data fields by new lines, for example:
Now I want awk to substitute all occurrences of each record in the input
file, eg
My first awk script looked like this and works just fine:
BEGIN { RS = ":" ; FS = "\n"}
NR == FNR {
rep[$1] = $2
for (key in rep)
giving me:
Unfortunately another dict file contains some character used by regular expressions, so I have to substitute escape characters in my script. By moving key and rep[key] into a string (which can then be parsed for escape characters), the script will only substitute the second record in the dict. Why? And how to solve?
Here's the current second part of the script:
for (key in rep)
gsub(/[\]\[^$.*?+{}\\()|]/, "\\\\&", orig)
All scripts are run by awk -f translate.awk dict input
Thanks in advance!
Your fundamental problem is using strings in regexp and backreference contexts when you don't want them and then trying to escape the metacharacters in your strings to disable the characters that you're enabling by using them in those contexts. If you want strings, use them in string contexts, that's all.
You won't want this:
You want something more like this:
index(...,string) substr(string)
I think this is what you're trying to do:
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN { FS = ":" }
NR == FNR {
if ( NR%2 ) {
key = $2
else {
rep[key] = $0
for ( key in rep ) {
head = ""
tail = $0
while ( start = index(tail,key) ) {
head = head substr(tail,1,start-1) rep[key]
tail = substr(tail,start+length(key))
$0 = head tail
$ awk -f tst.awk dict file
Never mind for asking....
Just some missing parentheses...?!
for (key in rep)
gsub(/[\]\[^$.*?+{}\\()|]/, "\\\\&", orig)
works like a charm.

How to remove space and the specific character in string - awk

Below is a input.
!{ID=34, ID2=35}
!{ID=99, ID2=23}
!{ID=18, ID2=87}
I am trying to make a final result like as following. That is, wanted to remove space,'{' and '}' character and check if the next line is '>' or '<'.
In fact, the input above is repeated. I also need to parse '>' and '<' character so I will put the parsed string(YES or NO) into database.
So, with 'sub' function I thought I can replace the space with blank but the result shows:
Can you let me know what is wrong?
If possible, teach me how to remove '{' and '}' as well.
Appreciated if you could show me the awk file version instead of one-liner.
/!/ { VALUES = gsub(" ", "", $0);
if ($1 == ">") L_EXIST = "YES";
else if ($1 == "<") R_EXIST = "YES";
Given your sample input:
$ cat file
!{ID=34, ID2=35}
!{ID=99, ID2=23}
!{ID=18, ID2=87}
This script produces the desired output:
BEGIN { FS="[}{=, ]+"; RS="!" }
NR > 1 { printf "ID=%d,ID=%d#%s\n", $3, $5, ($6==">"?"YES#NO":"NO#YES") }
The Field Separator is set to consume the spaces and other characters between the parts of the line that you're interested in. The Record Separator is set to !, so that each pair of lines is treated as a single record.
The first record is empty (the start of the first line, up to the first !), so we only process the ones after that. The output is constructed using printf, with a ternary to determine the last part (I assume that there are only two options, > or <).
Let's say you have this input:
!{ID=34, ID2=35}
!{ID=36, ID2=37}
You can use the following awk command
awk -F'[!{}, ]' 'NR>1{yn="NO";if($1==">")yn="YES";print l"#"yn}{l=$3","$5}' input.txt
to produce this output:

How to detect the last line in awk before END?

I'm trying to concatenate String values and print them, but if the last types are Strings and there is no change of type then the concatenation won't print:
String 1
String 2
Number 5
Number 2
String 3
String 3
awk '
BEGIN { tot=0; ant_t=""; }
t = $1; val=$2;
#if string, concatenate its value
if (t == "String") {
} else {
#if type change, add tot to res
if (t != "String" && ant_t == "String") {
res=res tot;
#if string, go next
if (nx == 1) {
END { print res; }' input.txt
Current output:
Expected output:
How can I detect if awk is reading last line, so if there won't be change of type it will check if it is the last line?
awk reads line by line hence it cannot determine if it is reading the last line or not. The END block can be useful to perform actions once the end of file has reached.
To perform what you expect
awk '/String/{sum+=$2} /Number/{if(sum) print sum; sum=0; print $2} END{if(sum) print sum}'
will produce output as
what it does?
/String/ selects line that matches String so is Number
sum+=$2 performs the concatanation with String lines. When Number occurs, print the sum and reset to zero
Like this maybe:
awk -v lines="$(wc -l < /etc/hosts)" 'NR==lines{print "LAST"};1' /etc/hosts
I am pre-calculating the number of lines (using wc) and passing that into awk as a variable called lines, if that is unclear.
Just change last line to:
END { print res; print tot;}'
awk '$1~"String"{x+=$2;y=1}$1~"Number"{if (y){print x;x=0;y=0;}print $2}END{if(y) print x}' file
y is used as a boolean, and I check at the END if the last pattern was a string and print the sum
You can actually use x as the boolean like nu11p01n73R does which is smarter
$ cat file
String 1
String 2
Number 5
Number 2
String 3
String 3
$ awk '$1~"String"{x+=$2;y=1}$1~"Number"{if (y){print x;x=0;y=0;}print $2}END{if(y) print x}' file

