Why this error is coming when I am trying to run https://github.com/sbibek086/react-blog-app ?
Please anybody, can you guide me through this?
Can you try to open your workspace in local vscode for port forwarding?
im trying to work with rabbitmq server and i have a problem. In CLI by a command
rabbitmqctl status
i got something like this
the rabbitmq_management is runnin. and whenever i try to open localhost:15672 browser is showing me a white screen.
when i try to do command telnet localhost 15672 the result is
no fails, actually no fails just cant screenshot it properly, there just an underscore
Tried to work with docker image aswell, same results. Maybe i have issues with localhost? dont know what to do at this point
how to do the magic solving? anyone faced that?
i figured out how to connect to management rabbitmq not by localhost, im doing it by witch is me ipv4 adress and the result is
Q)After installing geth getting an error while attaching.How to fix this error?
geth attach
Fatal: Unable to attach to remote geth: no known transport for URL scheme "c"
If you're using 1.8, you need to include the IPC path:
geth attach ipc:\\.\pipe\geth.ipc
See https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/issues/15746
If you using windows then try:
geth attach http://localhost:8545
this will properly work for windows work.
you don't have access to personal and mine objects using localhost ... eth.personal
undefined. Apparently you need to use ipc to get to the lower level objects
I am trying to run fusion but I keep getting this error: error starting api: api service (pid 8156) failed
zookeeper and solr are started but when it comes to the api i get this error. Any insights are appreaciated.
Run cmd as admin and then try to run the command if that doesn't still work then go to conf/conf.properties and search for port number and change it to some free port on your machine.
Please start the fusion.cmd as Administrator. I faced the same issue and got resolved when I tried as administrator.
I'm using rails 3.1.1 and I've been trying to run command as console and rake but I faced with an Error like
Running console attached to terminal...
rendezvous.rb:33:in `initialize':
Operation timed out - connect(2) (Errno::ETIMEDOUT)
What's the problem? Anyone knows?
There's a few troubleshooting points at http://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/oneoff-admin-ps#troubleshooting - typically it's a problem connecting on port 5000 if you're behind a firewall.
I tried to run example from HornetQ and I got this error:
[java] HornetQServer_0 out: Deployment "JNDIServer" is in error due to: java.rmi.server.ExportException: Port already in use: 1098
Actually this is not the first time I got this kind of error. I can verify that port 1098 is indeed already in use (using Netstat command) but I just don't know which service using it. Is anybody has encountered such problem?
Thanks in advance for any response and help. :)
Could be JBOSS or Remote Admin Tool. Or something else like Outlook or Firefox.