how can i enable swipe action on react native? - react-native

Please can someone help me on how to make my react native app detect when a user swipes left or right? I already researched randomly but seem not to have a positive answer.
So any function or package that can help?
I am mapping through a list of objects and I want the user to view next object in array whenever he swipes ( just like on click ).
It works with onClick but I need it with swipes.

It depends on what you want to do, you can create a carousel using a horizontal Flatlist and use pagination to swipe elements. Please add more details

Try PanResponder from the docs here


How do I load detail content when row/ column is clicked

I'm practicing Jetpack Compose, I'm trying to create a screen that load texts and image content when navigated to.
Here's what I mean;
[Referencing the android developer soothe app.] If I make the rows clickable. And I want to navigate to a screen containing details of Inversions, quick yoga or stretching, depending on which is clicked.
What compose navigation feature should I use to create it??
I did a bit of research previously but I haven't been able to find what I need.
Just in case it's needed, I'll add these.
my compose navigation version;
def nav_version = "2.5.2"
implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-compose:$nav_version"
I'll be sinerely greatful for any help. Thanks in advance.
If I understood you correctly, you want to navigate to a seperate screen when you click one of the items inside the Horizontal LazyRow. In order to do this you will need to implement navigation using compose navigation library:
and you will need to add an onClick event for each item in that LazyRow. For this you would need to set up a NavController, Navhost and Routes for each item.
I have set up something similar but with a navigation Drawer, maybe it will help you understand how the navigation works in jetpack compose!
Navigating between composable's using a Navigation Drawer in Jetpack Compose
Hope this will help you!

React Native CLI - Creating a button in a ScrollView

Hey I'm just starting out with React Native CLI.
I want to have a button which will add an item in the ScrollView. And the new Item should lead to a new Screen when you press it. But I don't have an idea how to make this nor do I know how to google that xD. Does anyone know how I can make this?
I just have a button which leads to another screen when pressing it.
I hope someone can help me :)
First you have to clear few things and make the logic.
1)Either you want to save that item datathen show it in scroll view, make it Pressable and then u can navigate to a different screen.
You just want to show the data in the scroll view. Once you reload, the data is gone. So that's my bro (In my opinion) is of no use.
For the first step .
You need to store the data in a storage and then fetch it in a scroll view,
make it Pressable and navigate to a different screen.
(hint: If you want to make it Pressable then you can fetch the data into a card component and then call that component in a scroll view).
Now grab your keyboard and start searching on it.

(iOS) Is it possible to move loading spinner in FlatList refreshing prop?

I am trying to use pull to refresh from FlatList. Is it possible to move the spinner to where the data actually starts rendering instead of the top of the screen? I found the progressViewOffset that works on Android but I am trying to find how I can implement this behaviour on iOS too. I feel like my solution is to watch scroll interactions and go on from there.
Any idea is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

How would a slideable list control like this be achieved with React Native?

The Yelp app for iOS is designed such that after you enter and send a search query, something like this comes up:
The screen consists of a map control in the background, with a screen on top displaying a list view that you can swipe up/down depending on whether you want to see the list/map (respectively).
How would something like this be accomplished using React Native? For example, would the React Navigation or React Native Swiper libraries help me superimpose a list view on top of the map control?
You can use PanResponder.
Here is a good article which ay help you. Click here.

Realizing Facebook friends request like slider

I am developing my first React Native + Redux app. In my app I want to develop something similar to the friends requests slider of facebook:
There is a slider (left/right) where you can see the current content in a box and a little bit of the next and preview item. When swiping up or tap the content should be come to "full screen". Swiping left or right is disabled in full screen.
Only the current and maybe the two next and the two previous slides should be loaded but I think thanks to redux this is not a big deal.
Which components should I use for this?
A simple way to approach this might be to use a library like react-native-swiper for the swiping component and then use LayoutAnimation to animate the subview into the full screen view, taking care to remove the name in the header/etc.