array over non-existing indices in awk

Sorry for the verbose question, it boils down to a very simple problem.
Assume there are n text files each containing one column of strings (denominating groups) and one of integers (denominating the values of instances within these groups):
# filename xxyz.log
a 5
a 6
b 10
b 15
c 101
c 100
#filename xyzz.log
a 3
a 5
c 116
c 128
Note that while the length of both columns within any given file is always identical it differs between files. Furthermore, not all files contain the same range of groups (the first one contains groups a, b, c, while the second one only contains groups a and c). In awk one could calculate the average of column 2 for each string in column 1 within each file separately and output the results with the following code:
NAMES=$(ls|grep .log|awk -F'.' '{print $1}');
for q in $NAMES;
gawk -F' ' -v y=$q 'BEGIN {print "param", y}
{sum1[$1] += $2; N[$1]++}
END {for (key in sum1) {
avg1 = sum1[key] / N[key];
printf "%s %f\n", key, avg1;
} }' $q.log | sort > $q.mean;
Howerver, for the abovementioned reasons, the length of the resulting .mean files differs between files. For each .log file I'd like to output a .mean file listing the entire range of groups (a-d) in the first column and the corresponding mean value or empty spaces in the second column depending on whether this category is present in the .log file. I've tried the following code (given without $NAMES for brevity):
awk 'BEGIN{arr[a]="a"; arr[b]="b"; arr[c]="c"; arr[d]="d"}
{sum[$1] += $2; N[$1]++}
END {for (i in arr) {
if (i in sum) {
avg = sum[i] / N[i];
printf "%s %f\n" i, avg;}
else {
printf "%s %s\n" i, "";}
}}' xxyz.log > xxyz.mean;
but it returns the following error:
awk: (FILENAME=myfile FNR=7) fatal: not enough arguments to satisfy format string
`%s %s
^ ran out for this one
Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
Will you ever have explicit zeroes or negative numbers in the log files? I'm going to assume not.
The first line of your second script doesn't do what you wanted:
awk 'BEGIN{arr[a]="a"; arr[b]="b"; arr[c]="c"; arr[d]="d"}
This assigns "a" to arr[0] (because a is a variable not previously used), then "b" to the same element (because b is a variable not previously used), then "c", then "d". Clearly, not what you had in mind. This (untested) code should do the job you need as long as you know that there are just the four groups. If you don't know the groups a priori, you need a more complex program (it can be done, but it is harder).
awk 'BEGIN { sum["a"] = 0; sum["b"] = 0; sum["c"] = 0; sum["d"] = 0 }
{ sum[$1] += $2; N[$1]++ }
END { for (i in sum) {
if (N[i] == 0) N[i] = 1 # Divide by zero protection
avg = sum[i] / N[i];
printf "%s %f\n" i, avg;
}' xxyz.log > xxyz.mean;
This will print a zero average for the missing groups. If you prefer, you can do:
awk 'BEGIN { sum["a"] = 0; sum["b"] = 0; sum["c"] = 0; sum["d"] = 0 }
{ sum[$1] += $2; N[$1]++ }
END { for (i in sum) {
if (N[i] == 0)
printf("%s\n", i;
else {
avg = sum[i] / N[i];
printf "%s %f\n" i, avg;
}' xxyz.log > xxyz.mean;
For each .log file I'd like to output a .mean file listing the entire
range of groups (a-d) in the first column and the corresponding mean
value or empty spaces in the second column depending on whether this
category is present in the .log file.
Not purely an awk solution, but you can get all the groups with this.
awk '{print $1}' *.log | sort -u > groups
After you calculate the means, you can then join the groups file. Let's say the means for your second input file look like this temporary, intermediate file. (I called it xyzz.tmp.)
a 4
c 122
Join the groups, preserving all the values from the groups file.
$ join -a1 groups xyzz.tmp > xyzz.mean
$ cat xyzz.mean
a 4
c 122
Here's my take on the problem. Run like:
Contents of
array=($(awk '!a[$1]++ { print $1 }' *.log))
readarray -t sorted < <(for i in "${array[#]}"; do echo "$i"; done | sort)
for i in *.log; do
for j in "${sorted[#]}"; do
awk -v var=$j '
print var, (var in cnt ? sum[var]/cnt[var] : "")
' "$i" >> "${i/.log/.main}"
Results of grep . *.main:
xxyz.main:a 5.5
xxyz.main:b 12.5
xxyz.main:c 100.5
xyzz.main:a 4
xyzz.main:c 122
Here is a pure awk answer:
find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.log" -print0 |
xargs -0 awk '{SUBSEP=" ";sum[FILENAME,$1]+=$2;cnt[FILENAME,$1]+=1;next}
END{for(i in sum)print i, sum[i], cnt[i], sum[i]/cnt[i]}'
Easy enough to push this into a file --